Police Officer Arrested for Battery of Former NFL Player | The Full Story – Everything Law and Order Blog

CORRECTION: David Rose did not file – and could not have filed – a motion for qualified immunity. The doctrine of qualified immunity only applies to civil cases. Rose filed a motion for immunity under O.C.G.A. § 16-3-24.2, a Georgia law that provides immunity to anyone who uses force in accordance with certain specified statutes. His motion was denied.

On April 27, 2018, former Tampa Bay Buccaneer Desmond Marrow made national headlines when a video of his December 2, 2017 arrest went viral. The video shows two Henry County police officers in a parking lot, lifting Desmond Marrow off of the ground and slamming the ex-NFL player to the pavement. Seconds later, an officer is seen choking Desmond Marrow until his body goes limp. Marrow was handcuffed the entire time.

An internal affairs investigation found that both officers’ use of force was in compliance with department policy, but months later the Henry County Police Department received notice that one of the two officers had been recorded on his own dash camera saying, “I’m not gonna write it down, but hell yeah, I choked that mother****er.” A second investigation was launched, and this time departmental charges against Officer David Rose were sustained. Rose was fired and charged with simple battery.

In late-March, 2019, Rose unexpectedly rejected a plea deal that would have resulted in twelve months probation, anger management classes, and the surrender of his law enforcement certification, instead entering a plea of not guilty.

In late-April 2019, Desmond Marrow pleaded no contest to charges of reckless driving, aggressive driving, and obstructing a police officer. The other charges against him had all been dropped.

On June 27, 2019, a grand jury indicted David Rose and issued a warrant for his arrest. The grand jury charged Rose with two counts of violating his oath of office, one count of making a false statement, and simple battery.

Millions of people around the world have seen the viral video that put this case on the map, but only a handful have seen the rest of the evidence.

Let’s change that.

Note: At the end of this video there is a note stating the IA file is available now on Patreon. It is slightly delayed.


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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By phillyfinest369


27 thoughts on “Police Officer Arrested for Battery of Former NFL Player | The Full Story”
  1. This is some " I'm gonna find a way to make this a crime" bullshit. I just came off watching a vid where a guy was threatening cops and didn't get hurt at all. Meanwhile….

  2. The 911 operator is a very rude, unprofessional 💩 stain and needs to be fired. The man was only trying to get help.

  3. We need to see more of this, cops arrested and held accountable for their actions. We ALL are supposed to follow the same laws and NO ONE is above the law.

  4. For every one hundred videos on this channel trying to excuse police misconduct, there is one video like this one exposing police criminal behavior.

  5. Might as well have the mafia investigate themselves, or any citizen accused of anything be responsible for their own investigation. Its not rocket science to see that conflict of interest there.

  6. They need to make it a law that people can defend Each other and them self against law enforcement that’s like this would love to see this goofie ass cop get stomped

  7. THIS is a PERFECT example of bad cops giving GOOD COPS all a bad NAME!! POS cops were gunnin for him BEFORE he even rolled up on him…😠😠😠

  8. This really makes me angry!! He was NOT fighting back and the cops just took it upon themselves to do this to him!!! Smh 😡 I would chase someone too if they were throwing stuff at me so..

  9. Wow, that truly IS unbelievable. Both these officers were CLEARLY acting with disdain for this person…..BOTH should've been fired.

  10. Ok 1. The cop can’t tell him not to curse. That is a first amendment protected right. The cop had no legal authority to order him not to. Yes it’s rude and not right, but still he has his first amendment right.
    2. That cop I hope got his ass in jail for that assault. I mean he admitted it and he also cursed. So hypocrite.

  11. This is why we need the body cams. Pigs like this are finally starting to get rounded. Not enough of them yet though.

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