Pursuit of Dirt Bike Ends In Acrobatic Dismount, Arrest – Everything Law and Order Blog

On August 6, 2018 Sedro-Woolley, Washington Police Officer Chris Rogers was on routine patrol approaching a construction zone with flaggers present directing traffic. He then he noticed a dirt bike… with no registration. The bike then pulled out of traffic, turned into the oncoming traffic lane, and rode up the sidewalk — ignoring the flaggers clear attempts to get him to stop. Officer Rogers initiated a pursuit and soom caught Darrin L. Koopsen, who, as you will see, wasn’t thrilled with the pursuit’s end. Quite the dismount, though!

When all was said and done, Officer Rogers referred to the prosecutor charges for failing to obey a flagger, reckless driving, attempt to elude, and possession of a stolen motor vehicle.


*The complete police report for this incident will be available to Patreon supporters shortly. Thank you!


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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By phillyfinest369


39 thoughts on “Pursuit of Dirt Bike Ends In Acrobatic Dismount, Arrest”
  1. No hold up Daren need to be unreleased couse he apologized to the cop 😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥

  2. Need more police like this guy……and with someone like the arrested….showing a little humanity on top of some guidance might make a big deal in kid getting headed in right direction….

  3. "…attempt to allude."
    "Failure to allude?"
    Second degree burn right there.

    Also, white firetruck, very cool. Don't see those too often.

  4. Just here for the "acrobatic dismount" 😆…but it's dumb sorry…i thought we would see flips & shit !

  5. in case anyone is wondering dirt bikes don't have kickstands (unless you buy and install an aftermarket one)
    thats why he set the bike down on the ground like that

  6. come on man is this your first chase?
    1. you need to brake harder before the turn, or learn to carry your speed through the turn.
    2. If you are gonna over shoot the turn use the sidewalk to slow down then cut the turn
    3. you forgot to set the choke
    4. don't ever stop kick starting
    5. you know you have a dirt bike right? go off-road! if you have a flying motorcycle, you might not want to stay on the ground.

    this is embarrassing to watch, amateur hour.

  7. Just got out of jail
    riding down a busy road on a dirt bike
    has drugs in his pocket
    tried to run from the cops when he isn't even capable of making a corner without tipping over

    this guy isn't the sharpest tool in the shed lol

  8. So the gas thing don’t make any since if he was almost out of gas there would not be that much spilled out on the road!!!

  9. I got pulled over once in sedro at 2 am coming home from a friends house in Bellingham.. I lived in Clear lake. I had a couple of drinks and was a little stoned. He pulled me over cause my tail light was out. He informed me and didnt pull any bull shit. Where I'm from in Island County the cops loooove to get really nosey and ask a ton of questions even when you haven't done anything wrong. Skagit Valley has some of the best officers in washington in my opinion.

  10. OMG, people have the Right To Remain Silent, and that's what they need to do. Clearly articulate that you are invoking your Fifth Amendment Right, ask for an attorney, THEN talk to the cops with the attorney's advice, consent, and presence. Don't rat yourself out! Ever!

  11. This made me sad. This young man obviously hasn't been an addict for long. I hope he can kick it for good before his entire future is ruined. Great cop!

  12. NEVER say “to my knowledge” when a cop asks you if you got anything on ya…that’s clear disassociation and is a dead give away that you got something lol

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