Never say have a good day or god bless you to a cop or this will happen! – Everything Law and Order Blog

Miami Beach cop Macleod. M.A C. L. E. O. D be sure you got the spelling boy.

The chief says what we see on video is not the typical behavior of the men and women of the force but we keep finding videos current, past and future (yes there will be some in the future) of their officers in this abusive culture career.

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By phillyfinest369


34 thoughts on “Never say have a good day or god bless you to a cop or this will happen!”
  1. Sir…with all due respect!
    Place your ego at your feet
    and step away…
    Any and all further contact will
    cost the tax payer. "Stand down"
    Captain America.😁😂😂

  2. This officer needs to be fired I guess saying god bless you sets demons off. God bless this officer he needs to find Jesus! No one with this mentality needs to be a officer. If god ticks him off he needs to get on his knees and ask for mercy. This young man never not stand for your beliefs and to always acknowlege god!

  3. If that raging lunatic fool, stuffed into a cop costume can't handle himself over a simple verbal engagement, why/how the hell is he qualified to carry a firearm and use 'Lethal Force' against the American Citizenry.
    I would've had a F'ing field day with that maniacal cupcake strutting around with his shiny little badge, wielding my 1st Amendment. If HE choose to escalate and violate my Rights when no R.A.S. is valid, I'm fine suing his ass out of a job.

  4. At least the cop was cool enough not to sell him the ticket. For the cop to say well I only gave you 70 in a 50 instead of 80 in a 50. (Sarcasm)

  5. Last I heard being a smart ass wasnt against the law, AND its far better than being a dumbass like that cop. Imagine, you give a guy a gun and deadly authority but he cant even take some guff from a 20 year old kid. He's seen some shit? wonder how much he caused. Maybe he's seen a lil too much and should have a psych eval. I mean if he's seen so much he's willing to exceed the scope of his authority, Should we trust him with that gun and badge? Would you want to encounter this officer in your day to day? You might wave at him nicely and end up in jail!

  6. This guy lost it in a rage . Very problematical. Image fit to be carrying a gun and exercising authority over citizens.
    Time to retire Mr policeman

  7. You realize that if he would have taken him to jail this would have been dismissed for retaliation. He blatantly states that the reason he reescalated this situation was because he was "Being a wise ass 20 year old punk" So because of what he said, he would go to jail instead of receiving a ticket. (Adjusting Judgment because of the 1st amendment is 100% retaliation)

  8. 30 year Texas police officer I saw this a couple years ago and I don't care if the guy had shot somebody or not that gives him no good reason to treat this young man like that you have to start each encounter new

    If he didn't retire he needs to be fired and given additional discharge on his separation papers

  9. McCloud needs to meet Christopher dorner. Tyrants need to be fired shot and jailed. Good cops need to be commended and glorified. Let's end qualified immunity now.

  10. Just think how many hours a week you have to work to support cretins like this…and judges, and politicians, and those who don't want to work, and guards, and convicted criminals in jail…

    The math keeps telling me we can't afford any of these parasites. Massive amounts of money that could go to consumer spending and investments is constantly siphoned off…so folks can enrich themselves, feel good about themselves, and project their view of how society should be onto others. We don't need 90% of these government "services"…maybe none actually.

  11. ❎. Oh my gosh.
    Immediate termination.
    To much maladjusted
    anti social anger.
    Revoke weapons certification.
    Wonder what his disaplen history looks like. Does the dept.
    condone this conduct, behavior?

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