LETS TALK ABOUT THE 14th Amendment WHAT IT REALLY Means – Everything Law and Order Blog

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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By phillyfinest369


20 thoughts on “LETS TALK ABOUT THE 14th Amendment WHAT IT REALLY Means”
  1. I'm 70 years old and I'm tired of this corporation since a baby I've been deceived about how wonderful america is, I firmly disagree. The so called elite (pigs) run this nation alongside satan, they are freemasons and worship satan.
    I sent my social security card back to the office of social security.
    Do you know that the pigs of this corporation are the ones who started ww 1 ,2 and they have plans for we 3 all written by Albert Pikes in the book morals and dogma he was a high ranking person in freemasons.
    Now I will not take the vaccine and I want out of this matrix.
    Our FATHER YAHUAH made this flat earth, HE gave us freely. So who are they to charge us with taxes and now trying to take over our lives with this vaccine which is nothing but the mark of the beast.
    name in heaven and earth.
    This flat earth is under judgment with fire coming in the sky.

  2. If you want to stop smoking weed, a good way to do it is one swat a day for about a week, and then you won’t want it anymore, I just recently quit smoking because of hearing on the news that more and more pot smokers are having heart attacks before the age of 45

  3. This is what i call research thanks for sharing brother. We not free as soon as we REALLY push back they will pull the curtains and fold up the chairs😬

  4. Lincoln enslaved everyone equally to the new one world order plantation US inc. Remember in the days of 1776 you would of only had state only citizenship! The US was never even designed a sole nation but a UNION AKA CONFEDERATION of nationS! The US as most know is operating in fraud as the US of 1776! Look into America's remedy or PAC alliance with LB Bork and read the red amendment if you want it just ask with a email address.

  5. Part 2) The 14th Amendment is one of several other constitutional amendments which define what our rights are, the Bill of Rights (the first 1st through the 10th amendments) codify the bedrock of our rights as citizens. These include, but aren't limited to, freedom of speech, freedom of (and ostensibly from) religion, that no law will be passed based on religious ideology nor shall any formal declaration of a state sanctioned religion, freedom of the press (and thus right to present and disseminate ideas and information), the right to assembly, the right to redress of grievances to the government, the right to bear arms (although most often incorrectly understood), the right to be secure (thus a right to hold, and not have taken from you) in your persons', properties, papers, and affects, the right to fair and speedy trial, the right to an attorney, the right to face one's accusers, the right to not be falsely accused of a crime, the right to privacy and enjoyment of one's home without intrusion by the government, the right to not be subjected to unfair punishment for crimes one is convicted of, the right of the people to self govern within their states, etc.

    Later additions include the 11th Amendment which protects a civil or criminal lawsuit from being interfered by the US Congress and Legislature.

    The 12th Amendment establishes the right to vote by the general electorate (which is why we now all have a say not only in our state representatives but our federal representatives and the president).

    The 13th Amendment which guaranteed that no person could be enslaved in the US (except as a matter of punishment for a crime if convicted…this is in and unto itself contentious…)

    And of course the 14th Amendment, which beyond section one limits who can be elected to specific political positions, who can vote, and expands upon the 12th Amendment.

    The 15th Amendment guarantees the right to vote by all citizens and makes it illegal for any state to discriminate against a voter based on race, color, or if one was a former slave.

    The 19th Amendment guarantees the right to vote can't be denied based on sex.

    The 24th Amendment guarantees the right to vote and makes it illegal for poll taxes to be levied in an effort to deny the right to vote to individuals who are too poor to pay such poll taxes.

    The 26th Amendment guarantees the right to vote to all individuals considered a legal adult based on age, having reached the age of 18, and that the right to vote cannot be abridged or denied based on age.

    What about the rest of section one of the 14th Amendment? It reads: "nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

    Well, the principle concepts of Life, Liberty, and Property are very specific and yet broad. The United States, nor the Several States, nor the Governments found therein at any level cannot deprive you of your right to live, so they can't just randomly kill you for no reason (despite what cops seem to be doing these days). This is in response to lynchings committed against former slaves and their descendants all the way through the 1960s (and arguably still happening today) wherein many of those involved were local law enforcement or government officials participating in a mob hunting down someone to use as a scapegoat. Often such officials would never be prosecuted. Liberty is a specific legal term, we generally think of it as meaning "freedom", the Supreme Court on multiple accounts has ruled it to mean various, but congruous things.

    "The Supreme Court in Meyer v. Nebraska stated “[liberty] denotes not merely freedom from bodily restraint but also the right of the individual to contract, to engage in any of the common occupations of life, to acquire useful knowledge, to marry, establish a home and bring up children, to worship God according to the dictates of his own conscience, and generally to enjoy those privileges long recognized at common law as essential to the orderly pursuit of happiness by free men.”

    In Bolling v. Sharpe, the Supreme Court stated “[liberty] is not confined to mere freedom from bodily restraint. Liberty under law extends to the full range of conduct which the individual is free to pursue, and it cannot be restricted except for a proper governmental objective.”

    In Ingraham v. Wright, the Supreme Court stated liberty includes “freedom from bodily restraint and punishment” and “a right to be free from and to obtain judicial relief, for unjustified intrusions on personal security.”"

    Thus Liberty means the right to conduct oneself free of restraint or punishment, for the simple pursuit (albeit lawful) of one's life and conduct of one's self in a manner we deem fit.

    Property is far more interesting as a term, we often think of property to mean a house, a car, your cell phone, and these are all things that fall under property. However, you own yourself. You, your mind and body are your property. The US Government cannot deprive your of your self ownership. They cannot enslave you, they can't sell you, nor can they seize your property, or cause a loss of your property.

    The only time that these three immutable rights, declared in the 14th Amendment can be abridged, is through due process of law. This generally refers to legal proceedings against a citizen or person for violation of other laws, and only upon conviction can these three aspects of your rights be abridged.

    The last line is quite simple, no person, by fiat of the government, can be denied equal protection under the law. All laws must be equally applicable to all individuals who fall under the Jurisdiction of the United States as a citizen. That is why, as an example, SB8 Texas' new abortion law is unconstitutional under this amendment (among many other reasons).

    I'm sorry Ricky, but your understanding and interpretation of these laws are simply inaccurate.

  6. Part 1)Okay let's discuss this a bit as right off the bat Ricky here is presenting some misconceptions.

    28 USC SS 3002 falls under 28 U.S. Code PART VI—PARTICULAR PROCEEDINGS. Particular Proceedings pertain not to codified laws, but specific laws as ruled upon by courts. The definition of the United States, as presented by Ricky, falls under the Debt Collection Procedure. 3002 pertains only to the legal definitions as they apply to a very specific subset of laws for the purposes of those laws. Specifically, 28 USC ss 3002(15)(A)(B)(C) reads as follows:
    (15)“United States” means—

    (A)a Federal corporation;

    (B)an agency, department, commission, board, or other entity of the United States; or

    (C)an instrumentality of the United States.

    This does not mean the United States is a corporation, but rather, there are corporations that are owned wholly or in part by the United States, sections B and C also asserts the United States as read and defined in this section of law pertains to: agencies, departments, commissions, governmental boards, and other government entities or instruments, tools, properties, and effects of the United States.

    As an example of section A, the USPS is a Federal Corporation and Agency. It is a Federal Corporation as it is self sufficient relying mostly on the sale of postage, shipping products, and goods, but it is an established Federal Agency which operates throughout the US, US Territories, and US bases.

    Nothing in this section intends to, nor does it, define the US as a corporation.

    No, a Citizen is not an "employee of the Federal Corporation" unless they in fact work for a Federal Corporation like the USPS.

    A citizen is defined as "A citizen is a person who, by place of birth, nationality of one or both parents, or naturalization is granted full rights and responsibilities as a member of a nation or political community." (https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/citizen#:~:text=A%20citizen%20is%20a%20person,a%20nation%20or%20political%20community.)

    Under 22 U.S. Code § 6010.“United States person”, a person is defined as: "As used in this chapter, the term “United States person” means any United States citizen or alien admitted for permanent residence in the United States, and any corporation, partnership, or other organization organized under the laws of the United States." (https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/22/6010)

    Why are corporations, partnerships or other organizations included under personhood? Due to multiple matters of case law, including multiple SCOTUS rulings, some of which are highly contentious; such as, Citizen's United, courts have long held corporations, businesses, organizations, co-ops, and the like, hold most if not all of the same constitutionally protected rights as individual persons. This includes the right to free speech, property ownership, and protections under the law. Ostensibly this is because a corporation (etc) are an extension of the individuals who make up such corporations (etc). To deny a corporation (etc) some right would be to deny the individuals who make up such a legal entity their individual rights simply because such a legal entity is the mode by which they wish to exercise those rights.

    "Responsibilities" of a citizen of the US are not some matter of exchange for rights and privileges. On the contrary, the US Constitution establishes rights for all people that reside within in the borders and confines of our country. The responsibilities are more of an affirmation of the social contract, and such responsibilities primarily reside in the act of obeying laws affirmed to be lawful and constitutional (meaning the scope of the limitations established by the laws do not interfere with or have minimal interference of all or some of one's established rights, in order to effectuate a specific outcome or uphold other rights and protections).

    The 14th Amendment actually very much says we have rights, and clarifies how those rights apply.

    Let's examine the first section of the 14th Amendment.
    "Section 1.

    All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

    All persons "born or naturalized" in the US are citizens of the US. They're subject to the laws that pertain to citizens. The section then clarifies that no "state", this is a lower capitalized state, so it isn't just the several States (e.g. Wisconsin, Texas, etc), but the sum total of the States and the Federal Government, shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the US. What does this mean?

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