Cop Confronts County Commission – Everything Law and Order Blog

#cops #constitution
We need more boldness!!

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By phillyfinest369


27 thoughts on “Cop Confronts County Commission”
  1. The forced wearing of useless masks is all about control, nothing less and nothing more. Countless studies have shown that unless you are wearing a N95 mask you are wasting your time. Secondly, they force people to get vaccinated and then tell these same people you still have to wear a mask. Last but not least with these lying, corrupt politicians it’s always do as I say and not as I do. They truly believe that rules and the law are for the “common people “ and not for themselves. The Democrats are showing their utter disdain for the Constitution. They grant themselves “emergency powers” , enact all sorts of unconstitutional rules and then break their own rules. America better wake up before it’s too late. We need more people like this police officer standing up to these America hating POS.

  2. What I can’t stand is how the entire pandemic became so black and white. People tend to be so extreme when it comes to their positions related to COVID. Personally, I got the vaccine as soon as it was released. I also wear a mask as I work a job that puts me around roughly 2000+ people per day. And yet, I don’t stand for any law or policy that forces others to wear a mask or get vaccinated. I respect other peoples personal choices and I demand that they also respect mine. Why is that gone in our society today? It’s just finger pointing and hatred from so many people in this country. People NEVER take responsibility. If theres a problem, they point their finger at the current president or the former president (depending which “side” they’re on). When the question is asked “Why is our country so divided?”, people point and say its ONLY the other peoples faults. Yet THEY are the people engaging in conflict on Facebook and in public

  3. Sounds like there's a lot of picking and choosing rules and laws to follow, particularly the part of following the rules/laws for public safety. Just wear the mask if the place mandates that you wear a mask. And no, masks do not cause people to breath harder…. and I'd rather follow the CDC's expert medical advice.

  4. This entire thing has gone way too far for way too long, and "they" are only pushing harder.
    We The People have to keep pushing back, keep refusing to comply, keep going to their offices and speaking out, keep calling Our elected officials, senators, representatives, in growing numbers.
    Enough is enough.

  5. Kudos Mike! It's LEO's like you, who actually take their oath seriously, that are the only thing standing between us and tyranny!

  6. Why did she sound so nervous? Maybe she was afraid of her job being in jeopardy? A cop would never be normally that nervous speaking in a room of people when they do that in court all the time.

  7. I got the vaccine, but in no way should this be mandated for everyone. My 6 year old daughter already has a hard time breathing as it is, let alone the school making her wear a mask.

  8. It kinda makes me upset when some influencers are lumping in everyone against the masks and vaccines with the antivax crowd. I have never been against vaccines, and I have always believed in your right to weigh the consequences. I don’t understand how that makes me an unreasonable person and somehow puts me on the same level as the crazy people that believe the earth is flat.

  9. I'll be honest, I question the assertion that her son cannot breathe in the mask. She did not cite any other underlying health concern, so I don't believe that part of it.
    That being said, I agree that If they're going to require wearing of masks, they need to show the scientific evidence where masks actually prevent the transmission. Also I will remind everybody, masks do nothing to prevent a healthy person from transmitting the disease, because there's no disease to transmit if they are healthy. I have no problem with saying symptomatic people have to wear the mask. At least then there is some kind of threshold. This idea that we have absolutely no threshold for we start forcing people to behave in a certain way is ridiculous

  10. Mike the quitter cop stands for children getting others sick. If you respond, I'll show you exactly how. But again, you won't, you block and run from smarter people like you, especially on other forms of social media

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