North Carolina State Trooper John Horton was killed by his own Brother, Trooper James Horton while on a traffic stop mondy January 3rd 2022. There was also a victim of the officer’s wreckless games though, 26 year old Dusty Beck. Dusty Beck had been removed from his vehicle by John Horton and detained during a traffic stop, when his brother James Horton heroicly arrived to assist him, crashing into his brothers patrol car, killing both John Horton, and the victim Dusty Beck. The highway patrol is morning the loss of John Horton, and held a huge memorial convoy in honor of John Horton, but failed to give the life and death of Dusty Beck the same attention and respect. These officers caused the death of Dusty, and then seemingly tried to sweep his name under rug as if he didn’t even exist, or as if his life was of less value than Horton’s. The Horton Brothers chose to be at that scene.

Go fund me for Dusty Beck’s family

James Freeman does first amendment audits, cop watching, cop blocking, and more. Since Live PD and Cops was cancelled, James Freeman does LIVE STREAMING COP WATCHES. It’s like Live PD, except actually live, and without the “cops can do no wrong” bias.

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

48 thoughts on “Cop Killed By His Own Brother! But There’s Also An Innocent Victim In This Incident”
  1. This is terrible! Then the police were too lazy to even take the yellow tape down. They should be ticketed for littering! They just left it there blowing in the wind. They do that a lot.

  2. The level of conspiracy in this is reaching Q levels, while i hate cops and the system, not everything is a massive conspiracy and not every action or lack of information is malicious in and of itself.

  3. The country and state flag should be the only flag when the police made the thin blue line it was a next level gang members statement all Americans are part of a gang and cops get payed to represent this gang to then join a gang and participate in said gang activity or repersintashon at the same time as getting paid for repersintashon of America is federal fraud no?

  4. Cops are thugs.
    Cops are racist.
    Cops lie.
    Always film the police.
    End qualified immunity now.
    Thank you,James Freeman.
    We all owe you a debt of gratitude.

  5. A cop in Houston just ran a dude over and killed him during a high speed chase in the rain.

  6. Aside from the tragedy, it should also be noted to obtain life insurance. The Go Fund Me sends the clear message we need to take care of our family should we depart suddenly.

  7. It is that they think there life is more important then ours. And it's a simple reason
    You can face life in prison for killing a k9 for attacking you!
    Boom 💥

  8. I think that the police once they have you in custody are responsible for your safety just like your property they are responsible for the safety of your property I think it's called a bailment so there is a lawsuit here due to the recklessness probably drunk those North Carolina cops like to be drunk South Carolina cops are just stupid

  9. Has the funeral happened yet? If not then any auditors in that city should go the police funeral and protest the use of tax funds for him and not the civilian.

  10. I should be supprised although these days wouldn't expect anything else from these Egotistical Maniacs 🤮😳🇦🇺

  11. Dusty's family should get a huge settlement. At the exact moment Dusty was detained that officer had an obligational duty to maintain his safety and clearly failed.

  12. I'm glad you caught this story. The article I read didn't mention the real victim until around the 5th paragraph. There will be no charges as they have already investigated themselves, I'm sure.

  13. Dusty was just a member of the public not a member of the BLUE GANG. It's sad that two people died even sadder that one of those deaths mean nothing to the police who killed him.
    I'm sure no charges NO MATTER WHAT THEY FIND OUT will be charged to the person that killed two people. Police will cover this up faster than it happened.
    The mainstream media is already pushing the ACCIDENTALLY KILLED story.

  14. Yep I saw this. At least there are 2 less tyrants on the road to harass and ruin American lives. Condolences to the family of Dusty Beck…he didn't deserve this and he is now another unarmed victim of the Police.

  15. America is under siege by a profit driven police force that follows policy over the law!
    Awarding officers commendations for valor when they lack the moral understanding of that concept!

  16. I'm so glad that you bring up this issue on how cops treat one of their own getting killed compared to the rest of society

  17. Speeding for officer safety. Not braking for officer safety. Hey what about actually striking the other officer with my car for officer safety.

    Are we all safe now tyrants? Are we all being good or you gonna run us over too? Coward POS P I G S

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