Utah State Police Arrest Man For “We The People” Shirt Under Direction Of Senator Dan McCay – Everything Law and Order Blog

Republican – District 11
County(ies) – Salt Lake, Utah
Began Legislative Service – Appointed to House on January 20, 2012; Elected to Senate January 1, 2019
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Profession – Attorney/Real Estate Portfolio Manager
Education – Bachelors in Secondary Education, Utah State University; Masters in Instructional Design, Utah State University; J. D., Willamette University
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Utah State Highway Patrol
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(801) 284-5520 https://g.co/kgs/B6GaNP

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By phillyfinest369


35 thoughts on “Utah State Police Arrest Man For “We The People” Shirt Under Direction Of Senator Dan McCay”
  1. Daniel
    Republican – District 11
    County(ies) – Salt Lake, Utah
    Began Legislative Service – Appointed to House on January 20, 2012; Elected to Senate January 1, 2019
    contact information
    Mobile: 801-810-4110
    View Sponsored Legislation
    personal and career information
    Profession – Attorney/Real Estate Portfolio Manager
    Education – Bachelors in Secondary Education, Utah State University; Masters in Instructional Design, Utah State University; J. D., Willamette University
    Infrastructure and General Government Appropriations Subcommittee

    Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Environmental Quality Appropriations Subcommittee

    Senate Business and Labor Committee

    Senate Business and Labor Confirmation Committee

    Senate Economic Development and Workforce Services Confirmation Committee

    Senate Judicial Confirmation Committee

    Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee

    Utah State Highway Patrol
    5681 Commerce Dr, Salt Lake City, UT 84107
    (801) 284-5520 https://g.co/kgs/B6GaNP

  2. I smell a huge lawsuit coming out of that. You would think that a good Mormon would treat people better and understand their constitutional rights.
    And most of the people sitting there doing nothing in defense of their rights and the man who was arrested, are good Mormons too.

  3. One day soon, (and I don't know what will set it off) we the people will start to fight back against you enforcer class. If you think you will be safe because you're ex-LEO, you're sadly mistaken. We know most of you will quit, because you're cowards. The people will not forget what you tyrants have done to us, and there's is an army of people taking down names and/or address of all of you. Enjoy your brutality, torture and murder while you can, because the reckoning is coming soon.

    Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable. -John F. Kennedy

    The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. -Thomas Jefferson

    Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death! Patrick Henry, March 23, 1775

    When tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes duty. Thomas Jefferson

    “Disobedience is the true foundation of Liberty. The obedient must be slaves.”-Henry David Thorau

    The state calls it’s own violence law, but that of the individual, crime. – Max Stirner

    The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it. –John Hay

    "All tyrants are the enemy of the people, and all order followers are tyrants". -Randy Williams

  4. All police in our country are trained to hate the people and to think of us as nothing but animals, and their enemy. They're especially trained to hate black and brown folks, and they really hate the auditors/activist the most, because they expose them for the traitors and tyrants that they truly are.
    The following is how they're trained and I call it = Our Police State and Police Brutality
    The sad fact is that police officers do not know nor do they want to know that they are agents acting on behalf of a corporate government that resents and begrudges both human and constitutional rights. Instead…very shortly after being given a position of authority, police officers quickly fall into the miry numbness of day-to-day bureaucratic and systematic processes meant to dull their minds and their senses and they become pre-programmed shells of what they once were. The tyranny and oppression they deliver to the people is the officers fault, because they allow it. They are the tool the tyrannical masters use to dispose of and annihilate any who would dare to not be sheep or dare to question the order, existence or behavior of the "legal" process.
    Look into Stanford prison experiment and the Milgram experiment. These two are an eye opener of what regular people are capable of doing to each other when they obey perceived authority figures.
    One of the most popular police trainer in the United States is Dave Grossman. He teaches a seminar called, "Killology." In his seminar he teaches cops and their trainers that there are only two kinds of citizens: Sheep or Wolves. There are so many things wrong with this line of thinking. Besides teaching cops to see people as animals, not as people, he is also teaching them that if a person does not act like a sheep, they must be a wolf and, according to Grossman, wolves must die. It is disgusting and degrading for the corporate government to see its citizens in such a way. Here is a link to the training: https://unicornriot.ninja/2018/bulletproof-warrior-training-manual-released/
    Also, we need not wonder why the police target Black Americans. Because even if a Black American falls into the "sheep" category, they are seen as "black sheep." This then causes a double bind for Black folks when dealing with law enforcement.

    How about a dose of truth about US Law Enforcement:
    1) The Supreme Court has ruled that the police have NO DUTY to protect the public. https://www.nytimes.com/2005/06/28/politics/justices-rule-police-do-not-have-a-constitutional-duty-to-protect.html
    Also here = https://archive.is/gHlb4
    And here = https://mises.org/power-market/police-have-no-duty-protect-you-federal-court-affirms-yet-again#.XFYYw3iiU6Q.facebook
    2) The Supreme Court has said that the police do not have to understand the laws they are sworn to protect; https://www.mintpressnews.com/court-rules-police-dont-need-know-laws-enforce/217236/
    3) The Supreme Court has said that the police are allowed to make "reasonable mistakes" even to the point of killing someone;
    Shoot first, think later= https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/17pdf/17-467_bqm1.pdf
    4) The Supreme Court has said that police are allowed to lie and be deceptive;
    5) The Police in the United States investigate themselves when something goes wrong and…surprise, surprise…they’ll find that they did nothing wrong. It is human nature to, at first, get into a profession to "help people" and then, once there, realize that nobody else in that profession is helping people and that everyone else in that profession is getting away with as much as they can as often as they can and just waiting for that glorious, glorious day when they can get a state retirement and suck at the taxpayers teat for doing nothing while at the same time brag about how they "served their community" and expect people to still thank them for their service.
    Why do cops shoot and kill people? To have the best sex of their lives. One of the most respected and utilized police trainers in America (Dave Grossman – Look him up) tells the thousands of police trainers that he trains, that if they shoot and kill someone, they will have the best sex of their lives. He also says, "Both partners are very invested in some intense sex." He also says that cops should, after shooting and killing someone, "Relax and enjoy it." Demented, Sick, Disturbing, and Twisted. Such is the state of law enforcement.
    My biggest concern is that people find out who the number one police trainer is in the US – Dave Grossman…his training is turning cops into paranoid warriors, who see all civilians as threats, who's sole purpose is to kill cops. Every citizen is guilty. Every citizen needs to be challenged, questioned, interrogated, identified and categorized into either "less of a threat" or "deadly threat." Any citizen who challenges, questions or refuses a cop's commands or demands automatically becomes a "wolf" and, in Grossman's words, "Wolves need to die" either through deprivation of liberty(prison) or outright extermination. There is no such thing as "community policing" or "protecting and serving." From the moment an officer gets up in the morning until he or she goes to sleep at night…there is only surviving and God help anyone who threatens that survival…whether it is a real or perceived threat. And non-compliance, suspicious behavior, or even abnormal behavior is seen as a threat.

  5. I went to his FB page and he has a post saying he will limited any comments he doesn't find germane. that means any comment that is critical of him. coward.

  6. I can't wait for the day that WE THE PEOPLE don't let tyrants use illegal force and unlawful arrests to happen. Imagine if WE THE PEOPLE would have takn action.

  7. McKay- a perfect example of an Authoritarian Pig. I don't care what topic is in question, we the people pay McKay, and we gave him permission to be a leader, not a Tyrant. Don't kid yourself, we are living in a police state. Good ole PSA!

  8. Had to send him a email.
    So, you are actually anti freedom un American little tyrant. How did you ever get elected? You should be in jail for violating that mans 1st amendment. What a parasite welfare recipient you are.
    You should be ashamed of yourself and your family should be ashamed of you.
    Freedom of speech…My right to say whatever I want about you and your actions. Shouldn't you be running for office in china?

  9. I don't know what it is gonna take to make Americans stand up and say enough is enough. Are they gonna wait till we are worse than Canada? Till gas gets to 10 dollars a gallon? Till everyone realize we are living in a police state? Till free speech is gone like china? Till gun rights are gone? Till the government takes money out of your own bank account? Till Dem presidents get elected with a 30 percent approval? Till big tech and media admit they are censoring. Till the fbi admits they work for the Dems? I don't know. I hope something is done sooner than later!!!

  10. Equally disturbing is that people did not stand up and demand that those law enforcement officers unhand the man and stop assaulting him.

    They expressed concern but they only sat by and let a man be unlawfully assaulted.

    If you want your rights to be protected you got to be willing to protect other people's rights.

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