Police Busted Giving Unlawful Orders to Female Juveniles – Everything Law and Order Blog

In America we have a constitutional, God given, inablienable right to freedom of travel and freedom of movement. For some reason Officer Baldwin and Officer Manis of the Redondo Beach police think they have the authority to prevent 5 female juveniles from walking down a public sidewalk
Police Busted Giving Unlawful Orders to Juveniles

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

34 thoughts on “Police Busted Giving Unlawful Orders to Female Juveniles”
  1. Here is why race is important to this story….the large groups of people who have been descending on the Galleria and causing trouble have all been black and they have all been young (13-19).  Police gave orders to the groups to leave.  However, no arrests were made.  No lawful "order to disperse" was given.   The orders the police gave were simply suggestions, not legally binding orders.Now fast forward an hour later and there are NO large groups of people, NO fighting, NO one causing any trouble.  Along comes a group of 5 people that matched the profile of the earlier group , black and young, and the police give them an order that they cant walk down a public street where everyone else is allowed to walk.  This is NOT lawful.  The order was given to these females simply because they were black and young.  There was NO indication or evidence these girls were involved in any criminal activity at all.

  2. You know the police they pick on teenagers worse than anybody you know how they try to intimidate them and it ain't right man 👍🏽👍🏽👊🏽👊🏽

  3. Man I couldn’t tell if that was your actual speed at the beginning of if the camera was sped up. Looks like a combination of the two.

  4. Wake up. Cops are everything that's wrong. Wanna be Nazis. Get used to it. Stay home. Only go out during the day. Blend in. Cross your fingers.

  5. The biggest problem the police face are the public's rights, its interfering with their investigations…

  6. Cops do not care if their orders are lawful or not. They think because they have a badge it gives them the right to do anything they want. On the very rare occasion they receive punishment for breaking the law their punishment is PAID administrative leave. A paid vacation.

  7. Cops can know the Constitution backward and forwards and they would still violate it. All they care about is their paycheck and what they have to do to keep getting it. All cops will do whatever they are ordered to and it makes no difference to them weather they are right or wrong.

  8. I don't understand why some of the comments are aimed at what you are doing. You are an observer which is only positive because it offers some transparency into how tax dollars are spent.

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