Prisoner Steals a Prison Van & Kidnaps other Prisoners – Everything Law and Order Blog

***The featured content is NOT intended to be violent or glorify violence in any way. We are sharing this footage STRICTLY for the purposes of news reporting and education.***

Laguna Pueblo, NM –
We have obtained body camera video from the McKinley County Sheriff’s Office. The video shows the moments, Josh Hall, a federal inmate faked a medical episode and overpowered the deputy to steal the prisoner transport van he was being transported to a federal facility in.

Hall has a lengthy violent criminal record and on March 15th, 2022 he was involved in a shootout with federal HSI agents at the Route 66 Casino Gas Station Travel Center. He was booked into the Bernalillo County Metropolitan Detention Center last week. A solo McKinley County Sheriff’s office Deputy was transporting Hall to CoreCivic, a federally run private prison, for his charges.

This video shows the prisoner attacking the deputy and the subsequent chase to get Hall back into custody.

Hall’s federal charges are unknown at this time. Cibola County Sheriff’s office charged him with aggravated fleeing, stolen motor vehicle, and kidnapping of the two other prisoners who were unwilling participants in the heist. Additionally, New Mexico State Police will be charging Hall with escape from custody. ** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By phillyfinest369


49 thoughts on “Prisoner Steals a Prison Van & Kidnaps other Prisoners”
  1. Has to be some type of protocol for that situation. He shouldn't be let out unless other officers are present. If he is in actual medical distress, call for urgent back up, take him out or take him to the nearest prison medical facility.

  2. I feel bad for the officer it’s was a butterfly effect and everyone has bad days at work but the police have it way harder than we could imagine

  3. They need to investigate this deputy. He didn’t only • leave keys in ignition • Let prisoner out • uncuff him. He also very helpfully closed the van doors behind the prisoner “so they won’t hit you”. What??? They wouldn’t, because he’s going to sit his ass down on the floor of the van as you instructed. You would never close the doors- unless of course, you know he’s going to be driving his happy ass off into the sunset.

    I believe that their code word was the age. “How old are you again?”. “35”. “35”.

    Any prison guard would know this was a fight for their damn life, especially fighting over the gun- unless they knew it wasn’t. He never once threatened to shoot or attempted to. Just a line out of a movie “it’s not worth it it’s not worth it”

    And that van took off so slowly that he had to actively run in another direction to look like he couldn’t catch up with them. He had his gun. It was *right. There*. He could have shot at the van tyres.

    Instead he starts pretending to have been sprinting, when we all know we didn’t see him sprint after that van & puffed into the phone “I tried to stop them. 3 of them. I tried. Gone”.

    Guilty af

  4. What a MASSIVE soft soy boy guard. MASSIVE. Should never work as prison guard or a LEO again. The prisoner should have been shot on his initial attack.

  5. I remember seeing the title thinking "HOW" thinking some Ocean's 11 shit was going down, but it turns out it was easier than taking candy from my 2 year old niece.

  6. Deputy was laughing while wrestling with the prisoner, but after the guy drives off – notice how he starts to act all out of breath for the camera and the phone call to cover his pathetic effort at stopping the prisoner!

  7. On top of fucking up multiple times, the van is also crashed and totaled. Officer deserves to be fired

  8. Next time a 35 year old male prisoner says he is having breathing problems maybe u wait till backup gets there to open the door!!!

  9. Wow!!! Such horrible decision making on the officer!!! Worst decision to pull a gun on the inmate when a taser shot would’ve got the job done but he made the mistake of drawing his gun and he had no time to think about what he was doing.

  10. "show your fucking hands!!!!" lol they should be trained not to say that. When multiple people are yelling contradictory commands that just muddies it up more, I can't believe police are still doing that.

  11. Why was the guard alone anyways? He should be fired for not shooting the inmate. Also everyone knows "chest issues" is usually a BS excuse. He should have called the nearest facility near him and had the inmate checked out

  12. Only one deputy for transport to a federal facilty?????? Shouldn't their be atleast a couple deputies? Plus I thought the U.S Marshals deal with prisoners going to a federal facility

  13. I feel so embarrassed for that cop who screwed up lol that must be so embarrassing. They will forever make fun of him haha

  14. Deputy fucked up over and over but the prisoners locked in the back didn’t need to be treated so poorly by the sheriff when captured

  15. 6:48 Their all celebrating shaking hands 😆 Did you forget You just had your vehicle stolen …You're whole department should be embarrassed 😳

  16. Everyone bashing on that deputy (yes he could've done things better) but not asking why he was the only one transporting three inmates? I used to be a CO and did transportation time to time for OT hours and there's always two officers transporting inmates if not more. The transporting agency is also as equally responsible for incompetence.

  17. Sheriff knows this falls back on him. The people will hold him accountable. Incompetent deputy. The. The sheriffs orders them to go core civic (private corrections facility) He should have let them get medically cleared then head back to core civic.

  18. Idk why they are being mean to the “kidnapped” prisoners, it wasn’t their fk up that cost them all of this.

  19. If I was an American which thank god I'm not I would be absolutely mortified of how pathetic your police departments are, and why were they ragging the other prisoners about, they did nothing wrong. And one last thing I think the needed a few more officers, they look short handed. 😂😂

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