Drunk Lawmaker Tries to Pick Up Kids at School Gets DUI – Everything Law and Order Blog

@CopsConsTV obtained body worn camera footage from Broomfield Police Department of an incident involving Colorado state Representative Matt Gray who was trying to pick up his kids from an after school program.

Staff members smelled alcohol on him and noticed erratic behavior. Representative Gray said he drove from Denver to Broomfield, which is a 30 minute drive.

Gray was very evasive in his answers and police had enough probable cause to arrest him for DUI or DWI.

The featured content is NOT intended to be violent nor glorify violence in any way. We are sharing this footage STRICTLY for the purposes of news reporting and education.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9dTGD7m9p60 ** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By phillyfinest369


41 thoughts on “Drunk Lawmaker Tries to Pick Up Kids at School Gets DUI”
  1. Much respect to the officer who questioned him!
    I hope he climbs the ranks rapidly.
    Detective to start. He has more than what it takes!

  2. wow, an 'anxiety-riddled' lawmaker of the United States. This is so scary. Thank God the police do their jobs regardless of the criminals' occupation. Let this happen forever.

  3. This gross, entitled grown ass adult acting like a child. Shame on him, and he’s there to pick up his “children”? It’s pretty certain that he’s the one who needs adult supervision. He should be treated like anyone else. He should be ashamed of bragging about being an elected official. Threatening these officers with this “condition”. GROW UP STUPID!!!!

  4. 🤦‍♂Proof – you can not argue with IDIOTS – it gets you nowhere. 🙋‍♂If limo drivers, school bus drivers, and taxi drivers are "held to a stricter BAC limit" what about politicians and lawyers?

  5. Thing is… he may actually have anxiety disorders or panic attacks (chronic stress or who knows what – life can get to you). But that may be what led him to drink to deal with it which would explain stumbling around and smelling like liquor. And then the police can NOT let you go, especially since when you drove there in that state, and refused a breathalyzer test.

  6. Just wonder , he's way with words and comprehension skills , Who thought it was a good idea to vote for him ?????

  7. I'll just drop an important name and I can get off any charge you try to throw at me! Gee, wonder where I've heard that before?

  8. He pretty much named the probable cause when minutes ago he was asking for probable cause 🤣🤣 hopefully he gets help because this is not a good place to get caught drunk..

  9. He's talking shit he only is carrying on like that to make them think Hes not drunk. if he was so bad and in bad mental health, then I'm sure he wouldn't be helping by getting drunk and driving. he would be not able to go to work, so I think it's an insult to ppl who really are suffering. Hes's friend is just sticking up for him which I get but it isn't going to help him at all. This guy is under arrest, and he just doesn't catch on what Hes done wrong. What an elected official the state has there.

  10. If this guy is a representative of any type this is MASSIVELY DESTURBING. He is obviously either crazy over medicated and unstable or drunk. Call the other parent or someone stable and competent. He is very very not competent at all. So I guess he should prostitute himself because he is GUILTY. Authorities need to pay very close attention to him because very bad things are coming. RED FLAG NOW

  11. I have a huge appreciation for police offers who can stay so calm while having to do their job. The police get very little respect.

  12. This dude is faking mental health issues AND playing the "I'm a State Whateverthefuck and I know ___" card to stay out of trouble. Bruh, you drove to pick up your kids while wasted be a man about it

  13. These 🐖🐖🐖🐖🐖🐖🐖 are escalating hinge they didn't see him drive they can't do sh he has every right to leave with his kids and friend.

  14. They didn't see him drive they can't do a thing about it his friend and him have every right to leave with his kids.

  15. Just let the guy and his friend take the kids home and stop asking all the questions deescalate not escalate as police always do they sound like they need treatment.

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