Double Standards and the Nashville Hate Crime – Everything Law and Order Blog

Mike, Dave and the UPP discuss the unreal amount of double standards around the unprovoked hate crime in Nashville and other stories from the last week on tonight’s livestream!

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

15 thoughts on “Double Standards and the Nashville Hate Crime”
  1. Sorry…I have to disagree with your argument over insensitivity over when and where kids die.

    If a kid gets gunned down in the shithole known as Chicago, that child's blood is on the parents' hands. FUCK THEM, and FUCK THEIR FEELINGS, because THEY VOTED FOR IT, and THEY CHOSE TO PUT THEIR KIDS IN THAT WAR ZONE.

    Yeah, I'm a prick for saying that, I guess. I mean, I lost MY son when he was 14, and I took my remaining kids away from Chicago, but hey…I don't have the right to hold idiots responsible for their own choices and actions. I guess I'm a hypocrite for doing so. 🤷‍♂️

  2. Your son, the underpay producer, is epic. You should be very proud to have him as your son and celebrate his support of your….. Foolishness? Or just your passion.

  3. If "hate crimes" get you heavier sentences, do "love crimes" get you lighter ones?
    What heinous crimes are NOT hateful? "Hate crimes" is a joke. A social construct as ridiculous at the social construct about gender being a social construct. This Orwellian Dystopia we find ourselves in exist because of the people offering solutions, much as they did when they were creating this problem. Rinse and repeat.
    Victims keep getting younger. We will have more gun regulation, resulting in more shootings, mark this prediction, It will be something along the lines of a preschool or a nursery soon. It's the next logical escalation. Another lefty will attack more rightists and the people who proclaim themselves the champions of civil rights will take it to the next level with another round of gun control, mandates, and mock mental health concerns designed to allow a governing power to determine who's allowed their privileges of human rights which are not to be infringed. We have volunteer military. We ARE the militia. All men are created equal. If one man has the right, all men have such rights. How many children must die to these gun controlled gun free zones? Why were there no school mass shootings when schools used to teach shooting in the public curriculum? And pick up trucks had guns in the back window? Notice good guys with guns are depended upon to end the violence?
    15min was a good police response time. How many times can a trigger be pulled in 15 minutes? What if guns were already there? That could make a response time as little as 15 seconds! How many times can a trigger be pulled in 15 seconds? Now do people really want solutions? Or are they just virtue signalling?

  4. Donut Operator had a good video about this shooting, but Mark Dice spelled it out better calling it Anti Christian Hate. But it’s always a mental Health issue.

  5. Name for Podcast:
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  6. Help me understand the changing area thing.
    An employee escorts each person in, the doors are locked, the good ones have no spaces between the bottom/top of the stall. What’s the problem in that case? What’s the fear?

  7. I'd just tune in just for the comedy! I am happy Mike and Dave are back and I will listen to you guys talk about anything! Love the articles (no police ones necessary) and that movie script last week had me rolling on the floor!

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