Was this a terry stop pat down or a full blown search by port orange police!? #unlawfulsearc – Everything Law and Order Blog

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

21 thoughts on “Was this a terry stop pat down or a full blown search by port orange police!? #unlawfulsearc”
  1. That cop did a reach around into that guy's pocket. Probably looking for a banana. That definitely was more than a Terry vs Ohio pat down

  2. Why do people not understand " they have the right to remain silent? 🤔 use it or lose it people!

  3. Once they enter your pockets it’s now on the level of a SEARCH. Terry v Ohio is expressly a precursory pat frisk of your person for potentially concealed weapons of any type be they firearm, edged weapon or blunt impact or improvised devices.

    An entry into the pocket is considered a more pervasive and significant intrusion, thus laying the groundwork for a fourth amendment violation absent any other reasonable exceptions to the statute.

  4. Definitely went inside the pocket. That's an illegal search. Good thing the videographer was there, in case they did find something. That video would get it bounced.

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