Masked Man Gets Shot While Trying To Carjack Undercover Police Officers With a Gun – Everything Law and Order Blog

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Louisville, Kentucky — On June 19, 2023, around 1:32 p.m., two undercover officers with LMPD’s Fugitive Unit were inside a vehicle attempting to apprehend a suspect in an unrelated investigation.
Officer Hayden was approached by an armed individual on foot, wearing a mask who opened the driver’s side front door and pointed a gun at the officer. Officer Hayden fired several rounds from his service weapon, causing the subject, 21-year-old Mark Jaggers Jr. to drop the gun and fall backward. After the officer secured the scene to assess for additional threats, he requested other officers in the area to respond. Officers began rendering Aid and attempted to perform life-saving measures on Jaggers.

EMS responded to the scene and Jaggers was transported to the University of Louisville Hospital, where he was pronounced deceased. Mark Jaggers Sr., Jaggers’ father, said following the shooting that he doesn’t believe his son was trying to carjack the officers and that he didn’t know anyone was inside the car. “That car was sitting here for three hours. … My son thought it was a dumped car,” Jaggers Sr. said. “I know it’s still illegal, I know. But it’s not worth getting shot over.” Hayden is a 10-year veteran of LMPD. Neither of the officers at the scene were injured. Police later said, Rex Wright Jr., 23, is the person detectives were initially looking for. He turned himself in after the shooting. He was wanted for a non-fatal shooting incident.

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By phillyfinest369


41 thoughts on “Masked Man Gets Shot While Trying To Carjack Undercover Police Officers With a Gun”
  1. I know we aint nazi germany, but that stupid bitch saying "did you just shoot my baby daddy?" FUCK HER SHOOT THE BITCH TOO

  2. Approach a car with mask and gun in hand. If it wasn't the cops, anyone else would've shot him too. Outstanding stupidity, looks like its a family thing.

  3. Well, thank God he tried to steal a police car. And what would have happened if they were innocent unarmed civilians?

  4. Mark Jaggers Sr., Jaggers' father, said following the shooting that he doesn't believe his son was trying to carjack the officers and that he didn't know anyone was inside the car. "That car was sitting here for three hours. … My son thought it was a dumped car," Jaggers Sr. said. "I know it's still illegal, I know. But it's not worth getting shot over."

    Sure buddy. Nice way to try to somehow justify his sons actions "Well he thought it was a dumped car".
    He clearly saw someone was inside it which was why he had his gun out and pointing it at the driver when he ripped open the door (not realizing it was a UC).

    He is right, its not worth getting shot over. Which is why you should have done a better job at "teaching" him right from wrong there "dad".

  5. Lien tyrant's CLOWN'S 🤡🤡🤡🤡 MURDERS !!! Defund all these lien tyrant's CLOWN'S 🤡🤡🤡🤡

  6. Yea. Because whenever I’m approaching an empty car trying to get into it, I do it gun in hand
    JFC that dumbass’s father is stupid

  7. So the father later said the son didn't have a gun. He said the car was sitting there a few days, and they thought it was stolen, so his son was just going to " take it for a joy ride," and he didn't think anyone was in the car. Right, Dad. That's why he had his face covered. And what kind of family watches a stolen car in their neighborhood for days and, instead of calling the police, takes the assumed-to-be stolen car for a joy ride? Also, Baby Daddy was 21 with 2 kids. Maybe he should have been thinking about supporting his kids instead of taking stolen cars for joy rides. It seems like the family of these fools always announce what went wrong in their kid's life, even as they pretend their kid wasn't doing anything wrong.

  8. Baby mama was his getaway accomplice. Lock her up too and adopt out the child to end the cycle of these low life people.

  9. I wonder if it's her baby daddy lol and if he is a daddy to a baby he shouldn't be robbing anyone especially the police

  10. I hope her dumbass was arrested as she was clearly an accomplice to his attempted robbery. Don’t go easy on her just because she’s a girl or has a kid.

  11. Simply stunning the bigoted hated of poor white folks expressed in the comments. If this person were any other skin color these cops would be regarded as the worst people on earth. Not saying I disagree with the shooting just talking reality. There’s virtual no barrier to cops shooting white perps and it shows directly in the data that if ur white you are MORE likely to be shot by a cop in the same given encounter as opposed to others.

  12. The father is eating his own words “he wasn’t trying to car Jack him” Yee he just opened the door to a car that didn’t belong to him while wearing a mask and holding a gun in hand, it seems the son learned a very valuable lesson, though too late. Good work officer!

  13. Methany full knew what her baby daddy was doing. They probably cased out the car together. Oh well, another scum bites the dust.

  14. You can see the kid looking into the windshield, which is the untinted part in the very beginning as he's running up from in front of the car. Just heard about this story, but it seems like he cased it out before deciding to attack. And why would you have a gun drawn and aimed at the door as its opening if no one was in it.

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