US women’s soccer defeat shows reactionary nihilism of the right’s ‘anti-wokeism’ | Edge of Sports – Everything Law and Order Blog

The United States Women’s National Team was knocked out of the 2023 World Cup in the Round of 16 earlier this month. Their loss was surprising, but not necessarily shocking. What was shocking, however, was the almost orgiastic response to the loss from former President Donald Trump and right-wingers around the US, who gleefully celebrated the US team’s defeat and Megan Rapinoe’s missed kick as a victory in the reactionary war against so-called “wokeness.” As Edge of Sports host Dave Zirin argues in this “Choice Words” segment, the same people who vilify and attack trans athletes, and claim they’re doing so to defend the sanctity of women’s sports, are showing how much they also hate women’s sports and women “who dare not ‘know their place.’”

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Studio Production: David Hebden, Cameron Granadino
Post-Production: Taylor Hebden
Audio Post-Production: David Hebden
Opening Sequence: Cameron Granadino
Music by: Eze Jackson & Carlos Guillen

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By phillyfinest369


28 thoughts on “US women’s soccer defeat shows reactionary nihilism of the right’s ‘anti-wokeism’ | Edge of Sports”
  1. How about they just keep their mouths shut and kick the ball? I can’t voice my political views jn the workplace, nor should I – why should they? They ARE too woke, and that isn’t a stupid statement at all. Why do they deserve the same pay as men’s teams that draw 10x the fans?

  2. Then they'll go around & whine that Trans-Women in sports is harmful to Women's Sports.
    I wish St. Guillotine would come back just so we'd have more balls to kick.

  3. Wow. This guy is a textbook example of why I'm a liberal guy who can't stand most liberals. I don't think people on the right hate women, trans, and cheer abuse of women. What they hate are people like him who paint them as such. Has it ever occurred to him that many on his own side are just as vitriolic and toxic? Of course not. He's one these "I hold liberal views so I'm better than you" types.

  4. I hate Trump. The US women's national soccer team is not as bad but they're still bad. I've written to my elected representatives to cut them off from funding for 10 years until they learn their lesson.

  5. Here is a thought experiment:
    Imagine if the Team knelt down and refused to sing the national anthem in an international event in order to protest the gr//mr movement we have in the country where millions of children are being castrated and mutilated by the left. Would you gr//mrs still support that team?
    Basically, if you want everyone in the country to support you as a "national" team, you have to act like one, i.e that is represent everyone, whether you like it or not, and not just represent just side and act all surprised as the other side, more than half, does not support you.

  6. You need to ask ya boy Chris Hedges why he’s a tRump supporter. I know he hates Biden and the Democrats, and that may be understandable, but why does he feel the need to paint a vile mob boss, con artist hate•monger as a victim is beyond me

  7. Support women’s autonomy and women’s sports. Support the greatest women’s “soccer” team in the United States of America.


  8. When you demonstrate publicly that you are ashamed of the nation you claim to represent, do not be surprised when citizens of that nation are GLAD your defamation of their nation is not getting a larger or prolonged platform

  9. God how terrible. As a member of one of the countries that hosted the World Cup the American team was Uber popular here. They defs had a lot of kiwi fans.

  10. 1st place team losing to 3rd place team is not unconventional. Rapinoe's grin after missing the pk was unconventional.

  11. Wow ! Just wow. I absolutely love what Taya does here for freedom. That said , this is really hyperbole. It’s a hyperbolic reaction? Yes
    The leaps you make quite predictably to the old arguments of misogyny etc are not only flawed and illogical, but promote more division. I don’t care to watch Us women’s soccer because I’m an Mx fan and don’t watch stick and ball sports . That’s My choice to Not help promote stick and ball over Mx – when Mx has the most fit athletes in the world. We had a strong women’s Mx series for years too , died out some with Covid. The monoliths perpetuated by Both the Left and Right are damaging, but they persist. Heck I realize WNBA doesn’t make much money and NBA money supports it, but that’s the last stick and ball sport I’ve enjoyed watching. They really hustle. I’d thought this channel was about Freedom . I’ll continue to assume that and that all views are respected and given time – unless or until it’s shown otherwise.

  12. 3:58 The equal pay topic – has this not been explained before as being a factor of ticket sales, and not whether or not a team wins. I think this warrants more discussion here, otherwise I feel this segment is just pandering politics and not news 🙁

  13. I used to serve as a volunteer youth soccer coach back in the mid 90s. I grew up in a Northern major urban area where no one I knew played soccer. Nevertheless, I said then that American soccer will suffer internationally until it became a game played as pick up and youth teams in the Black communities(both African American and immigrant) and children of Central and South American immigrants get into the college and professional pipeline.

    There is enormous talent in these communities that remains untapped. The problem is interest and exposure. Most of our most talented kids play other sports that are viewed as more financially lucrative and accessible. It is not as great an issue in the LatinX community because soccer is prominent. But, not so in the Black community.

    I was actually rooting for the American women this time because the team had Black and Brown players; and I like Meagan’s views. Generally, I root for the African countries, Brazil, Columbia, Ecuador, and France for the same reason. The only reason why I won’t be rooting for England is because I did not like what Lauren James did to the Nigerian player.

    I was hoping for a non European title game.

  14. It shows nothing of the sort. People just don't give a damn about the sport in this country.

    One year when I went out for baseball, a coach told me I'd be better off going into soccer, "In a couple years, it'll be bigger than football or baseball."

    That was in 1973.

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