‘This is war’ fighting mass incarceration from inside prisons | Rattling the Bars – Everything Law and Order Blog

Click here to read the transcript: https://therealnews.com/how-a-1970s-prisoner-organized-literacy-program-changed-marylands-penitentiaries

Marshall “Eddie” Conway was framed for the murder of a police officer and incarcerated for 44 years—but even behind bars, he continued to organize. In the early 1970s, Maryland’s state prisons were overcrowded and lacked education opportunities for incarcerated people. As a form of intervention, Eddie organized a university-level education program with fellow prisoners known as “To Say Their Own Word.” The program not only raised the level of literacy among inmates; it also forged stronger solidarity between prisoners, and catalyzed other organizing and transformation across Maryland’s prison system. Former participants of To Say Their Own Word, Saleem El-Amin and Bruce Franklin, join Rattling the Bars for a look back on this project’s impact.

Production/Post-Production: Cameron Granadino

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By phillyfinest369


26 thoughts on “‘This is war’ fighting mass incarceration from inside prisons | Rattling the Bars”
  1. I appreciate the opportunity to hear the man struggling to speak, both men – do very different. Allowing everyone to say their own words struggling through difficulties is so important to see. There is nothing greater than an opportunity to speak, to share ideas, to express oneself, to be respected and-feel like a part of humanity. Communication saves lives. This show gives me hope that we all are better than our worst instincts, our worst acts. Eddie Conway did a magnificent thing restoring the humanity of men ( and women) thrown out of society, locked away. “ Education helps people make better decisions!” And practice makes it perfect.

  2. America has more people per capita in prison than any other country in the world. That includes North Corea and communist China. We have a huge problem with our judicial system in America. It's a business, and it's all about the money. They don't care who or how many of us they destroy either.

  3. I am a victim of overincarceration. The evidence is there its overwhelming and for our so called "fair and impartial judicial branch " to ignore this is happening only enforces my belief its intentional.

  4. It's unfortunate you turned off comments on your trans video. Please focus on class issues that MSM ignores and don't divide us on identity politics like establishment media does. I can watch those stories on CNN or MSNBC

  5. It's insane that y'all are pushing the Trans Agenda, yet very telling how the comment section isn't open on that video.

  6. The Prison industrial complex must make an example and go green as quickly as possible.
    All new and existing facilities must be built or retrofitted with environmentally sustainable materials.
    Any and all water and power must be sourced from renewable resources only.
    No exceptions.
    Whatever materials handed to prisoners must be 100% recyclable.
    There will be no wastage allowed.
    All meals from now on will be healthy vegan dishes.
    Absolutely no processed food or heavily salted and suger snacks.
    Any and all reading or video material given to prisoners will be exclusively geared towards the environmental movement as inmates will be heavily indoctrinated in environmentalism and sustainability.

    Remember people…
    There is no planet b.

  7. Now it's educating the people on what our founding father's wrote to protect ourselves from a TYRANT government!! This administration needs be removed immediately!!! They are ENEMIES OF THE STATE'S!! THEY ARE TYRANTS DESTROYING OUR COUNTRY!!
    This is a direct quote from the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence:
    That whenever ANY Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends,
    It's the RIGHT of the PEOPLE to ALTER or to ABOLISH it and to institute NEW government
    The definition of treason is what the Bush's, Clinton's, Obama and the Biden administration have done
    This is the direct quote from the Constitution on treason
    Any person who levies war against the United States or adheres to it's enemies by giving them aid and comfort has committed TREASON within the meaning of the Constitution The term aid and comfort refers to any act that manifests a betrayal of ALLEGIANCE to the United States such as furnishing enemie's with ARMS, TROOPS TRANSPORTATION,
    SHELTER, or classified information if a subversive act has any leniency to weaken the power of the United States to attack or resist it's enemies, aid and comfort has been given.
    Article lll, Section 3, of the Constitution!!
    Punishable by death!!!?
    " Any person who, knowing that an illegal alien remains in the U.S. in violation of law, conceals, harbors, or shields that person from detection…… shall be fined under this title 18, imprisoned not more than 10 years,"
    (When TYRANNY becomes law REBELLION becomes duty!!!)
    Thomas Jefferson
    God gave his Archangel weapons because he knows you don't fight evil with kindness and understanding!!!
    If two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person in any state… in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the United States,… they shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section… or an attempt to kill, they shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for any term of years, or for life or for both, or may be sentenced to death. (June 25, 1948)
    18 US CODE 241
    Conspiracy against Rights
    Anti-organized Stalking
    The general misconception is that any statue passed by legislators bearing the appearance of law constitutes the law of the land. The US Constitution is the supreme law of the land, and any statue, to be valid, must be in agreement. It is impossible for a law which violates the Constitution to valid. This is succinctly stated as follows:::
    " All law's which are repugnant to the Constitution are NULL and VOID."
    Marbury vs. Madison, 5 US (2 Branch) 137, 174, 176, ( 1803 )
    U.S. Citizens have the right to resist an unlawful arrest.
    " Citizens may resist unlawful arrest to the point of taking an arresting officers life if necessary."
    " An illegal arrest is an assualt and battery. The person attempted to be restrained of his liberty has the same right to use force in defending himself as he would in repelling any other assualt and battery."
    If you don't know your rights how can you defend yourself????
    To make this perfectly clear,
    OATH OF OFFICE contains the words::
    " I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic…."
    This oath is REQUIRED by the US Constitution and PRESCRIBED BY LAW.
    All members of the house &/or Senate that support illegal aliens over U.S. Citizen's are in violation of their Oath of office and should therefore be REMOVED FROM OFFICE.
    5 US 7311 & Exc. Order 10450
    Punishable By Removal From Office, Prison and Fine….

  8. You know I’m going to go along with Jason Black when he tells the younger generation that you got to watch out for you old niggas.
    You old slaves are sitting here on the real news network asking for a kinder gentler slavery instead of riotous indignation and warfare and payback.
    You deserve slavery.

  9. Though it may not be immediately evident, the phenomena of mass incarceration, as horrible as it is, is only a microcosm of the fascistic world we are evolving in to. It is the tip of an iceberg embodied by an over-populated world with shrinking resources. They are the first victims, the "low-hanging fruit" being culled by sycophantic flunkies of a system that will devour them too.

  10. For an N/W European, it's no surprise to see how many people are locked up in the US after you see how cops behave.
    They try every trick in the book to get people locked up and destroy their lives as they see the public as the enemy/subordinates.
    Even a license plate light can land you in prison .. crazy

  11. The US prison system is nothing more than modern day slavery. It just got worse and more corrupt once the privatization of prisons took effect. In Pennsylvania, they stopped allowing people to better themselves by furthering their education, obtain degrees and etc because they need that revolving door to continue without interruption, especially the school to prison pipeline. This is why I respect those who are released and find a way to better themselves, while advocating once they're released. There are so many hurtles people must jump thru, and barriers to cross in order to remain free. This entire "justice system" needs to be torn down and rebuilt from bottom up.

  12. We have so many criminal laws (in excess of 40000) that people commit crimes without knowing it and the cops can arrest us any time they want.

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