Panel: Solidarity with Ukraine from the Global South w/Bill Fletcher Jr. – Everything Law and Order Blog

TRNN board member Bill Fletcher Jr. convenes Ukrainian historian and social activist Vladyslav Starodubtsev, Syrian-American activist Ramah Kudaimi, and Rafael Bernabel of the Puerto Rican Senate to discuss solidarity with Ukraine from parts of the Global South. This panel was produced in partnership with Haymarket Books.

Studio/Post-Production: Cameron Granadino

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By phillyfinest369


20 thoughts on “Panel: Solidarity with Ukraine from the Global South w/Bill Fletcher Jr.”
  1. Funniest part is people welcome Ukrainian into Europe with open arms only to have them complain about all the different coloured skinned folk there. Hell, I'm sure they'll be disgusted by my complexion

  2. It's the illegal govt and minority overthrowing the majority democratically elected president that makes people not support Ukraine

  3. Вы что, слепые? Россия как была империей, так империей и осталась. Как была агрессивной к соседям, так агрессивной и осталась. Перестройка 1990-x заставила империю сбросить лишний экономический балласт своих территорий с миллионами своих собственных граждан, и после недолгого периода турбулентности власти снова вернулась к идее забрать свои территории назад силой, после того, как немного накопила экономические силы.

  4. The reality is that the USA has allied itself with Ukrainian extreme nationalists (yes Nazis) to deny the people of Donbas and Crimea their right to self determination. Those 2 regions do not want to be part of a Ukraine that treats them like 3rd class citizens and had even killed thousands of them from 2014 to 2022, Ukraine is not a democracy either and since when do nazis defend democracy?

  5. Anyone not supporting Ukraine is a useful idiot for Russian and American fascists. When you are on the same side as Tucker Carlson and the Mises Caucus you are no longer a leftist but just a pawn for global fascism.

  6. I'd like to thank Bill Fletcher for approaching leftist position from the perspective of rationality. That is very important. Maybe I shouldn't put my comments here, as there's little hope for a discussion. Nevertheless, I'll try. Indeed, fighting against the imperialism and welcoming Russian aggression seems irrational. As Vladyslav has hinted, however, a rational explanation exists: people justify the invasion because it undermines the US-dominated world order. In other words, large number of people view the invasion as a positive development and want to justify it no matter how terrible it is. This brings us to the question of what those people are fighting for. Clearly, their final goals are not justice, peace and freedom, as these cannot be advanced via a brutal invasion. They call for justice &c. where it suits their cause. But given an opportunity, they eagerly jump at anything else that can advance their cause, be it even Russian violence. And this brings us to understanding that the struggle of the so-called Global South often lacks humanitarian aspect. Westerners who subordinate themselves to this fight (for humanitarian reasons), end up promoting cruelty, bias, subservience and favoritism. There are endless examples of their paradoxical statements: from comparing Ukraine to Mexico under ridiculous assumption that smaller countries should never confront an oppressive power, to directly advancing Russian agenda and talking points. All of that has nothing to do with humanism, reason, or egalitarianism. I wonder how the left came to such a sad state.

  7. This episode shows how the sacred right of self-determination can be misused, as a cloak for fascism (in USkraine) and terrorism (in Idlib). Does anybody remember a "Progressive" named Adolf? As I recall, he used self-determination as a pretext for stealing Austria; then the British used self-determination as a pretext for stealing the Sudetenland and giving it to Hitler; then self-determination for Gdansk was used again to justify the invasion of Poland. In 1999, we heard about self-determination for Albanians in Kovovo, one of the pretexts for NATO's 78-day-long bombardment of Yugoslavia.

    So self-determination, like nationalism, can be either benign or malefic. But your panel, being "Leftists", are oblivious to such basic distinctions. "Leftists", these days, tend to be cheerleaders. They know that they are supposed to hate Russia and love USkraine, and all the rest is excelsior, i.e., filler.

  8. It’s a shame you do not enable real dialogue and debate. I won’t repeat some of the comments others made or I have—just point out that even a really good analysis requires you can accurately portray the the positions of those on the left with whom you disagree. The left had an allergy against really engaging in dialogue while each “revolutionary” organizations promoted itself and has the arrogant (and highly unrealistic perspective) that their analysis is 100% correct and they have nothing to learn from groups they oppose and when it doe not serve you ignore history.. the concept that one must apply self determination to all people not to summon not others is just a silly parity. The issue at hand is whether or not the eastern regions of Ukraine have a right to self determination. The issue is whether the 2014 cool at the United States is participation in that was a violation of self determination, etc. To just ignore these questions and go on the way you you do here without discussion is so subjective and in the sense it completely wipes out any historical analysis and really any truly Marxist analysis ad just ignores other peoples claims of self determination

  9. People opposing hegemony who are speaking about Ukraine should be more informed about the matter. What about people killed and terrorized in Ukraine for more than 8 years before 2022? This conversation doesn't sound very competent to me.

  10. I started to watch this program to gain some insight try as hard as I could to understand I found that there was gross mistreatment of the facts which even the moderator was ignorant of I believe that the Airy fairy approach to International politics can work the guests seem to agree with me however there was no mention of historical perspective of the conflicts so I think the fairy approach which can work is very delicate and based on hard facts that these guests have not bothered to gather the difficult to gather facts and information would have added substance to in this interview I'm sorry I could not watch the whole thing thank you to the real News Network however for trying to present all viewpoints

  11. Your speakers failed to mention the 2014 US led coup that unseated a duly elected government in Ukraine. The result is they wrote the ethnic Russians who are sizable out of the Ukrainian constitution. They failed to mention that there was a civil war as a result of the coup going on since 2014 in Ukraine against the ethnic Russians which was supported by NATO and the US, killing over 14,000 people according to the UN. This is what got Russia upset. What about the rights of the ethnic Russians in Crimea and the Donbas? This is a proxy was between Russia and the US. What about the Azov battalion? Zelensky does not care about Ukraine. He takes his orders from Europe and the US. This could have been ended a long time ago. Negotiations now. End the suffering and carnage of Ukrainians and Russians.

  12. Is this title a joke.?
    Is this description a joke.?
    Is the video upload here a joke.? It is baffling, is it comedy.? Russia is a country. The area to the East of Poland is piece of land, it is not a country. They want blown to powder. USA wants to butt it’s nose out of where it is not asked or wanted

    God bless Russia. I can’t believe Arabic and South American people are … I made it to 5:07 and had to stop, 307 seconds.

    F UA. F UA. They are patch-wearing arm-swinging mongrels. Solidarity is being truffled up by news readers here and sought and discussed. Seriously. I cannot believe this. Unless I am wrong. Bring on ISIS and al Shabab and we can all have a group smooch.

    Is this real.? Reverse psychology? A video graphic ideological typo.? F UA. And backdate it. Can we have a solidarity hour for Kurdistan. Where there is more validity.

    Slav, I am part Slav, I have lived over there.
    If South and Central Americans moot for solidarity with those idiots waving IKEA flags, I genuinely do not know if it is a joke, some Kubrick type parody. Genuinely don’t know.
    And genuinely surprised. This seems odd, right off the button.

  13. If it weren't for Russian intervention in Syria the country would have been overrun by Isis and other jihadists and all these 'leftists' would have had their throats slit…. except they are all in exile aren't they, while their compatriots have given their lives to defend their country.

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