Antifascism beyond Antifa w/Shane Burley and Maximillian Alvarez | The Marc Steiner Show – Everything Law and Order Blog

Insurgent fascist movements are shaping global politics from the US to Brazil. Where does the antifascist movement go from here?

Shane Burley is a writer and filmmaker. His most recent work is No Pasarán!: Antifascist Dispatches from a World in Crisis, an anthology of antifascist writings.

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By phillyfinest369


34 thoughts on “Antifascism beyond Antifa w/Shane Burley and Maximillian Alvarez | The Marc Steiner Show”
  1. stop getting confused about fascism and coming up with overly convoluted definitions: Mussolini told us what it is, a merger of corporate & state power. A corporate welfare state, or, in your sorry ass cases and for the rest of global humanity – America. As they say in Auschwitz, work makes you free…

  2. By democracy do you mean the coercion, censorship, lockdowns, specious non-scientific mandates, and the rest of the authoritarian actions of the last 3 years? Who are the real anti-fascists? Who are the warmongers arming Ukrainian Nazis? Get real.

  3. 👍"Liberalism is too intellectual and too little emotional to fight evil" Chris Hedges.
    Regards, Viet vet VFP

  4. Shane Burley hits the nail on the head for me when he talks about intervening in spaces that aren’t usually thought of as political. The fight is as much in the space of art and entertainment, both live and online.

  5. Best I can tell the biggest difference between far-right fascist authoritarians and far-left anti-fascist authoritarians is where they draw the boundary that delineates “us” from “them”.

  6. There is a recipe for fascism.

    It’s called well intended socialism until the human element and communism takes over.

    We are in an authoritarian state of democracy. There is no public voice on domestic or foreign policy. It has never worked and it killed millions.

    The left is becoming more and more fascist under the guise of caring for based woke ideology.


    Are all good ideals, but these have been weaponized by the left, politicians have used it to further divide the public with identity politics.

    I have always been a libertarian, I used to hate Repulican party, now I detest the Democrats.

    Neither representative of me but the Republicans are the only sensical side right now.

    The left has become a parody of themselves.

    Biden is a warmongering lifer, liberalism used to be anti establishment, now this neo liberal antifa left thinks that the Democratic Party actually cares about any of them, like seriously.

    Stop being pawns. We’re all being divided up by race, sex, class, religion, unless we all come together and agree that it’s shit, we won’t stand a chance.

    We don’t all need to agree on the colour of the shit, but at least all agree that we are in it.

  7. Neo Nazi Fascism is growing leaps and bounds here in 🇺🇲 and many don't even bother to conceal it. The Biden administration openly supports it in 🇺🇦 too

  8. How can you write about fascism when you don't even understand what it is. Facism is not Populism. Facism is not Nationalism. Facism is not Racism. Facism is not Authoritarianism. There's a lot of incorect revionist etymology here.

  9. Yahoos playing dress up isn't fascism. Racism isn't fascism. Fascism is the economic and political system in place in the US currently. You know, the merging of corporate and government power.

  10. So it's ok for a teacher to show children how to use a dildo and tell them that they can chop their Dick off without parental consent?

  11. I find it amazing, and maybe I just missed it, but this entire discussion did not mention the deep pockets on the right, and the establishment more broadly, which are constantly funding and politically supporting (behind the scenes) this fascist movement. Let alone what to do about it. Just ignore it? The kids flail at each other in the sandbox and NOBODY pays attention to "grown-ups" setting these structures up from behind the scenes. They, like the German industrialists and financiers before them, never pay a price, even if there is a war. smh

  12. One has to realize the original Italian fascism came out of the Italian communist party , a Fasces is "a Bundle" a group ,as in it's logo , it wasn't Racist in any shape or form , 30 % of the party was Jewish , indeed Mussolni's then girlfriend was Jewish …., the meaning it has today is because the Russians were the winners and thus dictaded the narrative , for some reason only known to them, they avoided the far more correct term Nazis …..

  13. I've never seen anything good come from Antifa only violence and destruction, tragically Fascism and Anti-fascism end up turning into the same thing at the end of the day

  14. Yes, it’s hilarious; No matter how much white liberals decry bigotry, they magically can never find the racists…🤔

  15. These guys worked so hard ‘not’ define fascism and to ‘not’ say what they are fighting. I tried to hang on, but dropped at 30 minutes.

  16. Seems the MSM is intent on spurring on a race based conflict on the streets. All this produces is greater police presence and further authoritarian/fascistic actions

  17. stop talking and start acting , real change starts within—Another World is Possible ,,,,,stop waitng for "god" to change things the abuse we are experiencing in the USA is astronomical////even the TREES are dissapearing in my city is desforestation just a minor thing in this world of NO REGU;ATIONS NO ACCOUNTABILITY …THE "POOR IS BEEN CRUSH while the few do as they please #FACTS

  18. “ANTIFA”: A group of people that claim to fight fascism & be against fascism while simultaneously using fascist tactics & pushing for fascist ideas.
    History will remember them as the single most hypocritical & confused group in American domestic terrorist history.

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