Dozens of Texas prisoners hunger strike | Rattling the Bars – Everything Law and Order Blog

Prisoners say solitary confinement has been disproportionately weaponized against Latinos. Texas currently has over 500 people who’ve been in nonstop solitary confinement for more than a decade.

Jorge Antonio Renaud is the National Criminal Justice Director for Latino Justice.

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By phillyfinest369


41 thoughts on “Dozens of Texas prisoners hunger strike | Rattling the Bars”
  1. Big ups to quantum grammar channel,bigs ups to Russel Jay Gould and David Wynn Miller,even tho they freemasons.

  2. Racism and colored judges hmmmmm,colored police hmmmmm,its class warfare not f*cking racism.poor white people in jail poor colored people in jail, Hispanics in jails,so what race isn't in jail?the ones in power,the Jewish,race is a political designation.big ups to Robots & Patriots channel. Justinian Deception also exposing the language

  3. Solitary confinement is one of the worst human rights abuses imaginable. I find it interesting that the people who advocate for solitary confinement as punishment, can't even sit alone by themselves in their bathroom for longer than an hour without losing their minds. Let alone months or years on end…

    Let's just be real. Racism didn't get any of those guys in prison put there. People overwhelmingly go to prison for the right reasons. Because they committed terrible crimes. With the exception of a handful of people in the entire country maybe one or two doesn't at most, that have been wrongly convicted because of somebody's racist views, nobody is in prison because of racism. That's pure garbage. I got to put the kibosh on that junk. I'm tired of this community blaming every one of their issues on other people's opinions of their community. That's junk.

  4. They love classifying prisoners high security because they get as much as 4 times as much for them and it costs them much less. One guard can watch what 20 are needed for lower security prisoners take.

  5. Humanitarian approach lmaooooo your in prison right did you give your victims Humanitarian approach I didn't think so.Have you seen other countries prisons ?what makes you think that you deserve better conditions you killed someone's kid or dad,wife,daughter and you want a country club to serve your time omg not going to happen and I think the death penalty should be used alot more to rid our planet from killers and violent offenders no deal on sentences do a crime do the full sentence

  6. USA want to spread its democracy around the planet. In its free loving states, people would rather die than endure their prisons, and they send to prison for not paying speeding tickets.

  7. Need a constitutional amendment that requires that only 10 or 15 states participate in military contracting. iN THAT CASE For the vast majority of those in Congress military spending will represent a transfer of wealth from their state to the selected 10 or fifteen. But hey you don't mind because you support our miltary. RIGHT??

    By the way I wouldn't at all be surprised if a very large percentage of our military budget goes into a black hole – not into anything military. THERE'S NO ACCOUNTING. .Only a fool would trust them. There's something very wrong and these congressional slugs cannot be trusted AT ALL.

  8. That’s what they do in TX- kidnap you and hold you for ransom. Sometimes they’ll hold you forever just to torment you- truly sadistic ghouls. I will NEVER set foot in a slave state again, that whole region (gulf coast) is Doomed, if you live there start packing

  9. So You Know, In 2011 /12 Obama Passed A Bill, Prisoners Could Be Force Fed By A Tube" Prisons Are Privatized And Are Big Business… A Good Place To Avoid For Real!! Play Safe Out There Peeps! 💪🍁

  10. Solitary confinement is torture. They are purposely torturing the toughest prisoners to study the effects so that they can break and control weak links in their control armor. They don’t like anyone who can stand up and rebel.

  11. PS
    You know your work is important when ignorant , bigots troll your comments.
    Battles lost and won. The fight for justice never ends.

  12. Texas death camp / concentration camp.
    Justice in the us is a disgusting sick joke.
    Cops/ sadistic incompetent lying bastards are just the tip!

  13. One of the best news on YouTube.
    We band together for what real justice means. Stay strong against the privatization of our prison system. Great job!!!!
    There are other ways to help our mentally ill.

  14. Is this private prison in Texas. With there stake and Shares holders. Not to mention about the cost. Cost is lease 3 times more than the county and State prison.

  15. Sorry, but when people claim they are being wronged because of color, and they have months named to hono= their historical background I get offended. I'm American Canadian. We fought to gain America freedom from British rule going as far as providing the nation their first 7 battleships. What honor do we get? NONE!!!

    If you want help at t ack the issue for what it is; it is a prison issue, not a race issue. If someone is tagged because of gang affiliation they should expect different treatment.

  16. I’m not a big fan of solitary confinement except for violent offenders etc but they’re Saving $$$ for the American taxpayers and these prisoners aren’t gonna go without food for long they could probably go on a fasting diet as they’re fat , it’s a trend on the outside too…

  17. Dear Lord God Almighty. Please help the people. Please Break the Prison Industrial Complex and the people on Wall Street that invest and profit over imprisoning certain people in particular. Amen.

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