British nurses strike to save NHS and for higher wages – Everything Law and Order Blog

After decades of targeted underfunding, the UK’s National Health Service is on the verge of collapse. Spiking inflation as a result of corporate profiteering in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and the Ukraine War have only worsened the situation, as the UK’s 300,000 nurses face staffing shortages on top of a cost of living crisis. All these conditions have driven the Royal College of Nurses to strike. This video is part of an ongoing Workers of the World series about the cost of living crisis in Europe.

Producer: Alexander Morris
Videographer: Julia Schönheit, Alexander Morris
Video editor: Leo Erhardt
Audio Post-Production: Tommy Harron

Read the transcript:

This story, with the support of the Bertha Foundation, is part of The Real News Network’s Workers of the World series, telling the stories of workers around the globe building collective power and redefining the future of work on their own terms:

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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

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By phillyfinest369


39 thoughts on “British nurses strike to save NHS and for higher wages”
  1. Can we just hurry up and privatise it now please? Maybe we can stop bankrupting the country to keep a 3rd world service hanging by a thread.

    Then maybe nurses might get a decent pay

  2. If a lump sum is involved I'll be ripping up my union membership. It does nothing to solve the current staffing crisis

  3. The NHS never seem to have the resources to look after the people of this country, however they will bend over backwards to help the world. Prove me wrong.

  4. The NHS closed its doors to the public for over 2 years, pushing an experimental "vaccine", but how we clapped, how we continue to throw money at the NHS, pay rises every year, for failure and for all that we have thousands of excess deaths per week, thousands of vaccine injuries, thousands of people with inoperable cancer, but how you all clapped. #cultofthenhs

  5. Nurses sign on for this! They forgot what quarantine means then wanna complain. COVID patients were supposed to be houses separate from hospitals. Remember tents they threw out and laughed about? That's what they were for! Inflation is to blame for cost of living, and they wanna live in the most expensive city. Nurses should be paid according to cities cost of living though!

  6. This country is FINISHED, it's been turned into a SH.T HOLE, best place to live and work is Australia, but unfortunately I am now too old immigrate there.

  7. Get rid of the biggest waste of money in Britain and that is the house of lords they just turn up and do nothing it's just the old fogies club

  8. The NHS has been destroyed & I'm suffering greatly, severely disabled and seriously ill & been in & out of hospital several times over the last few months & spent many hours on the floor waiting for ambulances after a fall MORE THAN ONCE!

  9. It wasn't long ago i heard a report where nurses were lumped into the same group as gardeners who were outpriced to live in the places they work such as Silicon Valley. I took offense because nursing school alone is grueling working in hospitals is backbreaking and heartbreaking at the same time and although gardeners are skilled in keeping greenery alive nurses are skilled at keeping people alive!

  10. Nurses are our Angels we need them so get rid of those immigrant s then more money for the nurse s and for the English Poor people

  11. Blame the Tory government they want people of this country to work for nothing nurses deserve a big pay rise its you lot in parliament that should take a pay cut time for the Tories to go

  12. They’re striking for money they don’t deserve. They have disgraced their positions by letting down patients in need.

  13. ♥️ to U & your son's brother just wondering to all the followers & wonders in the world who are going to follow the government or the Lord God & Jesus Christ 😤💪 😎👍✌️🙏♥️🇦🇺

  14. 27 year American nurse here, it is private here and in America, even if you do have private health insurance, you will die sick and broke and possibly pass your debt onto your family, its capitalism, there is no other system, and GOOD LUCK WITH THAT DUMMIES, private ownership of all commerce will be the theme.

  15. I don't know if this is practical or if it would hurt the cause, but I think it would be inspiring to see the nurses demanding 25% raise but also maybe other things having to do with government. Why aren't they talking more about nationalization? Talking more about the ills and hazards of privatization. That is what this strike is really about. So, it isn't just about compensating nurses although that is crucial. It is about the ills and hazards of austerity policy. That is essentially what privatization is. It is national austerity policy. How about the cost of living? How does privatization relate to cost of food and energy? How about housing? How about the problems that patients are experiencing? Great job UK nurses!

  16. THIS IS DELIBERATE!!! The government is in the final stages of privatising the nhs. Dr Bob Gill explains how this is happening

  17. The NHS is one of the few things about being British that makes me proud these days. The principle of free healthcare at the point of use for everyone, whether you’re homeless or comfortable, is fantastic; and how every healthcare system should be. No paperwork, no insurance, no cost of any kind aside from general taxation, is undoubtedly the right way. Fund it how it was and return it to 100% publicly owned; and it will again be the best system in the world.

  18. They spend trillions to found an unjust war but they can't pay the NHS staff fair wages!

  19. They are not striking to save the NHS, they are striking exclusively to receive higher wages. Be a journalist, not a propogandist.

  20. Your politicians, and ours, have signed contracts with Pharma to ensure the Corps control system. How are the people part of these contracts???? General strike worldwide, we survived lockdown and that was BS so…

  21. the NHS is already being privatised via the back door. Without going into detail I need mental health care that I can't get on The NHS because of waiting lists. I'd have to wait a minimum of 2 years and in some cases anything up to 7 years, so my only alternative is to not get treated at all (just like the US) or alternatively borrow about £3000 (initially) and pay for the treatment myself (just like the US). I'm cynical enough to think this might be a deliberate strategy. I've gone through exactly the same thing trying to find an NHS dentist.

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