Park police said this volunteer overstayed his welcome, how they got rid of him was shocking! – PAR – Everything Law and Order Blog

Steve Headrick and his wife were volunteering at Coconino National Forest near Flagstaff, Arizona, when park police tried to force them to leave, and resorted to violence when Headrick and his wife refused to obey. Police Accountability Report interviews Steve Headrick about his ordeal. Please join Taya Graham and Stephen Janis for this important episode of The Police Accountability Report!

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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

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By phillyfinest369


31 thoughts on “Park police said this volunteer overstayed his welcome, how they got rid of him was shocking! – PAR”
  1. The cop problem got weird after 9-11. I can understand if the park was was booked with reservations for camping sights.
    Complaints? I'm confused about how there could be complaints, How would Joe Camper know Joe Camper 2 is over the limit?

  2. How bout the fact that the lady in the video offered to give the cop his ID but the cop didn't want to hear that.

  3. Where were the pigs when the trash was dumped in the park to begin with ?!?!? I also can’t stand the pigs need to smash ones face in the dirt !! The majority of this “ get on the ground “ crap doesn’t help to affect the arrests. It only seems to make it worse . It’s the pigs bolstering their egos and trying to humiliate people!!!!! 🐷🐷

  4. . So I'm wondering, since the Good cops Aren't Turning in the Bad cops. IS THERE SUCH A THING AS A . GOOD cop.??🎉🎉😂😂❤❤

  5. The guy is an idiot, when cops order you to do something you do it straight away without question or you will be brutalized, beaten, tazed and arrested and may even get jail time. It's a matter of survival, a cop is your Lord and Master so don't ask questions, show respect and submission and obey all orders immediately or face the consequences. It's just not worth standing up to them, it could wreck your life. It might even get you killed.

  6. I personally believe the government is hiring sociopaths on purpose to be cops, all their trying to do is make money !!! ORGANIZED CRIME !!! ACAB 1312

  7. Their are over 1 million pigs in this country, what if they was to do their jobs, we’d only need about a 10th of the ones we got !!! ACAB 1312

  8. i like your videos and you are right . cops are out of control. but you, TAYA, should have worn a mask when u started making these vids. one day, these cops will come for you to…

  9. for starters, he was told to leave. he should have thrown whatever trash he had on the ground and left. fuck the park !. he brought this on himself. i do admire him picking up the trash, thats cool. but its not his property and they told him to leave.

  10. Why don't you just obey?
    Why don't you just conform to tyranny?
    Why don't you give up your liberties?

    You've got to love how he dismisses the "you are under arrest". Purely instinctual, knowing he has done nothing wrong, he just laughs at the absurdity.
    That absurdity is the law, armed with lethal weapons.

  11. Evidence of Police Misconduct: I appreciate both your concern and content, also your systemic concern. But game’s over. Clearly, from your channel and dozens of others, literally everywhere in the country, what were dealing with here is systemic police terrorism. Seems like time to implement the Federal Patriot Act against these costumed local criminals. I’d like to think that this is better than the eventuality of having armed patriots taking matters into their own hands. The provocation is certainly there.

  12. The Police State ideal has become fact in probably every country on Earth, just not for the whole of their populations.
    There are noticeable exclusions to Police scrutiny of any sort, even when accidently caught in the Web Police may throw at times.
    The Internet, and shows such as yours, has certainly exposed this in America, but this may not last long enough to bring about change.
    I've no doubt that those in the protected minority will be working on how the problem of internet exposure can be reduced or stopped.
    Beware of the zealots that have no worry in extinguishing life to get the results they want.

  13. finally you did a story and didnt make it about skin tone.. please focus on injustice instead of trying to make everything about skin color and push the narrative to divide us by skin color

  14. This op was ridiculous man. I guess all crime has been solved and the only crime left was this guy who is cleaning up a National Park who was staying past the fourteen day limit. Wow this cop was doing God’s work and all park visitors are so much safer now. This was an absurd video and was not necessary to bully this man and tasing him. This cop is a walking liability as we clearly saw in this clip man.

  15. Cop showed deadly intent. Steve had right to self defense. Cop should just be happy he gets to live, however unfortunate for the rest of us.

  16. It kinda sounds like this guy had no authority to just start up this non profit and just do as he likes. Regardless of his good intentions he can't make up the rules himself.

  17. Talk about Police over reach, We the people had better get our butts in gear sooner rather than later. We are slipping slowly toward a police type state. Cop watchers and Auditors are not the only people out there posting videos of Police misconduct. It is so wide spread I am shocked at what I am seeing. And this is probably the tip of the iceberg so to speak. God Bless America

  18. STEPHEN….❤❤❤❤❤👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼❤❤❤❤❤👍AWESOME BROTHER

  19. He did nothing wrong this needs to stop cops are getting out of control not all are bad but some are but something needs to change thank you for cleaning the parks sir I'm sorry this happened to you hope you get justice ❤

  20. Pandemic sure, what about the pain patient torture, rejection, financial ruin, and policy driven medical regulatory enslavement happening. People are dying and ending themselves desperate while called addict and denied all privacy now that the gov controls all medical records and nobody can see who the are opened to.

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