Louisiana is imprisoning kids on death row | Rattling the Bars – Everything Law and Order Blog

A new report shows Louisiana is in the process of transferring at least 20 incarcerated minors to be housed at death row units in various facilities, including the infamous Angola Prison. Lana Charles, who has worked to provide arts programs in Louisiana’s juvenile justice system for 15 years, joins Rattling the Bars to explain the situation of incarcerated youth in her state.

Read the full transcript here: https://therealnews.com/louisiana-to-imprison-juveniles-at-angola-prisons-death-row

Luliana “Lana” Charles has worked with youth for over 15 years in the capacity of the arts, enrichment and cultural programming and the juvenile justice system. Lana is a social worker and trained artist, and a member of PAIMI Advisory Council and Louisiana Human Trafficking Prevention Commission and Advisory Board. She also serves as board chair at The Beautiful Foundation.

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By phillyfinest369


36 thoughts on “Louisiana is imprisoning kids on death row | Rattling the Bars”
  1. If you have 100 teens in a juvenile facilities and 20 of them is causing a mayhem have someone with a checker pass come speak with them and then send them to an adult prison with a journal book for roughly 2 weeks write about experience with a goal change ..As they are in the adult prison still watch over them but not treat them exactly like the adult inmates .. Just sharing some type of resolution ..What happened to scared straight type like programs ..

  2. They also can't hide behind not understanding what they are doing to the children and the severe consequences of locking them up. They know the harm they are causing again it's for profit to have lifetime inmates.

  3. Unbelievable.
    Our youth are also going thru tuff time. They need compassion and a beter relationship with GOD or no matter what faith you believe.
    Atheist Community also.
    WE RE 🇺🇸 . We The People are The Gov .

  4. "Louisiana is the only state in the nation that is giving a state-level board the authority to grant tax exemptions for local entities' property taxes." — return on investment for Louisiana is purposely unknown because those on the Board of Commerce & Industry don't follow rules and include it in their reports. There's not been a cost-benefit analysis for nearly 90 years. ITEP approval rates @ 99.95% approved. Louisiana's sales-tax being high, due to trying to make up for the missing property taxes, hits the poorest the hardest since the rich pull more from tax-exempt operations.


  5. They use to make the parents responsible for their children. How can you punish a child the same way we punish adults. These kids have no understanding of what the consequences of their crimes
    Putting children in a adult prison is worse then any other country in the world

  6. Common sense is not conducive with Louisiana’s “superior” race. Take a good look at what’s representing LA in the federal government. I purposely said “what’s” rather than “who’s” because to me, they’re a far cry from human.

  7. NOLA crime has gone up 300%. 1 in 5 people are victims. When you commit a crimes repeatedly, and have no respect for anyone, then lock em up. If they haven't learned their lesson on the street they can learn their lesson with hardcore criminals.

  8. The jail system is a money making system, so they really don’t want to help them, the more crime, everyone gets paid..

    The State has too much money to not invest in their youth.. This narrative must change, if not the crime will get worst.

  9. It's kind of hard to say not to lock these children up in jail when you have these kids breaking out of the youth facilities and committing serious crimes as murder and shooting people with guns to steal a car at this point what do we do with these kids that just refuse to do the right thing and killing people on the street everyday should the community suffer because the social worker feel is doing that kids shouldn't be locked up

  10. Those kids were doing everything under the sun. They out if control and robbing people for JUST BECAUSE!!. You have to be from here New Orleans to truly understand why the decision was made.
    I say put them in general population with the killers, etc.. Hopefully that will make them change their minds….

  11. I used to be against locking up youth for extended periods of time and that was because I was locked up for juvenile life in the late 90's but now the way the world is today I'm for all ages of youth if u do the crime u do the time no exceptions

  12. Let me make it plain for my own comprehension mostly :

    Good or not so-good as it was in Abraham’s time in his mother’s womb , and in the time of Moses , Jesus and Muhammad likewise .


    Need we / they continue another 6000 years to keep saying more ?

    Separation , atonement , unity and doing for self . B1 . Amin and Shalom .

  13. The real talk is that Kids are robbing, raping, and killing as other barbaric adults do any this country. It's not the government's job to raise, reteach or train children. I'm sorry, but what people forget about in these equations of sympathizing with troubled teens is justice for the victims and their families. These young men and women are able to produce seeds of their own and walk the earth lawless and destroying lives and families and we have individuals sympathizing with them because our government refers to them as juveniles. I'm sorry I don't sympathize with these young men and women raised in such a way that threatens the existence of human society. When I see stories in new Orleans of teens being sentenced as juveniles for killing and raping individuals and getting out in their early 20s it is saddening. I know a woman who stays in the same community as the now man who killed her son as a juvenile. She gets to watch him still run the streets selling drugs and hear stories about him getting different girls pregnant, while her only son is dead. #WHERE_IS_HER_JUSTICE!

  14. If, this guy is looking to child protective services who are part of the problem as someone who can shed light on the issue he is blind. They traffic children for profit and damage children they are corrupt.

  15. It's sad because this didn't just start . My husband experienced the same thing back in 1998. So this not new he was raised in a 2 parent home and was not abused so that's a cop out. The Judicial System uses the same excuse for everyone and that's not the case. The Judicial System is DISGUSTING for adults and youth

  16. This have certainly got to be dealt with on a legal level. How do you have children on death row in Louisiana??????? And so many. Who and whom is it that are making theses drastic decisions when it pertains to other people children. They are dangerous to children. And doesn't need to be in that position where they can make those types of decisions. The people of Louisiana and the country as a whole need to truly come against this and eradicate it legally. Once and for all.🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

  17. The problem is Louisiana. We are all a product of circumstance and the Louisiana police force officials buy shares of these prisons. They put drugs on the streets and then rack up the people when needed for the money. The police force in Louisiana is by far the worst and most corrupt. Someone should do something about that entire state if higher office anyone cares or has the power

  18. The problem was those kids were being housed at a facility (bridge city) not far from New Orleans,that was under staffed and couldn’t control these youths. They had serval escapes and these kids would commit serious crimes. One instance a man is still in a coma fighting for his life. Everyone and everything is wrong and inhumane until these kids run up on one of your family members and puts them in danger. Then we screaming send them to Angola!

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