The Marc Steiner Show: Environmental racism from Jackson to Flint – Everything Law and Order Blog

As of Sept. 15, Gov. Tate Reeves of Mississippi has declared Jackson’s water safe to drink, but a long battle to properly resource the city’s recovery remains ahead. Vangela Wade of Mississippi Center for Justice joins The Marc Steiner Show to discuss the struggle on the ground, and Jackson’s place in a larger pattern of environmental catastrophes linked to systemic racism.

Vangela Wade is the president and CEO of Mississippi Center for Justice, a public interest law firm advancing racial and economic justice through an approach that combines legal services with policy advocacy, community education and media outreach.

Studio/Post-Production: Dwayne Gladden

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By phillyfinest369


29 thoughts on “The Marc Steiner Show: Environmental racism from Jackson to Flint”
  1. This happens in most Democrats states and cities. They don't care about people or the black people. They are the ones that are Racist.

  2. Let's not forget…they hand out felonies hand over foot to black man which in turn takes away their rights to vote! So what you are saying about "voting" saddens me as you are in charge of a organization to help obtain basic rights for your own people and your putting out an agenda and solution that currently isn't feasible!! So my question is how effective are you going to be??? The world is a sad sad place…I have son's that have African decent and I fear every day they will loose their lives based solely on their skin color 🙏😢

  3. The "Free Money" was all the funds collected over the decades under the auspices of providing clean water and performing the proper maintenance on the systems. Charging for goods and services (that are not provided) is the real Free Money which should be clawed back to bring the systems up to snuff and cover medical and other costs resulting from their breach of faith and contracts.

  4. If this disaster teaches anything, it's that everyone should get off the grid; learn how to purify your own water and generate your own electricity. It takes money and that should come from The Federal Gov't, because this is a national security issue, that an enemy could exploit. The Military has many Swiss and Cayman Island bank accounts for THE HIGH COMMAND in the event that The People overthrow The Fascists Politicians.

  5. A privilege to vote? Interesting… perhaps that's a good place to start. if you are citizenm in a democratic state, and for WHATEVER reason you are not permitted by law to vote… you do not live in a democracy.

  6. Well if we're being scientifically honest here…
    There is NO municipal tap water that should be directly consumed by humans nor animals prior to further reverse osmosis treatment or personal distillation.

  7. One good thing about Mississippi is they have the lowest homeless rate in the country!
    Of all the states they have the least amount of homeless people so it's not all bad.

  8. Federal and state politicians DON'T give a damn about BP and the impact of the situation on them. They care more about sending billion of dollars to fight war. The lack the humanity, morality and spiritually to deliver adequate security and justice to the BP

  9. I almost wanted to cry at this story, at the pervading Hate of Afro American citizens and how America is becoming more "third world" every day. Flint and Detroit were essentially destroyed because Resentful Whites couldn't bear sharing power with a Black populous and took their Tax Base in their "White Flight" abandonment. What White Hegemony cannot Control—-it will Destroy !

  10. Great reporting. Never forget also the BP spill in the gulf of Mexico and the complexity of that clean up. So much heart break throughout that situation. Cooperations who have control over all areas of American lives. Our politicians on all sides, Banks, unnecessary wars for profits, military contractors making money. People are getting more engaged and we need new ideas 💡 Thank everyone that for waking up what Capitalism is about. We have to go all the way back to the beginning of American history, and then study world histories, starting 2500 years before Christ, the Gilgarmesh Epic and move forward throughout cultures and divisions, also religious divisions, theology and philosophy gives one a better understanding . Peace! Nuclear disarmament for all nations is a start. Non- violence with actions to teach one another for a better world 🌎 ❤️

  11. Sure you're right ✅ I can remember this kind of behavior going all the way back to the 1960s so look at where we are in 2022. Monsters!

  12. Can all in left-YT please start educating people about both: (1) the difference between right-authoritarian vs. right-libertarian; & (2) the difference between left-authoritarian vs left-libertarian? It’s long overdue. People aren’t cattle or sheep: They will understand if we educate them.
    Though we need to educate (& learn) about all the nuance.

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