The Chris Hedges Report: How to defeat the billionaire class – Everything Law and Order Blog

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Since being elected to office in 2013, Seattle City Councilmember Kshama Sawant and her socialist party have been locked in a bitter battle against the city’s moneyed elites, who have poured hundreds of thousands of dollars into a corporate PAC called “A Better Seattle” and saturated television and digital platforms with negative advertising. Sawant is hated because she is effective. Following a three-year struggle against the richest man in the world—Jeff Bezos—and his political establishment, she and her allies pushed through a tax on big business that increased city revenues by an estimated $210 to 240 million a year.

Her leadership and her party provide an example of effective resistance to the war being waged on the working class and the poor—but, as she explains in this episode of The Chris Hedges Report, every victory has been won in spite of entrenched opposition from Democrats. Instead of depending on the Democratic Party establishment, Sawant says the only way to make advances in the class war is through class struggle and mobilizing ordinary people.

Chris Hedges interviews writers, intellectuals, and dissidents, many banished from the mainstream, in his half-hour show, The Chris Hedges Report. He gives voice to those, from Cornel West and Noam Chomsky to the leaders of groups such as Extinction Rebellion, who are on the front lines of the struggle against militarism, corporate capitalism, white supremacy, the looming ecocide, as well as the battle to wrest back our democracy from the clutches of the ruling global oligarchy.

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Studio: Adam Coley, Cameron Granadino
Post-Production: Adam Coley

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By phillyfinest369


38 thoughts on “The Chris Hedges Report: How to defeat the billionaire class”
  1. I am so proud of her being indian. Usually indian Americans are republicans and support the rich white Americans. Kudos to her and her tribe.

  2. This woman is one of my heroes. The U.S. is in desperate need of more leaders like her: fearless, outspoken opponents of corruption and advocates for sweeping change. If I saw more politicians like her running for office, I’d finally be able to sleep at night. YOU ARE A CRUCIAL PART OF THE SOLUTION. THANK YOU 👏

  3. I cant listen to garbage. The democrats are trying to deliver but are stopped in the house by MAGA cult. Yet when the money from Biden comes they pretend they supported it. The house GOP is stopping good policy for people. Certainly they havent made policy with a house majority all GOP has done is go after Hunter.

  4. Why do we, as the working class, put up with being taken advantage of? They say we're the 80 to 90% of people in this country getting pushed further down the economic totem pole but we keep fighting with each other over race, religion, rights, and sexuality instead of fighting for each other, the 80 to 90% getting screwed by the ultra wealthy.

  5. Don't ask me how you can have cordial relationships with high finance and the Bastions of Capitalism but good luck to this lady and wish her happiness in the future. Thanks Chris for inviting this lady to highlight her campaign.

  6. Sorry , I got side tracked ! She’s right,and spoke a lotta truth!! Let’s Look at our similarities not differences, let’s stick together and make some noise,I’m tired of them jamming on our asses ..js🤣👎

  7. It is so refreshing and encouraging to see a progressive leader like you being so forceful, direct and earnest about America's future. You are one of the few who does not mix words, confuse the liberal electorate or distract with silly jokes that trivialize our duty as citizens. Thank you. I am 85 and have become your admirer.

  8. this is just a shadow of what can be done by the 'people, united.'
    but it has to be done at the national level.
    get democracy, at gun point.
    when a nation's people make themselves citizens of a democracy, the power of referendum and initiative, combined with the information of open administration, put in the hands of the electorate the means to create a just society.
    nothing less will do.
    while the power of decision lies in the hands of any elite, no lasting good can be accomplished.

  9. Her profile needs elevating Sawant is what Kamala Harris or AOC may well aspire too but feàr to embrace for fear of losing Corporate political donors. Bezos and Gates are a typical example of why America's working class are so severely disadvantaged, it's about time the workers of America caught up with the rest of the developed world.

  10. She's really good at action, and knew Roe V Wade was coming down the Pike. Saw her on a Seattle Indivisible Zoom Call, very good message.

  11. Listening to this a year later, she calls out exactly what has happened in the Supreme Court with absolute accuracy. She's a hero for the working class and anyone dealing with oppression.

  12. Change comes by getting those opposed to the change away from power and getting those who actually want the change into power, Currying favor with the DEMs, is like how shall I say, ( trying to make a smell by farting in the wind) as is electing pretend politicians like AOC, who actually won't use the power they have when it counts, like single payer medi care available to all medicine. No problems with single payer war for all, defense for all, and security/ intelligence for all.

  13. great show again Chris with great questions. I am in Canada and had no idea that this woman got elected in Seattle as an actual socialist… This is a victory on a long road, but it shows it can be done even with such opposition against her. She will inspire others to run and take on the parasitical class


  15. She's right, we need to be very aggressive with the vile "elite". When dealing with vicious cowards, "nice" doesn't work; we have to scare the bastards.

  16. The other nations and people look upon with disbelief; Is that what it has come to, the abuse the American people have had to and do now endure for the tall tale that it is the exception. It is happening as the Democrat and Republican parties rule to the favour of the donor class/corporations vs the people. The time for revolt is due.

  17. My grandmother made delicious pies . When i was a child while eating one of grandma's yummy pies she asked me Do you know why their is an upper crust on the pie ? I said no grandma . She said the upper crust is for a few fat crumbs at the top .

  18. I agree with most of what she says except she like so many others esp msm make broad exaggerated statements using words to incite emotion with poorly misrepresented info abt Republicans as a whole despite the broad ideologies. For example, they are racist, pro censorship, or against trans rights and use poor examples like FL (which says to me she didn't actually read the legislation, visit & research what's actually being done, whom it effects, and how/why there was a need for it instead she's just another politician utilizing misleading info to strengthen her side. I agree some Rep. over emphasize certain issues or same rhetoric tech to incite emotion but those few are consistently highlighted in the news. Unlike the Dems who only resort to fear inciting, name calling, misleading legislative policy changes, misleading or falsifying claims as true or not admitting their policies are doing exactly what they claim the other side is doing. You can find many Republicans and independents that can and more often do back theirs with particular facts, history, discredit the claims with actual sources. There is a diverse group in the republican party unlike the Dem robots (with a few exceptions).

  19. WELL, the DEMS did NOT loose but WON MANY SEATS
    BUT yes Biden's promises have not been done so far
    In reality most cities have a $15 wage or higher because people just refuse to work for less
    I used to do security for $11 an hour but now hard to find one that pays less than $15

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