Conservatives for abolishing the death penalty – Everything Law and Order Blog

Conservatives in America have long argued that the death penalty is a necessary fixture of our legal and carceral system, both as a “crime deterrent” and as a means of serving justice. But more conservatives today are questioning the moral, fiscal, and practical justifications for this barbaric practice. TRNN Executive Producer Eddie Conway and Charles Hopkins, better known as Mansa Musa, speak with Demetrius Minor about the new generation of conservatives who are joining the fight to abolish the death penalty.

Demetrius Minor is the national manager of Conservatives Concerned about the Death Penalty and author of the book Preservation and Purpose: The Making of a Young Millennial, A Manifesto for Faith, Family and Politics. He is a preacher, advocate, relationship builder, and a writer working to educate and mobilize conservatives around the systematic flaws with the death penalty.

Read the transcript of this interview:

Pre-Production/Studio/Post-Production: Cameron Granadino

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By phillyfinest369


19 thoughts on “Conservatives for abolishing the death penalty”
  1. We're fixing to ramp it up to a Henry Ford production line. It will not be the usual suspects.
    No sympathy, no pity, no mercy. Who killed JFK? Gotcha.
    You left your DNA all over everything everywhere. ☠🇮🇱☠

  2. Let me get this straight: its okay to kill an unborn baby and toss her body in the trash, but not a death row serial killer??

  3. I support abolishing the death penalty. However, we can't stop there. Judges are sentencing people to life without parole at higher levels as an alternative to the death penalty. Sentencing guidelines must be shortened, drugs decriminalized and parole granted at higher levels to end mass incarceration. The abolition of capital punishment is low hanging fruit towards restructuring the criminal justice system.

  4. There is many better uses for all the money spent on all the people who shouldn't have been born, but were. If we steralized the useless 85 minus IQ people, before they reproduce, that would free up billions of dollars, that could be spent on helping the people who need better education & housing. By doing this, crime would go down drastically. There would be fewer junkies….Steralization is the answer!

  5. I'm a liberal Democrat and I believe in the death penalty, it has solved
    More murders an found out where killers hid body's when the death penalty is added, it's a bargaining Chip…..I would not vote yes on eye witness evidence nor succumstantial evidence" it would have to be proven beyond a shadow of DOUBT……….Sorry gentlemen I totally disagree with respect 🙏 an comparisons of Criminal Murderers
    Too innocent Baby life is TWISTED
    an a little 😫 sick

  6. This show has brought back some memories… I haven’t had a death penalty conversation in years. I use to be a correctional officer for one of our countries largest state penal systems. I was married to someone who was a warden. I use to literally believe the way to control prison populations is to take the murderers, rapists and child molesters and line them up along the concrete reck yard wall and just exterminate them like bugs. That is how I viewed them…… until…. Until God got ahold of me. I don’t know wether I was in a dream or in the Spirit but I was taken to the crucifixion. Not just there in a story. I was taken there as though I was actually there. I could hear see and even smell everything. I saw the Christ hanging on the cross. I saw His beaten and bruised body. There was no part of Him that did not have blood dried with mud and dirt caked to His face and body. I saw His suffering. I saw everything. I could not talk about what I saw, heard and smelled for some time. It changed my life forever in so many ways. While He was hanging on the cross suffering for me, for you, for everyone who was willing to love Him back… I heard Him say something. Something I had heard many times before. I had even had it read to me many times. I to have read it with my own eyes. But for some reason that day it was as if I was hearing the words for the first time. I saw Him say with His own lips through the blood and swelling from the injuries, “FORGIVE THEM FATHER FOR THEY KNOW NOT WHAT THEY DO!” I saw the words come from HIM. My Savior, my Messiah! The Son of the Living God!! He was asking Yahweh, Jehovah The Father to forgive the people who were murdering Him. Later as the days passed and my thoughts and my heart continued to take me there over and over again. I would gain an understanding. Something inside of me had died, while something far more beautiful began to grow. To make a longer story finally end… The heart I had before that day was no longer the same. I actually started volunteering in prison ministry after that. The Holy Spirit had a testimony in me now. A testimony that came with an entirely new way of thinking. If our God, our Christ Messiah, who walked perfect without sin… If He can hang on the cross being tortured with unspeakable pain, can look down at the people who were murdering Him, who am I to stand in perfection and condemn any human to death. If the wages of ALL SIN IS DEATH, and His word says the we shall be judged by the same measure with which we judge others, I don’t think I have earned the right to condemn any man to death. I say, “fine, ok, whatever”… So we house them for the rest of their life if that’s what need be done (it’s cheaper than putting them to death) but you won’t catch me condemning anyone to death… not ever. I don’t want that judgement to ever fall on my head either. I think I will leave that portion to Christ. He’s the ONLY one who has earned it. Thank you for letting me tell you this. Blessings

  7. I agree with the death penalty but I don't believe that it will change those crimes that are mostly associated with the death penalty.My Bible teaches me that if you murder than your should be put to death. Exodus 21:12 and Genesis 9:6. ( concerning murder)

  8. God Almighty laid out a number of crimes that when committed warranted the death penalty . So God promoted the death penalty plus the idea should be applied as an eye for an eye. people that don't want the death penalty are going against the teachings of God. So if a person goes out and kills 4 people the Satanist wants to put that person in prison for life, why. If you don't follow what God says, you are following Satan. Why should families that are trying to put their kids through college have to help pay $50 thousand dollars per year to support this scumbag to live in prison. So 4 people are dead but this guy gets to live out his natural life. If he just took 1 life. God said an eye for an eye. You don't abolish God's directive or you are just one scumbag protecting another scumbag IMHO.

  9. Conservatives are worried that in their rush to make the United States into a Putin/ Moscow form of governmental rule. They may find themselves on the wrong side of the needle.

  10. You know what in my opinion the death penalty is a very good thing for certain crimes like raping murder child molestation I think everybody ought to do what Texas did they put in an express lane to the death chamber if more States would do this those violent crimes would go down and that's just my opinion

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