From 9/11 to COVID-19: It was never about ‘shared sacrifice’ – Everything Law and Order Blog

Last week, Americans marked the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks by remembering the 3,000 lives lost on that day. As was the case in the aftermath of the attacks, those reflecting on the national tragedy also emphasized and honored the sacrifices made by first responders and civilians alike. In national memory, the enduring moral, civic, and humanitarian lesson of 9/11 and how Americans responded to it largely revolves around the concept of shared, selfless sacrifice.

And yet, one can’t help but be struck by the apparent dissonance between how we evoke the importance of sacrifice when talking about the past and how we invoke the spirit of sacrifice today. From COVID-19 to climate change, in terms of casualties and disruption of everyday life, the US and the world face far deadlier threats today than those posed by military or terrorist forces. In this discussion, TRNN’s Jaisal Noor and Sam Sacks of Means TV ask: Will the US draw on that same spirit of shared sacrifice to address these threats? Sam Sacks hosts Means Morning News on Means TV and cohosts The District Sentinel podcast.

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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

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By phillyfinest369


20 thoughts on “From 9/11 to COVID-19: It was never about ‘shared sacrifice’”
  1. You've just lost my support "Real" news. This report is supporting a narrative that supports totalitarianism – "Biden waited too long …" To create this mandate. You guys are hypocrites. You don't like overpolicing, but you support this draconian shit! unbelievable. Good-Bye!

  2. So, if you want treatments for COVID and more through testing of the vaccines you are a reactionary nut? We have a long history of experimentation and corruption in big pharma? And we can't even get #M4A? I am not a right wing nut/ I am asking for transparency about adverse effects of the vaccine and treatments for people who choose not be be vaccinated.

  3. This is propagandized rhetoric, still….
    Convid has yet to be isolated as a thing yet. Strains, versions, and variants of a negative is a negative. The gubmint has multiple times declared all deaths will be labeled "convid deaths" no matter the actual cause of death, skewing numbers for their narrative.
    How could you still propagate the idea of a "pandemic of a deadly virus" when these two facts exist? Conspiracy theorist or not, there is factual evidence, in their own documents, nothing is evident besides what gubmint and main-stream media perpetuates- fear-porn and fear-mongering of a boogeyman that "WILL kill you".
    Not going for this. This channel has a better grip of logic and reason than this. Where is that logic and reason now?

  4. "is there something else at play here?"
    I am half way through and that's the only thing that made sense; otherwise you 2 sounded almost nuts. I mean clueless.

    ok. I got through the rest of it. At least you are thinking.
    You ended on the debt issue. Yeah, that is a fundamental problem. (how could a country be in debt? – to whom?)

    You brought up the waste on wars and other stuff (debt also is a waste by the way) –
    the same thing going on there is what is going on with the covid issue.

    Keep thinking young man. And reexamine what other people were trying to get at about tyranny.

  5. you are being just as equally tribal. Please at least address about natural immunity or you are not giving full scoop and gives your video no credibility.

  6. I think the anti-vax sentiment is the result of 9/11. Almost nobody believes the official narrative of 9/11 any more, so everybody suspects that the government is lying to us about many things. So much so that great numbers of people are refusing to follow health and pandemic guidelines. I guess you reap what you sow, as they say.

  7. I guess she would tell us that the 2020 presidential election was on the up and up? And the California recall election was on the up and up?

  8. I guess you can call yourself real news even if it’s bullshit first of all do you honestly believe 911 was a terrorist attack or was it a planned event by people in our own government to cover up their wrongdoing! Then you talk about Covid and how the vaccinations should have been mandated long before and how we’ve been taking vaccinations for ever for travel school whatever without saying that those vaccines had been tested and not saying that the Covid vaccine are being tested on any asshole that takes it today and that there’s not a true test for COVID-19 come on cut the bullshit

  9. This channel has become a mouthpiece for neo-liberalism.

    If you claim to be anti capitalist then you would be questioning and analyzing the pharmaceutical industry's stranglehold on our political system.. You would be concerned about the profound censorship propagated by big tech. How about questioning the blanket immunity that the vaccine industry has? How about interviewing investigative journalists like Kim Iverson and Whitney Webb.? That might restore your integrity and credibility.


  10. National debt is the biggest lie told by neocons and neoliberals to control the narrative in spending. Read Stephanie Keltons book and you will know that they ALL are liars.

  11. Denmark opened up the country while having 80% of vaccinated people from the age of 12. Soo, do you know what's going wrong in the US? Anti Vax believes suck and if you argue with people they only have vague impressions what they talk about, unscientifically and with no ground in reality. But they feel they are right and that's all what counts for them. Sadly enough, they don't understand the science behind the vaccines either.

  12. Woah. Ok so real news is controlled op then? Here you are endorsing literal fascism. A jab mandate is state control of people's bodies..the jabs don't even prevent transmission so there is no logic behind forcing people to have a medical procedure they don't want or need.

    You have completely ignored naturally acquired immunity. After a SARS COV-2 infection you develop antibodies without any help from unsafe, poorly tested medications.
    Absolutely disgusted by this video.

  13. Without encouragement and support for people reducing and/or eliminating any comorbidities they may have, vaccines will only be nominally effective. People such as myself with natural immunity don’t want or need corporate products injected into themselves. We won’t make vaccinated people sick, and there’s expert medical opinion which indicates more mutations coming from people who’ve already been vaccinated. I’m not a corporatist, and don’t appreciate having corporate products pushed on me.

  14. Events like 9/11 and COVID are viewed as political opportunity, not crisis, although many a Politician will shed a crocodile tear claiming the opposite.

  15. Talking about QAnon is dismissing the best arguments against the current paradigm. The vaccines have been downgraded as far as efficacy. From 90 down to 44. Therapeutics are the future. FDA approval just delegitamized it's own authority.

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