Pfizer’s greed is killer, say protesters – Everything Law and Order Blog

Dozens of protesters took to the streets of New York City, chanting “Pfizer’s Greed Kills,” as Pfizer and the German government refused to share COVID-19 vaccine formulas with the Global South. Pfizer has made billions in profits while the global pandemic death toll has surpassed 4 million people.

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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

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By phillyfinest369


20 thoughts on “Pfizer’s greed is killer, say protesters”
  1. Hey y'all, i was actually enjoying our constructive discussion here. Sure we were disagreeing, but it was intelligent and civil. However, in the last 3 hours all of my comments have been removed and i didnt do it. I interpret that as validation of my comments. Sweet!
    I already knew it though.

  2. So pfizer is now german? And pink and purple colors attacking them….not against British Americans no, antigerman defamation i see here

  3. You should be talking about people not wanting to be vaxxed because it's dangerous. Not these astroturfed protests. The french , Irish and Greek are all protesting forced vaccination right this minute. This "news" channel is corporate media in a different outfit . They don't need your donation.

  4. :55. That is a blatant lie the people of Cuba are protesting because a bag of rice is $200 because they have nowhere to put their dead and have to transport them themselves just wrapped in a sheet whether they have transportation or not. They don't have any food they don't have any medicine they don't have anything. They have cut off their internet and phone so that this information is not getting out. No one is allowed to say anything about the government. Just like what's coming here.

  5. Everyone seriously acts like they are informed. The truth is they believe whatever they hear on the network mainstream news. They try to tell me I'm wrong, and i say ok then proove it. Its been a year now and I'm still waiting.

  6. How about Stopping the suppression of alternative medications such as Ivermectin? This video is another Vax propaganda to scare people into promoting their mission. If people get access it doesn’t mean it will be fair. We have to incentivize this industry by shutting them down until they comply or replace them using competition

  7. In God We Trust, All Others We Monitor

    It's very important to know THE HISTORY instead of knowing A HISTORY which is usually made up by winners and their agenda and propaganda.

    Always learn from the history or you are doomed to repeat mistakes.

    One thing which we know from history is that WE DO NOT LEARN FROM HISTORY.

    Google: "Pfizer criminal history"

    "Pfizer has been a “habitual offender,” persistently engaging in illegal and corrupt marketing practices, bribing physicians and suppressing adverse trial results. Since 2002 the company and its subsidiaries have been assessed $3 BILLION (yes billion and not million) in criminal convictions, civil penalties and jury awards."

    It's hard to open people's eyes …

    Why lie when the truth is so interesting!!!

    You have to know history. If you know it and make a combination of the facts, it turns out that ALL the so-called pandemics are related to frequency. All pandemics appeared at the time of the introduction of new technologies: radio, radar, television, satellites, wi-fi and now 5G (and a few other technologies in between).

    Whenever there is new frequency introduced our cells are fighting it to defend itself.

    They are getting a lot of toxins during the fight and as a defensive mechanism they release toxins straight to the body.

    They call it virus lol!

    Here is proof (one of MANY):—They-Do-Not-Want-You-to-Know-What-Is-Coming-(Documentary-BANNED-on-YouTube):0?

    What I write will shock you and you will find out with a conspiracy theory, but it's a FACT!

    In 1931, the electron microscope was invented.

    Since then, scientists have been trying to observe and ISOLATE viruses.


    Viruses do not exist!

    Its a scam!

    Always was and people believe whatever they hear from so called authorities.

    The basis of the basics, i.e. Koch's Postulates, have never been preserved!

    Koch's Postulates.

    1.The microorganism must be found in abundance in all organisms suffering from the disease, but should not be found in healthy organisms.

    2.The microorganism must be isolated from a diseased organism and grown in pure culture.

    3.The cultured microorganism should cause disease when introduced into a healthy organism.

    4.The microorganism must be reisolated from the inoculated, diseased experimental host and identified as being identical to the original specific causative agent.

    To understand what is going on, we need go back to basics.

    GovernMent from Greek and Latin (combined) – consisted of 2 parts:

    Govern/Kuberna (Greek) – means to rule/to guide.

    Ment (Latin mente) – means mind/thought.

    So connecting those 2 words means: TO RULE/GUIDE YOUR MIND/THOUGHT.

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    You need confirm the registration, etc. – a simple procedure.

  8. shit muzak for the protesting zombies. Even if the pandemic did not occur, Pfizer would be committed to profit maximisation and dominance. This is such a no-brainier. Now mainstream media is finished from within…

  9. Divide and conquer by nudging the us versus them mentality among the masses. The Hegelian Dialectic is in full effect. Remove your hoodwink and see the light.

  10. Twenty one months AFTER the release of this plandemic and we are all still here (unless you are old or infirm, and there is no vaxx for old or infirm).
    Nobody needs this poison, or someone can take my shot.
    This bothers me that #TRNN has taken this corporate promoting stance, it may be time to unsub this channel for spewing this propaganda.

  11. The Global south doesn't need a dodgy vaccine pushed on them either, let's combat Pfizer's greed with a boycott instead.
    many Indian states successfully neutralised the virus by prescribing ivermectin, which is known to be safe and in use for many decades. the vaccines are to make big pharma loads of $$$, and aren't medically necessary.

  12. They are trying but will fail; and kill themselves instead of us. They to try to control what is not their business to control; trying to have as many as possible strung out on their sorcery so they leech of them. Just the skuz of the the earth and we will resist them.

  13. Wrong, vaccines are not safe and all come with side effects. Pfizer is a well known habitual liar and have been caught numerous times. Big pharma is not your friend so please dont suggest it to any other country.

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