Cops made his life a living hell. Judges are making it worse – Everything Law and Order Blog

Offensive Facebook posts led to the arrest of activist Joshua Martinez. But his treatment in court and $1 million bail reveal the often-overlooked role played by judges in the questionable and unequal implementation of the law—a role that judges often fill with little to no democratic accountability. Martinez is currently under a gag order, so in this episode of PAR we speak to auditor and cop watcher James Freeman about his case, and about the challenging task of reforming the judiciary. Please join journalists Taya Graham and Stephen Janis for this important episode of the Police Accountability Report!

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By phillyfinest369


21 thoughts on “Cops made his life a living hell. Judges are making it worse”
  1. I know how it happens crooked cops working with crooked district attorney working with crooked judges working with a crooked system. You don't know that then stop f**** being an advocate for anything if you don't know that.

  2. Peaceful protest does not work, go back in history. Martin Luther king Malcolm x. Anybody who was peacefully protesting still hasn't gotten their message across. Only when violence confronts violence, things change. Welcome to America, dummies.

  3. Why is it Steve you never get any answers from anybody 99% of the time? Maybe people don't take you seriously. MANSCAPE!!

  4. Wait a minute, that judge is sposta be serving us, not the other way around. We the people don’t care what she thinks !!!

  5. Yes, I agree, make all account able, for their actions.

    Make police Judges and any of them accountable, stop qualified annuity….

    It would wipe out most law suits and costs for the village's, township and countys and cities In the USA.

    It would also make rates, fees and costs go down too. 23:49

  6. So I'm a bad spelling person I must find Frans Cofkas book, yes I probably missed the name, but 100 years ago he stated, what could or was going to happening then. And No one has learnt. From it and still carries on.

  7. So There is case law, why is anyone excluded from filming in any NYPD police station.

    LOOK AT SEVERAL CLIPS, one an elderly woman, whose arm was broken because of the perceived notion, she was recording in a NYPC precedent,

    Seanpaul, long Island audit was, and many others before him has and have been stopped from going in to public accessible places…

    All I have seen have had the cases dismissed.

    Oh I think, your supreme court should, 100% ban policy over law in public, Forget about the nay says,

    I would guess it cost millions if not billions, across the USA.

  8. I believe, no one should ever, have to take a plea deal. I suspect those, that do take it in good faith, because if you don't, we will change you with this that or the other.

    It is simply a comparison to do it our not, between from the judge down. A conviction is being than none, a plea deal is even better, why, I believe, in the USA,

    They give them just because, if it went to a Jury Trial, resnonble people would be 50 / 50.

  9. Meads salary versus the cost to the taxpayers, my belief is, if your total years pay, exceeded losses because of law suits all your earnings, time for that time are forfeited, if proven by an independent investigation panel.

    If cleared, and there is another investigation cost to your department, it must be leave without pay, and an again an independent entity must happen.

    The officer must be Fired, with the stipulation that officer can never ever have another law enforcement job again.. but all body cameras videos where the officer was involved, and public submission of footage must be taken into account.

  10. 4:00 Tara, I live in New Zealand, I know of no justice system here that, gives, a hash treatment, to free speech activities.

    How is life, or near life Imprisonment for the same penalty for speech = as a rapeist or murders, 1st, 2nd degree as you have unless the Person incites rape or murder, we as I believe have murder, or manslaughter, Rapiest, CHILD ABUSERS, dont get that much time in Prison,

    Your system sucks, offends, at the time may have not been in their right mind.

    But because they know it could become a life sentence, just dont care, in that reason death by cop may be better.

    Rehabilitation does work. I know it does. Been there, 40 years ago. I wanted to die, but trough our prison system, I got out after serving my full team,

    Even at that point, I knew through the help I received, I knew and know I would not go back.

    Bless my councilors, physicians.

    And my parents whom have both past since.

    Protect the Children. In my day, from age 4 to 18 plus, I had none.

    It is not a simple question, or science.

    Some like me because a bed wetter, and the second sign, with drawn, than throw dirt booms at my first ABUSER. 4 to 6 years old.

    Years later, I found out from my mother, she and my Grandmother, and two of my 3 sisters had been abused by the same man.

    Although of that history, I would not ever want my 4 abusers in jail for life unless and i guess, he should have, because he was a multi offender.

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