We are running out of time to stop runaway climate change – Everything Law and Order Blog

Deadly heat waves, wildfires, melting ice sheets, and devastating floods around the world are just a small taste of what humanity will continue to face if it fails to dramatically reduce carbon emissions, according to the latest report by the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. While the report doesn’t outline the actions needed to avoid such a scenario, the climate movement says it’s beyond time to take serious action. “The report is crystal clear: We must end all fossil fuel use and immediately transition to renewable energy,” warns Greenpeace USA Climate Campaign Manager, Anusha Narayanan. “Right now, President Biden and Congress are not building back better. They’re building towards more climate-fueled disasters and deaths. It is time for our elected leaders to eliminate support for fossil fuels in all infrastructure and reconciliation talks.” #ClimateChange #IPCCReport #UnitedNations

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By phillyfinest369


20 thoughts on “We are running out of time to stop runaway climate change”
  1. The elite blood lines are running out of time to enact their UN agenda … when they lose control, they will take us to war … the elite bloodlines must be held accountable IN EVERY COUNTRY!

  2. So what do we do? We can't exactly stand up to the wealthy elite who are feeding into the crisis, they've consolidated power to such an extreme that nothing short of a united revolution will get them to stop. Even if we did have the numbers, they've got the full power of the US Military's firepower to back them up. We also don't even have the numbers because half the population in America has gone batshit crazy and will believe whatever Fox News tells them to believe. I don't think there is even a way out of this. The ones who are the worst offenders when it comes to damage to the environment and the ultimate cause of climate change are also so powerful that even if the world's entire population stood against them, they'd still have us outgunned. I ask you, what can we do?

  3. This is the evidence of climate change you've been waiting for.

    There is massive flooding in China, India, Germany, Italy, Greece and now Utah all in the past week. The wildfires and droughts get bigger every year all over the world. Desertification continues to encroach. 

    The first ice free arctic in human history is projected for fall of 2022. This means the melting permafrost surrounding the arctic will melt faster as will the Greenland glaciers. The methane producing microbes are set to have a field day. Methane is a greenhouse gas 10x more effective at blanketing Earth in heat than CO2.

    This has the potential to raise the temperature of the planet beyond the threshold of all but extremeophiles.

     Do you suppose humanity will pull together to decommission every nuclear power plant, toxic waste facility, chemical plant, open landfill, factory, CDC lab, weaponised bioagent black site, plastic-saturated department store and gas station whilst fleeing to higher ground? 

     Take all that and throw it in the oceans.

     Now consider that the underwater biome is already strained from centuries of overfishing as well as ocean acidification and the resulting habitat loss.

     Now factor in the effect on ocean currents due to an influx of that much fresh water. Desalination and sea level rise will change ocean currents, disrupting weather patterns worldwide making agriculture untenable.

    "In recent years, scientists have warned about a weakening of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC), which transports warm, salty water from the tropics to northern Europe and then sends colder water back south along the ocean floor. Researchers who study ancient climate change have also uncovered evidence that the AMOC can turn off abruptly, causing wild temperature swings and other dramatic shifts in global weather systems." USA TODAY

     Do you suppose the phytoplankton responsible for the majority of Earth's oxygen will survive unscathed?

    So what can we do? 

    Take the duff from the closest forests and sprinkle it on the permafrost. The seeds will grow, sucking up all the water and preventing erosion while locking the carbon in the ground. This will prevent the methane producing microbes from running rampant. Seedlings will provide grazing for herbivores and habitat for insects which in turn will draw birds and eventually amphibians.

    Again; take the duff from the forests in danger of fire and spread it across the permafrost.

    12 reasons why.

    1. Less fire

    2. More forest

    3. Prevents erosion

    4. Prevents methane production

    5. Sequesters carbon

    6. Oxygen production

    7. Habitat for insects/birds/herbivores in 2-4 years

    8. Habitat for entire food chain in 10-20y

    9. Mitigates albedo effect

    10. Provides jobs

    11. Provides hope

    12. Just might save our biosphere.

  4. I don't know why these politicians and major corporations don't take any action. And the government needs to stop giving subsidies to oil companies.

  5. in ancient Rome when the Empire was threatened they would put in place a dictator to save the day. make no mistake, climate change issues WON'T BE SOLVED with 4 years mandate politicians . one day the republicans will regain power in the USA and as soon as they can they will get out of every agreement to protect the environment . terrible choice were facing.

  6. Как может быть климатически нейтральной добыча энергии из климата? В чем самая циничная подмена? В последнее время что изменилось? Американцы и европейцы понастроили бесконечные ветровые поля, отнимающие энергию воздушных потоков. Это прямое влияние на климат. Изменение стабильных воздушных потоков. Почему об этом молчат? Вот, например, Уральский хребет влияет на климат? Высота над окружающими равнинами в среднем метров 150-200. Или ветровое поле. Аэродинамическая конструкция сопоставимой высоты. Отнимает мегаватты у воздушного потока. Очень низкоплотной кинетической энергии. Создает зоны турбулентности с аномальными свойствами. Большой высоты и протяженности. Перемешивает воздушные потоки разных высот и температур. Аэродинамическое воздействие на поток воздуха поля ветряков больше, чем у сопоставимого по высоте горного хребта. При всей видимой прозрачности, ветропарк очень эффективная аэродинамическая конструкция. http://twistairclub.narod.ru/zabrov/part4.htm единичный ветряк эквивалентен стенке по ометаемой площади. И ставят их на пути максимального тепломассопереноса в атмосфере. В ключевых точках. Отъедая энергию от климата напрямую. и много-много надкусывая. Это ли не антропогенный фактор изменения климата? И теперь лоббисты альтернативной энергетики наняли климатологов кричать: держи вора! И по времени массовое строительство ветропарков, включая офшорные слегка предшествует потеплению. CO2 идет следом. Как следствие повышения температуры поверхностного слоя воды. Перемолоть климат ветряками в водород, под зелеными лозунгами, за счет третьего мира.

    И кстати, остановив лопасти можно отключить аэродинамическое воздействие. Фактически дистанционно изменять рельеф. Инфраструктура управления погодой. Возможно и злонамеренное воздействие.

    Еще из климатического вклада ветроэнергетики. В степи травяной покров в аэротени ветряков выгорает на пару недель раньше. Факт особенно заметный на спутниковых снимках. Ветряк испаряет всю скудную влагу. Превращает в парниковый водяной пар.
    Представляете испарительную способность офшорных ветровых полей. Где вода безлимитна)

  7. We ran out of time about 20 years ago, we're on borrowed time now gotta start paying a debt back to nature.

  8. Man, I've seen the YouTube notification on clips for the virus and if a video had backing from a foreign country in order to stop so called "mis-information", but this is the first time I've seen it for climate change. Of course you would not see it on Fox, or CNN.

  9. The externalities of big corporations can end human life on Earth. They won't stop on their own, society needs definitive action to prevent further climate disaster.

  10. The south of Brazil has had it's coldest winter in years, never seen before. The changes are visible and alarming. We need to act strongly to stop climate change.

  11. Tell the people the truth. These are plagues fall on the earth because of mans inhumanity to man. Repent and turn from wickedness.

  12. Climate change is a hoax from Satan to deceive u from know the truth! The weather is like bc of God! God is sending judgment upon the earth to give sign of how close we are to Jesus Christ

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