The Texas abortion ban is even more extreme than you think – Everything Law and Order Blog

Texas just enacted the strictest anti-abortion law in the country. Senate Bill 8, which went into effect at midnight on Sept. 1, effectively bans abortions after six weeks into a pregnancy, before most people who can give birth know they’re pregnant. One harrowing feature of the bill is that it deputizes private citizens as vigilante enforcers of the law, enabling them to sue anyone they believe to have “aided or abetted” someone getting an abortion after six weeks. On Wednesday night, just before midnight, the US Supreme Court declined to block the law based on an emergency application for a writ of injunction filed by abortion rights groups, securing a major victory for anti-choice conservatives. TRNN Editor-in-Chief Maximillian Alvarez speaks with writer and longtime TRNN contributor Molly Shah about the implications of Senate Bill 8 and how it fits into the larger conservative onslaught on abortion rights. #Abortion #Texas #TexasAbortionBan

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By phillyfinest369


20 thoughts on “The Texas abortion ban is even more extreme than you think”
  1. Where are all these incest and rape produced babies at that mother's didn't want to have? Abortions are an excuse to be sexually irresponsible for both men and women. Y'all some weirdos.

  2. Can these 'vigilante lawsuits' survive in a court room? They don't have a leg to stand on. No booboo no do-re-mi

    “[T]he ‘irreducible constitutional minimum’ of standing consists of three elements. The plaintiff must have (1) suffered an injury in fact, (2) that is fairly traceable to the challenged conduct of the defendant, and (3) that is likely to be redressed by a favorable judicial decision.” Id. Ultimately, in Spokeo, the Supreme Court held that “Article III standing requires a concrete injury even in the context of a statutory violation.”

    Article VI
    Clause 2
    This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.

  3. The ban is real. Not worried about the stupid vigilante piece that is hard to actually enforce. The dumb tip website has already hit by robots. Anyone can send in anything in and some idiots on the other side with no names and real info is going to do something? The real issue is the ban at six weeks. We could mass report anything or anyone to this site so people are reporting old abortions and all kinds of stuff to make a point. No Uber drivers are going to actually be sued so we should focus on the real issues. I live in Texas.

  4. My god you just make up new law's as you go over there " IN THE LAND OF THE FREE " We have WAY more rights and freedom in Europe !!

  5. ''About 10-20% of known pregnancies end in miscarriage.'' But about 30% of fertilized eggs either never attach to the wall of the uterus and/or are miscarried naturally, no? A 70% chance is no magical miraculous moment that life begins. All eggs and all sperm have the potential for life and a just fertilized egg is not much different, potential for life, but not life that men should take control over. Science-denying American Republicans wouldn’t even know what an egg or a sperm or conception was without the science they deny.

    Every single American Republican policy puts fear and greed (fear) before people and planet (including taking or preventing equality from women, minorities, the poor, etc and empathy in general) and no single policy in the world in the modern era is as patently bigoted and of the scale as their continued fight to ban (and register, and ''pre-arrest'', etc too) all Muslims (a bigotry-blanket of fear/hate covering all 1.8 billion people of all colors, from all nations, of all ages, of all sexes and sexual preferences, etc).

    Fear (and the empathy and critical thought it kills) is what separates the right from the left. The fear at the root of ”Nationalism is an infantile disease. It is the measles of mankind.” — Albert Einstein

    Liberals hate American Republicans because all of their policies put fear and greed (fear) before people and planet (including equality and empathy).

    American Republicans hate liberals for the exact same reasons, because they’re afraid we’ll get in the way of their fear and greed.

    We're closer to #AmericanCivilWarII than most people believe and just like before our own friends and family members would take up arms against us for not getting on board with their extreme bigotries just like the Confederates in 1865 or the Nazis in 1938.

    With a $15 min wage, tuition free education, universal healthcare, a universal basic income (UBI) and internet access for all, we'll raise the starting point of capitalism from zero, we'll let you die with no money, to a level of life with dignity, reducing societal daily fears on a massive scale which will free us to welcome the coming automation revolution with open arms rather than fear and great harm.
    #getALLmoneyOut #EqualityMovement #StillSandersPlatform

    Call me overly positive, but I think we’re leaving the era of ‘greed is good’ and celebrating wealth and entering an era of altruism and equality. #EraOfAltruism #CelebrateSelflessness #UniversalHealthcare #AbortionIsHealthcare

  6. “Our creator”. This would be the same creator who gives AIDS to children in Antica, right?

  7. Huh. The state with the most abortions outlaws abortion. And since the more conservative a community is the higher the abortion rate Im sure they’re going to really enjoy their victory.

  8. We gots to pro-tekt them helpless feetises so's they can bekom lots of cheap workers and desperate cannon-fodder for new holy wars! Yahoo, Texass! What a sewer.

  9. now on a guy will have to put down $300….$400. maybe $1000 up in deposit before he pumps out a deposit….. so when she goes to her monthly pregnancy check…..she will have the money on hand so she can go right out and rip the baby Jesus A.S.A.P .out her ….women aren't going to want to have to remember which nigga she done it with….track him down…hear him say he don't have no money until he gets break as rapper…… ]

  10. Our creator set the standard for murder. Thou shalt not kill. The day of Yahweh is near repent these baby sacrifices are not going to delay the messiah's coming for we are in the days of Noah.

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