Nathan Robinson speaks about losing his Guardian column after criticizing Israel – Everything Law and Order Blog

Nathan Robinson, founder and editor-in-chief of Current Affairs magazine, has been writing a column for The Guardian U.S. since 2017. Then, without warning, The Guardian stopped accepting his pitches after Robinson tweeted criticisms of U.S. arms sales to Israel. In this segment of “The Marc Steiner Show,” Marc talks to Robinson about the still-unfolding saga and what it portends for the future of free speech in mainstream media.

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By phillyfinest369


20 thoughts on “Nathan Robinson speaks about losing his Guardian column after criticizing Israel”
  1. When Ilhan Omar talked about AIPAC – Isreal lobbyist group…she became targeted as anti semetic… she had to walk it back…she is a congresswoman in USA govt. Her life was threatened because how dare this black immigrant muslim women dare speak.

  2. My question is: How is it that Eastern Europeans Germans Polish Russains and others claim to be the Hebrew People, when the Hebrew People are African?? The easiest way to avoid answering this question – for some – would be to accuse me of anti-simitism, and to become beligerant, but it would be appreciated, if you would try to focus on the question, please…

  3. The worse thing anyone can do if you see something wrong and you don’t say anything you help the oppressor this has to change

  4. Israeli partisans no doubt scrutinize how EVERY editor working in major media permits reporters and editorial writers to cover Israel – and lets editors know explicitly what can be said @ Israel and what is not permitted. A recent example: in Jan 2021, Biden appointed to the staff of the National Security Council a cyber security expert, whose family foundation made a $500 million dollar gift to AIPAC. That's half a billion dollars, to the lobby arm of a foreign country. As if they are all edited from Israel, NO ONE in major US media has reported this gift. The NYT and the WaPo reported the appointment but made NO mention of the gift to AIPAC. The Asssociated Press did not even report the appointment. You can check these facts by googling Anne Neuberger.

  5. 16:20 to read that Corbyn statement, if that's exactly what he said, as anti-Semitic, is as intellectually dishonest as it gets.

  6. Hello Marc.
    Do you hate yourself? .. reason: criticism about the state of Israel .. jajaja .. it's great .. jaja. Likewise, in my "country" many people are traitors, terrorists, unpatriotic because we do not support the mass murders committed by the army. Yeess .. western democratic hypocrisy

  7. If you want to say that antisemitism runs deep into western culture, then isn’t it also true that dislike of non Jews runs deep into Jewish culture ???

  8. A "Climate" around discussions of the Israeli Government in the US is a more than a bit of an understatement. They are frankly a lot like the CCP in running the rascism narrative in order to control criticism and manage public discourse in their interests. Which a strange but rather informative comparison given that the CCP is indeed Fascist but that logically follows from the constant incidents such as these. They want us to self-censure. Better than propoganda is to get the speech you dislike stymied in the first place by the author him or herself as they indeed do behind the great firewall.

  9. The Guardian showed its true colors when it went after Jeremy Corbyn in the UK. They're corporate centrists who run the occasional left column as a sop to readers

  10. Since 1973, I have literally asked dozens of my fellow Americans in all walks of life the very same question: "What has Israel ever done for the United States ?" I have yet to find a fellow American who has an answer to that question. We give billions of dollars to Israel annually and have expended our political capital at the UN defending its indefensible actions and For WHAT ??? For WHAT, I say ??? As far as I can tell, its For NOTHING !!! What is the hold that Israel has over the US to make it such a STOOGE for Israel ??? Does anyone have an answer to that question either ??? …

  11. Not my usual post, but I'm passing this along:

    "I appreciate you all volunteering for the study we are conducting. Just to give you an update, we are still short about 20 volunteers to execute this study. If you know anyone, please share this link. We are especially short conservatives as we only had one sign-up so far. Here is the sign-up link:

    It is important to have a spectrum of participants, especially from the two major parties, for this study to test a certain hypothesis about this kind of technology across the political spectrum. While we don’t’ expect definitive results, we do hope to have some indication of what is perceived to work." @DavidJKelley, Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) Laboratory – Principal Scientist.

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