Marc Steiner talks with voters from marginalized communities, including Native, transgender, Black, and Latinx voting blocs about creating their own agendas when faced with voting for the lesser of two evils in the 2020 presidential election. Subscribe to our page and support our work at

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By elboriyorker


20 thoughts on “Our electoral ‘choices’ aren’t enough, say activists”
  1. Redemopublicrats/Enjoy the "good cop bad cop" routine. No wonder nothing really changes. A third party's vote is still counted by the ruling class. As long as they count the vote their is no vote. It would be better to arrange a more equitable human cooperation anyway.

  2. hey everybody…FYI: Nick Brana has started a movement for a 3rd party called "A Peoples Party" & their convention will take place on August 30th online.
    Cornel West, Nina Turner & Jimmy Dore will be heading up the event! Finally, a party for true Progressives left in the dust by Sanders back in 2016!
    See you @ the convention!

  3. Who influenced the president to put these pipe lines thru the country? Who influenced the president to deny medicare for all? The focus of the voter is wrong!

  4. None of the guests sourced the wealthy and corporate interests that forces the government to make the decision that governs us! The focus is WRONG!

  5. I'm just wondering if anyone else sees this vid as an attempt by an Old White Establishment Guy (Marc Steiner) to spread dissention among young people and minorities. This would have been a good vid posted AFTER the election, but posted now it's just going to persuade some voters not to vote Democratic when we need UNITY to defeat Trump.

    Surely Steiner knows this, since this is a supposedly liberal channel. But why? Is it just tone-deaf click bait? Or deliberate? Hmmm….

  6. Whatever happens, whatever each person decides – Who and what you put your trust into OWES YOU and you can call that in. Your trust is the most precious basis for establishing action in this world, and if you invest it for the purpose of certain actions taking place you can expect and enforce that action to be taken as you have bought it with your most precious trust. Trust is a contract, and if it's broken there are consequences, compensation is due – so set your terms, make it precise, and make it's open and public what is being entered into agreement. Very public.

  7. trump is a symptom, not the illness. if you cure that symptom are you really going to be well again, america? no, that's like taking pain-killers for 2 broken legs so you don't have to slow down and can keep walking without any of those bothersome signals warning you that you need to stop and heal. look at who would have you believe in taking pain killers or anti depressants rather than addressing and then fixing the roots of the problems – figuratively and quite literally in cases where cures are available but condemning people as terminal & offering palliative care is more profitable.- THERE ARE TOO MANY OF THOSE VENTURES AFOOT. the whole damn system is guilty as hell. and i don't say that lightly, hell is an horrible thing to admit has it's foot in the door of this planet – but we need to recognise what has the potential of going where, and that we choose where it goes.

  8. What a soup of ideas, no clear thoughts on what to do and how to do it. Although I've heard one thought that was legit, from indigenous women, that people have to unite, and I can add, people have to unite around workers interests. Capitalists are united around their interests, despite all this theater between two parties. But the workers are fragmented to black and white, men and women, gay and straight.

  9. USE ! To progressives and ADOS/ black agenda voters/ grassroots black voters: like it or not, voting lower ballot or stay home, Trump or Biden will be the NEXT president. YOU know Trump needs to go. IT’s time to USE Biden/ Harris to get rid of Trump so progressives and ADOS voters can take over the system. Progressives and ADOS can not take over the system with Trump and his mafia in office. ARE YOU READY to own the policy table or talk about the table?

  10. it gets to the point of dictatorship the more people show they are too scared to do anything. it's been demonstrated for too long that the people aren't going to physically stop things – and they care about you physically stopping things – like physically stopping consuming junk, stopping paying in to the banks, stopping ice from locking cage doors on people. noone that gets to be president will be allowed to physically stop anything on your behalf – the american people are a great people and have a true opportunity to show what THEY CAN do.

  11. Why is building a real 3rd party, left wing not an option? Greedy controlling ppl are clearly not changing (ex what happened to Bernie Sanders). Even if you don’t vote Green, support the Green Party, it’s a slow systemic change, but those are usually the kind that last.

  12. they don't matter, they're not important, they're not the most important people in the world, they've made out like they are because they're dangerously narcissistic, but they're just not. they get away with everything because people still believe in them for whatever reason. they've had long enough and done fuck all in that time – they're never gona change. don't let their public relations experts help them fool you.

  13. also the thing that fascinates me is how stupid they pretend to be, because that is how stupid they think the people are – they have always been this way, condescending af.
    growing up in the bubbles they have they'll never see the average citizen as an equal, not even the upper class, their money is just needed so of course they are more shmoozed. The citizen is being used as currency for their power plays, that is literally all. they can't care about us – i'm sorry, but they have all had 50+ years on earth and in prestigious positions with power over resources and infrastructure ANDF THEY'VE DONE WHAT WITH IT? ABSOLUTELY FUCK ALL AND ONLY ANYTHING TO HELP THEMSELVES. TRUST. trust is key man… if you really don't feel it is there for them, and they're not willing to put in the effort to prove you can trust them, prove that they BASE LINE respect life – SEND THEM TO THE BACK OF THE LINE.

  14. if the choice was made on mass to not vote, and the choice was electing instead for an alternative system to be built from the ground up, they would have their work cut out for them trying to thwart that. let them be the ones jumping when we say jump though eff their fun time, they're supposed to work.
    So many people, individually, are so powerful, and together you're a power they would be petrified of reckoning with if you actually faced them and they had to communicate openly with citizens, and directly answer to you.

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