This Is Not A Drill – 2020: Stand Up, Fight Back – Everything Law and Order Blog

Any strategy about the 2020 elections has to take very seriously the threats and attacks on particular groups and communities. Black, trans, immigrant, and indigenous folks, are organizing hard for radical change and to shape the outcome of the 2020 elections and beyond.
In this episode of OrgUp’s This Is Not A Drill, hosts Adam Gold and Rishi Awatramani talk with M Adams, Daroneshia Duncan-Boyd, and Judith LeBlanc to understand how groups are organizing to defeat Trump and Trumpism, end the long history of oppression and racist violence against their communities, and win a new world.
Morathi Adams, Co-Executive Director of Freedom Inc
Daroneshia Duncan- Boyd, Executive Director of Trans United Fund
Judith LeBlanc, Director of Native Organizers Alliance

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

The Real News is a viewer-supported media network bringing you the stories from the frontlines of the fight for a better world.

By phillyfinest369


20 thoughts on “This Is Not A Drill – 2020: Stand Up, Fight Back”
  1. Cinthya McKinney a green much to learn what really is going on follow her…
    like Angel Wallace … search learn…Surfing Santa… yes look for their information to KNOW what we must! to help us decide for all peace of minds…

  2. FIGHTING #humantrafficking because is a global focus that HUMANITY FINALLY HAVE A CHANCE TO BRING DOWN… we got choices side with the children…. "you didn't know" it is inexcusable…. EVIDENCES ARE EVERYWHERE… our common denominator to protect our future check proofs not parrot narratives PROOFS!

  3. Voting is for idiots that STILL think voting makes a difference. If you think that you can stop the tyranny and fascism towards which our country is headed by pulling a lever in a voting booth, and voting for the left wing or right wing, you are TOTALLY out of touch with reality!

  4. Protest is mostly showing yourself and voicing concerns……beating people…stealing…breaking property is rioting….that is criminal. It will be ended one way or the other.

  5. You really need to take out those amongst you who use violence or loot stores while you are protesting and I am of course not talking about fuckin nazis but people on your own side! That's the ONLY way you can win! You don't need another bloody Sunday! If your message doesn't come across as peaceful you will not get any sympathizing and empathizing with you. I say this because I care and because I really don't want to see Trump in the White House for 4 new year's. Please! 🙏

  6. It's funny… Trump with Rosa Parks and Ali got awards for helping black communities "before he became president". He helped Jesse Jackson and Al Sharptons charities for black communities "before he became president". Black unemployment and needs of social services are at a historical low. Oprah tried to get him to run over a decade ago. Isn't it funny that as soon as he decided to run as a Republican… He magically became racist. Fake agenda!!!

  7. Old people no matter what skin color and nationality need to educate themselves and do the right thing everybody should check out Robert David Steeler and doctor Cynthia McKinney she's very awesome walking….

  8. @Darlene Mitchell 
    Hi everybody! Where I come from people used to call the tradional owners of our land 'black,' 'blacky,' 'dark,' and 'darkies!' Our indigenous peoples in turn sometimes called some people 'white, 'whitey,' 'yellow,' and 'slant eyes!!' We did from the mid 1970's and still do consider referring tto people by their racial characteristics as 'racist!' Why do American's insist on appearing to divide peoples on the basis of skin-colour, rather than how the globalist's conservative's and marxist's do, which is by income and inheritance strata?

  9. How can mail-in voting be protected from fraud by corrupt right wingers. No-one talks about the right wing of US poletics being corrupt, but it may well be possible!

  10. As a foriegn observer, it seems such a shame to see protestors painting on walls and roads and burning down private homes, and business districts, n your once beautiful cities!

  11. The right is really effective at targeting young boys and men, and giving them a place to belong. Is there any reason that it would be harmful for the left to offer those same kids a different and more loving place to spend their time?

    It would be different of course, our enemy has nothing to do with race or sex or whatever. It's all about class. But there is plenty of anger against the 1% that we could tap into. I dunno. I just think those kids are being preyed upon. They are victims, but may become the perpetrator in a couple years. We really ought to be trying to protect them.

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