Why You Should Give a F*ck | Ep. 3 | Labor Rights – Everything Law and Order Blog

We explore the different areas of labor rights and the role we all play in their enforcement, while digging deeper into the aspect of mental health as it relates to our rights as workers.

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By phillyfinest369


20 thoughts on “Why You Should Give a F*ck | Ep. 3 | Labor Rights”
  1. Your report doesn't go deep enough as usual. Your not dealing with the source of the discrimination. Why is there worker discrimination of any kind? It is the Capitalist system itself. Where is your argument against the system? The laws you cited are an attempt to deal with the flaws of the system. The structure of our Capitalist system must be questioned to be able to resolve the problems of Capitalism. The journalism od this report is sadly lacking.

  2. Why then going to Starbucks, McDonnell, Wendies and so on? You get crap, become fat and sick. Workers are shitty paid and have to work under bad work conditions. People are not ready to make personal decissions which would have an impact. Neither are they ready to fight for greater demands, even if the current situation let us believe big changes are coming. I am not convinced American people are able to fight the fight until ALL necessary changes are done. There is not one example in the last six decades where things changed because of peoples action. Proof me wrong and I will be the happiest man on earth.

  3. I was hoping that trn would talk about collective action for the common good. About the systemic problem of market forces that create the profit motive and forces companies to screw their employees, their customers, the communities where they do business and our natural environment. And that we have to replace capitalism with something more just and efficient. I was disappointed.

  4. A tip from a long time worker, now retired. Back in the 70's and 80's maintenance workers came into many businesses to change out the signs that said "Personnel" to "Human Resources" I can remember having a bad feeling about that. It was a change in perspective by employers to view the "other" people associated with that business are just a resource, not an active participant in the business. As if to say, we no longer value you as a person, just a resource, like any other. You became a mop, a chair, or any other expendable resource.
    Change that, and change the perspective.
    Maui Bill

  5. Love it. It's different slant on the Hill's "Why you should Care" which flopped horribly. Better luck to your efforts.
    Maui Bill

  6. The days of jobs for life working in industries are long gone for the masses, You will likely need to work in several places to secure long terms of employment, And you have to be very lucky to minimalize times between jobs at best, As with shopping locally and trying to avoid Chinese imports, Well, People would like to, But are forced by endemic low wages to do so, And the large corporates know this, One way out is industrial democracy, Why should shareholders demand payments until they drop dead, All the while the workers get a pittance, Limits should be set on term and profit limits on shareholdings, And all employers, Because wealthy exploiters will not change, That`s like asking smackheads with a free supply of heroin to quit the habit

  7. It doesn't mean it's racist because they used black children it was representing the time would have looked out of place if they use white middle class children culturally different that's all it represents nothing racist about it
    We have the same thing today with migrant workers Mexicans treated in the same manner let's concentrate on their rights

  8. Everyone should have a union, family leave, vacation leave, and sick leave. I’ve worked at a non union job and a union job. The union job is a 1000 times better. Instead of having to understand all the
    rules and advocate for myself with no help no I have an advocate that helps me.

  9. Thank you sir for the great video. I’m a 60 year old white dude that loved the Wonka movie as a kid and never new that. Corporate America and there share holders are nothing but thieves, people that work full time and still are able to qualify for food stamps. That is so sad. I stopped buying from Walmart years ago and support my local grocery store that pays there workers union wages and health benefits and has a union. I find the food better, store cleaner and the workers have been there for years. I have never bought anything from Amazon either. It’s up to all us consumers to let these companies know that if treat the workers like less than human that we will not support them. I’m just a working guy that does the same job my dad did his whole life, but my dads life was far more prosperous than my life. My dad and mom ( stay at home home mom) raised 5 children, a nice home, 2 cars and when he and mom passed they had a large savings. Now I have raised 2 children and have been wise and my wife works full time and and live way different, smaller home, older cars etc.

  10. It should be argued that the conditions under which a person works can impact a worker's mental health, such as a nurse being expected to pick up an absent nurse's load because the employer doesn't want to pay what it costs to put in on call nurse.

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