Stir Crazy! Episode #57: Juneteenth!! – Everything Law and Order Blog

On today’s show: Action Now Chicago’s Deborah Harris, activist and recording artist Eze Jackson, and Detroit Action’s Branden Snyder. Hosted by Kim Brown.

If you have questions/comments/suggestions for the show email us at

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

The Real News is a viewer-supported media network bringing you the stories from the frontlines of the fight for a better world.

By phillyfinest369


7 thoughts on “Stir Crazy! Episode #57: Juneteenth!!”
  1. Around 41:04 they started talking complete nonsense. This pitting Black women against Black men has to stop. And we have stop with the a false notion that Black women started all or most of our freedom movements while Black men simply sat around doing nothing but taking credit for them.

  2. No… Justice
    No… Peace
    Prosecute The Police
    The Racist Police
    Criminals In Uniform
    The New Slave Catchers
    Enforcing The Slave Codes
    The Black Codes
    Jim Crow Laws
    Unjust Laws
    Qualified Immunity
    Blue Wall Of Silence
    Police Union's Brutality
    Agent… Provocateur
    Consent… Decrees
    False… Positive
    Paid… Leave
    Konvict Killer Kops
    Name& Badge Number
    License & Registration
    Racial Profile
    Implicit… Bias
    Falsely Detained
    Falsely Arrested
    Unconscious Bias
    Unlawful… Order
    Excessive Force
    Resisting… Arrest
    Beaten And Bruised
    Broken And Abused
    Trumped Up Charges
    Public Defender Busy
    Prosecutor Convict
    Two Tier Justice System
    PostTraumatic Slave Syndrome
    Healing… Feelings
    Black Lives Matter Here
    Abolish MPD
    Invest In MPLS
    Police Free Society
    Native…. Holocaust
    Native Lives Matter Here
    Birth Of A Nation
    White House Lawns
    Toothless Congress
    State Of Emergency
    Slavery Wages
    Broken Schools
    Public Housing
    Private Hospitals
    RedLined & Gentrified
    Lynching… Tickets
    Human… Zoo
    White… Fragility
    Absent Of Feelings
    Cognitive Dissonance
    Structural… Systemic
    Bone Marrow Racism
    1885 Berlin Conference
    Status… Quo
    Divide & Rule
    Law .&. Order
    Search & Destroy
    Pandora's… Box
    Savage… Europe
    Aboriginal… Genocides
    Amerikkkan… Atrocities
    Trails of Tears
    Guilty as Charged
    State Sanctioned Organized Crimes
    Southern… Strategy
    Law .&. Order
    GetTough On Crimes
    War On Blacks (Drugs)
    Nightmares Passed Down
    Days Of Reckoning
    Mass Incarceration
    Mandatory Minimums
    Black Bodies Profits
    Maximum Security
    Solitary Confinement
    Capital Punishment
    Enemy Combatant
    Guantanamo Bay
    Perpetual… UnderCaste
    With Liberty & Justice
    For All
    Militarized… ICE
    Babies In Cages
    Have & Have Not
    Profits Not People
    Slavery… Alive
    Foundation Of America
    Slavery… Constituted
    Law .&. Order
    Hypocrisy Of Slavery
    Original… Sin
    National… Shame
    Forty Acres & a Mule
    Promise Unkept
    Payments Due
    Toilet Paper Currency
    Animal… Diets
    Corporate… Greed
    Blacks Labor….White Wealth
    Amerikkka's… Alzheimer
    Colonizer… Massacre
    Confederate… Treason
    Convict (Slave) Leasing
    13th Amendment
    A Mockery Of Democracy
    Slavery Capitalism
    Wall Street Looting
    Complicit… Media
    Chained and Shackled
    Bartholdi Original Statue
    Slave Lady… Breaking
    Chains To Shine The Way.
    Tall Dark& Enlightened
    Crystal… N*gro
    Kunta… Kinte
    Prince Of Darkness
    Draw The Curtains
    For The Night Is Dark
    Divine Dark Mama
    Slave… Avenue
    Slave… Castles
    Slave… Dungeons
    Slave… Merchants
    Slave… Rapes
    Slave… Ships
    Slave… Banking
    Slave… Insurance
    Slave… Market
    Slave… Doctor
    Slave… Economy
    Blood… Money
    Door Of No Return
    BLACKEST… Holocaust
    Plausible… Deniability
    Culture Of Poverty
    Food With Stamps
    Hidden In Plain Sight
    Below The Poverty Line
    North Won The War
    South Won The Ideology
    Slavery By Another Name
    Slave Of The State'
    Plantation… Penitention
    Blacks… Done Dying
    Whites… Done Hiding
    Illusion… Delusion
    Silence Is Loud
    India Dalits Lives Matter
    Palestinian Lives Matter
    Copa… Cabana
    Principles Of legitimacy
    American… Spring
    C'mon Home.. Don't Be Alone
    Justice… Justice
    Can Hear Us… Now.
    Ruth Wilson Gilmore
    Thank… You

  3. Julian Agyeman 🗽 is a Professor of Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning, Tufts University.

    Kofi Boone 🗽 is a Professor of Landscape Architecture, College of Design, North Carolina State University.


    Land Grab

    The proportion of the United States under black ownership has actually shrunk over the last 100 years or so.

    At their peak in 1910, African American farmers made up around 14% of all U.S. farmers, owning 16 to 19 million acres of land. By 2012, black Americans represented just 1.6% of the farming community, owning 3.6 million acres of land. Another study shows a 98% decline in black farmers between 1920 and 1997. This contrasts sharply with an increase in acres owned by white farmers over the same period.

    In a 1998 report, the U.S. Department of Agriculture ascribed this decline to a long and "well-documented" history of discrimination against black farmers, ranging from New Deal and USDA discriminatory practices dating from the 1930s to 1950s-era exclusion from legal, title and loan resources.

    Discriminatory practices have also affected who owns property as well as land. In 2017, the racial homeownership gap was at its highest level for 50 years, with 79.1% of white Americans owning a home compared to 41.8% of black Americans. This gap is even larger than it was when racist housing practices such as redlining, which denied black residents mortgages to buy, or loans to renovate, property were legal.

    The lack of ownership is crucial to understanding the crippling economic disparity that has hollowed out the black middle class and continues to plague black America – making it harder to accrue wealth and pass it on to future generations.

    A 2017 report found that the median net worth for non-immigrant black American households in the greater Boston region was just US $8, but for whites it was $247,500. This was due to "general housing and lending discrimination through restrictive covenants, redlining and other lending practices."

    Land Loss Has Plagued Black America Since Emancipation, but Collective Ownership Offers a Solution

    The ConversationJun. 19, 2020 10:11AM EST

  4. Juneteenth colors are not red black and green! It's red, white and blue! Stop changing it to a pan African holiday! It's an black "American" holiday!

  5. Changing the metaphor, change the language. I reflect on this and I have decided I no longer want to be referred to as “white”. I think of the speech by Malcolm X when he spoke about the meanings and the images behind the words black and white. (From the movie The word white and all it’s nuances does not reflect in any way who I am. Stop calling me white. Black and all its nuances does not reflect in any way who George Floyd was. Stop calling him black. If we stop calling ourselves by these words, how will we begin to see each other? What will we begin to look for in each other when we no longer have those nuances to fall back on or control our thinking?

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