This is Not a Drill: Rebellions, Repression, and Elections – Everything Law and Order Blog

The explosion of the largest urban rebellions in the US since the 1960s has sharpened the political and economic crises that were already unfolding. In the backdrop of all of these overlapping crises, November’s election looms large, as Trump’s promised escalation of state violence and his drumming up of authoritarian sentiments puts the high stakes of the general election into sharp relief.

How do these urban rebellions and the state’s violent reaction reshape the political terrain? What new capacities do we now have and what new challenges must we grapple with so that we may defeat Trump and grow our movements? How must we shift our 2020 strategy? Join us for the next episode of This is Not a Drill: LIVE as we talk 2020 political and electoral strategy in the face of uprisings, pandemic, and crisis.

Hosts Adam Gold and Rishi Awatramani are joined by special guests Nelini Stamp, Jennifer Epps-Addison, Tami Sawyer, and Max Elbaum to discuss strategic questions facing left organizers at this crucial historical juncture.

Nelini Stamp, Working Families Party
Jennifer Epps-Addison, Center for Popular Democracy
Tami Sawyer, Black Voters Matter
Max Elbaum, Organizing Upgrade

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

The Real News is a viewer-supported media network bringing you the stories from the frontlines of the fight for a better world.

By phillyfinest369


20 thoughts on “This is Not a Drill: Rebellions, Repression, and Elections”
  1. I hope I can save u all Be strong black be brave I will stop it in promise I might a white 8 year old girl but I care black people BLACK LIVES MATTER:)

  2. It is very condescending to suggest that Black people are easily duped by the Trump campaign. This smacks of the Russiagate excuse. Old-school Red-baiting. It says any Black design is externally devised and can't be mentally conceived within. But Trump's cheap and token overtures to Blacks, sadly, are the more than Democrats are doing in exchange for several decades of Black loyalty. Furthermore, this is not intersectional. The comments waver from Black to Black & Brown/Latinx, ICE and women. Yet police violence has been primarily aimed at Black life, esp. men. (People are afraid to center blackness in discourse for some reason.) Whereas voter registration is important, the implication is that Blacks pull the presidential "lever," regardless. With only two choices topping the ticket, what is the big policy benefit for Blacks with lineage to American slavery, i.e., a debt? And where have BLM's founders been? And btw, Bernie proved to be a quitter, March on Washington opportunist, reparations denier, and a Democratic shill.

  3. What a scam,, good cop bad cop ,, right wing left wing same bird same shit.
    It takes two wings to fly. Both parties are the sam thing, a wicked occupying force of indigenous lands

  4. Just another channel giving some truths mixed with a hole lot of untruths. All Presidents are related and selected not elected.

  5. There is a mighty hand at work that's not easley understood. We all are at the beginning of a world revolution. The problems are intelligently articulated quite easily but where are the solutions in a outline form on paper for all to see? Change begins in each one of us for a change in a system to benefit all. CITIZENS OF EARTH UNITE. We are all derelict in our citizenship to allow this most egregious criminally insensitive self serving Leadership in our world to exist. It all starts here in a "National Authentication Uniformity Voting Act". Where all 50 States use a paper ballot that can be filled out in advance. Put in a scanner complete details available upon request. This is the most important policy to rally everyone together and that we inadvertantly deny ourselves and currently we cannot verify our votes are counted accurately and that we aren't being cheated. Until we can fix this, most else will be futile. Evil always wins when good people passively remain subjugated and do nothing.

    I dream of the day that all people everywhere live with all personal needs meet, have dignity with fulfilling work, security, purpose, love and happiness and all nations can be at peace with one another. There is not a lack of human ingenuity or natural resources there is only a lack of understanding and the collective political will to follow through. Ultimately A world wide cultural shift of solidarity in a compassionate movement for all humanity. "We the people out of many one" can only do what despot authoritarian oligarchy Governments will never do. Thinking outside the box adding some pizzazz a little razzmatazz, razzle dazzle our world in brotherhood. The folks that are  financially able and in a position that can MUST STEP UP.  Having several concerts/rallies through the universal language of music for "World Peace, Love, Hope and Change our Earth in Crisis". Climate catastrophe is knocking down our door and NO MORE Needless WAR!!!!!!!! How unifying speaking truth to power globally this would be. UNITED together we all shall overcome hate, injustice and inequality and the universe will sing with Joy. Music is to the spirit what words are to the mind. Chaos and confusion, Babylon is falling, falling that system will pass away.

    I'm not a Democrat or a Republican I'm just a plain ol citizen on this planet we call home willing to sacrifice for the good of others and to fight the good fight for positive change for all.

    A new day, a better way TRUTH where objectives are clear and concise. You don't necessarily need a leader you just need mass participation for the greater good. We the 99% with Awakening Consciousness rising up to the most important fact, that our power lies in our numbers and the 1% world wide see the hand writing on the wall and know if they aren't willing to relent from their greedy political/corporate vulture capitalism then the masses who have been brutalized and systematically cheated for so long can come in and take it all away from them and correct the balance sheets so skewed towards inequality and injustice. We as a global community, a nation, a culture must understand where we have come from to be clear eyed to know where we all are going. The past is written unto history, the present is a gift of life and the future change is in our hands. There are 2 kinds of people in this world ones that take action and everybody else. Talk is cheap and now it's time to walk the talk. "WE  THE PEOPLE."  Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness for ALL.
    Stay safe everyone. Peace with joy in your journey, and blessings to us all

  6. Not trying to throw water on the efforts of the tech community here around SF. But honestly. WTF?
    Google Facebook Twitter Apple. These companies are NOTORIOUS for having what?
    A 1% maybe 2% minority Hire rate.
    They really talk a good game. They really gentrified the FK outta every city in the bay area. Whites Only seems to be the mission statement of Big Tech. Oh ok lets not forget they do love those East Indians.
    All im saying is. Racism is NOT just cops killing A Black Man.
    Worse yet. Its NOT hiring Blacks. Its Not giving equal opportunity to Blacks.

    Its pretty easy to win the game when you only play with your select group.

    But we all have seen the Brilliance of POC and how they excell.

    THAT is what Big Tech is afraid of. Blacks can code too. It certainly aint rocket science.

    So all you techies out there marching and taking selfies and bringing your kids along.

    How bout you start hiring POC. Try that for a fucking change

  7. Defund the police = total chaos.
    Demoncrates hate all races and want an enslaved NWO.
    18 Million aborted Black children.
    Planned Parenthood puts there clinics in poor and Black neighborhoods for a reason !!

  8. Votes mean nothing when we labor under an OLIGARCHY. It's a two- class system, and who exactly it is that makes up the subject class has nothing to do with race and EVERYTHING to do with NET WORTH. ANYONE who tells you otherwise is lying, so the question is, are they merely ignorant, or are they lying to you FOR A REASON?

  9. Beware of agent provocateurs. Remember Conintpro, the secret federal plot to destroy the left in the sixties.

  10. Don't forget the Green Party.
    The Gallup Poll said a MAJORITY of Americans want a new party, but DON'T KNOW we HAVE ONE!
    We could conceivably win, if as many people who say "It can't be done." – got up and did it!
    "Third parties can't win" is circular logic.

  11. Bond courts need abolished asset forfiture,excessive fines all need abolished,all these protest only enforces gov,to grow,not down size

  12. Bernie makes millions off of corporate USA,,an mumbles joe,has laundered billions thru aid ,Hillary still not in prison for uranium 1 ,or email ,or Bengazi,,,look at Cuba in how they are making out,An actually living as well as any country that is socialist and comunist,,bread lines and starvation ,remove the civil asset forfiture,Trump 2020,

  13. Remove imunity remove unions in gov,remove laws that make a two tear justice systym, stand up for the constitution, make marayuana legal for all adults in the recreational use and growth,change the laws that citizens and all politicians have to abide and live at the same level as in laws and in finance as well as term limits on all who serve the USA,,


  15. I feel like u know wat Matters is
    Like u know things a becomeing a feeling of resinateing harmony,unregistered u mean like illegals,

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