Germany Is Failing to Take Racism Seriously – Everything Law and Order Blog

A white supremacist in Hanau murdered ten people. German authorities, however, refuse to acknowledge the connection between Islamophobia and anti-Semitism, considering only the latter to be worthy of attention.

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By phillyfinest369


25 thoughts on “Germany Is Failing to Take Racism Seriously”
  1. Cologne New Years 2016 who were the people who assaulted Germans in their own country? The word rassist doesn't mean what the liberals say it means. Look it up

  2. We can't have all those aliens coming here, they have plenty of room on their own planets. Visit maybe, stay, no friggin way.
    Personally I believe the lavender colored ones are the dumbest by far.
    And those ones with six arms, I mean really! Can you imagine sex?

  3. Leftspeak: ruling classes collect labor. Human capital. They don’t have any interest in losing or damaging their capital. Racism damages that capital. If there is racism, it’s coming from some “intersection” of oppressed classes. It’s about democracy isn’t it ? Then let’s be democratic and accept the will of the people.

  4. It is a gang-war between Kurds and Turks…

  5. The problem for protected minorities is that their protection can be revoked. EU states to this day still prefer to relegate to client ghettos, rather than integrate jews and muslims into the main culture (for example teaching Latin anywhere while segregating Hebrew and Arabic; or teaching a history where anything not pan-Greco-Roman or pan-christian is othered or omitted).

  6. Police everywhere is a bunch of fascist bullies. It's horrible, we can't have police without a clear democratic and civic filter at the entry and while in office. Police are also overprotected by laws and tribunals: they should be held responsible to the highest democratic and civic standards at every moment instead.

  7. Germany 🇩🇪 victims of there own success maybe the people are sick of being shit on by some of the people they are trying to help.
    These people might not be able to speak their language but they can point or describe a murderer or a thief and they are not which angers people if you want to be part of any community act like it

  8. I don't care for punishing the thought or expression of thought. Let the Holocaust deniers/revisionists have their soap boxes to speak. We should be about punishing assault, battery, murder, and crimes against property. Do that strenuously. I feel Germans have the right to decide their demographic destiny without being thought of as Nazis. If there are Germans who want to express their hatred of foreigners in their speech, then they should have that freedom, which is not the same as some foreigners committing rape and murder. Problem is that Germany has a political elite, who want infantilize the citizenry by denying them freedom of speech. I find it interesting that many Jews on the right freely express a sort of Jewish supremacy by advocating for extreme measures against Muslims, and yet they are not punished for hate speech, which seems to be a form of selective enforcement. So let Germans be free to nonviolently voice themselves.

  9. So one person in a population of 83 million shoots some people and suddenly it's the end of the World? Try to at least pretend to have some perspective and sense of proportion, maybe, just a little bit.

  10. I am sorry, but all the blame is not on the Germans, some yeah, but not all. The US-backed civil wars in the ME is what created the mass refugee exit and Merkel was stupid to accept them. They should have fought against US policies instead. I like Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, and others too. I am fine with them having some cultural diversity, otherwise no döner kebabs, and overall it adds some spice. But just like a dish with too many spices is ruined, the same applies to these ancient countries. It's their history and culture that makes them unique, so let’s keep it that way.

    The US is different because, “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore."

    These violent a*s*oles should not be mad at the refugees, they did not ask for the intervention wars, they should be mad at their (German in this case) government for not doing enough to prevent such wars.

  11. The majority of Germans are arrogant by nature. Some of them think they have still won the world war 2. My mother lost 4 brothers and 3 sisters during the war. by the Germans. We don't forget.

  12. That’s so unlike the Germany from World Wars 1 & 2! Whatever could be happening in Germany?!? Yet AGAIN? Pfft!
    Come on man! Judge this book by its cover already! Evil lives there.

  13. Shooting people due to race isn't racism. It's racial terrorism.

    Racism is simply to filter people based on their race. Honestly, this is everywhere in different proportion.

  14. Well quit calling everyone right of Jane Fonda a Nazi and then we can focus on the few real racists that pose a danger. Being concerned about immigration doesn't make one a Nazi. It's mostly a problem of over diagnoses.

  15. The transimission of racist ideological is passed down from generation to generation.
    5 million youths of the Nazi youth then are today aged in their 90s. They had 45 years to pollute the minds of their grandchildren born in the 1950s who are today aged 65-70 and these people had ample to time to pollute the minds of their children born in the 60s, 70s are now aged 40-50, and these are the people active in government today, they hate millennials born in the 90s are aged 30. They regard Millenials as lazy, spoiled, obsessed with technology, the girls of this generation hate the boys of this generation because the boys never communicate with girls directly, eye to eye, flatter or flirt with them, that the dating world for this generation is a disgrace.The boys of this generation hide behind technology and social media and generate all kinds of racist ideology broadcasted through video games and the like. But this generation had been completely corrupted by their parent generationa nd if they are German then the racist ideology went straight into their heads. But there are more than merely 5 million German youths whose great, great grandparents with Nazi and racist ideology close to their hearts spread over many countries, America, Argentina, Australia, Israel, Canada, are all places where Nazis emmigrated.

  16. anywhere that Christianity flourishes, so too does Islamophobia. Global religions, Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, are at the root of billions of lives lost in the name of religion.

  17. Israel is the cause of the wars in the middle east and pushed the immigration from those wars into Europe.

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