Baltimore Explores Safe Consumption Sites – Everything Law and Order Blog

Safe consumption sites have been used around the world for decades, and advocates hope they could help Baltimore decrease its overdose death rate–one of the highest in the nation.

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By phillyfinest369


29 thoughts on “Baltimore Explores Safe Consumption Sites”
  1. Keep an eye on New Mexico. We have new legislation being passed enabling the NM Department of Health to open the United States first SIF sites.

  2. Your media outlet lied about Scott Presler and it was disingenuous. You are a news outlet and you called a genuinely nice man who only wanted to help people by cleaning up Baltimore, a right-wing extreamist. Very false and you did it on purpose. He has continued to clean the country and you have not apologized or said you were lying. “Real News” my ass

  3. Most metrics from countries treating drug addiction as a medical issue instead of a criminal issue prove that this is the way to go. But the American govt is making WAY too much money off the drug war to make this happen in here.

  4. コロナウィルスの事でコメントしてます。内容が違っててすみません。








  5. People in the comment section are so indoctrinated by the D.A.R.E. era of thinking. Drugs are not addictive in and of themselves. Addiction comes from trauma (typically childhood trauma). Trauma requires mental health treatment. Gabor Maté has written extensively on the topic. Thank you Real News for bringing truth and compassion to the forefront of the daily news cycle.

  6. I'm harm reduction nurse. i have worked in BC insite clinic.
    we will look back at this era of war on drug and we will realize how inhumane we treated drug users.

    harm reduction helps users get ride of their addiction .. we need it everywhere !!

  7. @Red Bear I respect that your opinion differs from the one stated here. Could you elaborate on an alternative? It's easy to criticize but where is the the critical thought offering a solution?

  8. Oh sure, why not🤷🏽‍♀️ So instead of people dying a quick death, let’s just help them kill themselves slowly and softly. This is ridiculous! There’s no such thing as a safe place to kill yourself

  9. I read somewhere that Switzerland is very right wing but decided long ago that the drug problem is not going away and that spaces for these activities was preferable to seeing them passed out in the streets.

  10. Government will still find ways to profit from it and in the process destroy anything positive that would come of it.

  11. I would not live in this Hell Hole, Rat Hole. All this does is keep the Drug Heads alive to buy more drugs. All you are doing is keeping the Drug Dealers in Business. I watched the low life POS people burn the CVS and steal everything they could carry. About like they did the Walmart when Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans, no difference in the people that live in both places.

  12. The problem in Baltimore is not drug use. The problem is, depression of a community, without remedy other than drugs. This problem is not new in Baltimore, so the city definitely have to see it's heritage, and build on that, since focusing on the problem is not working.

  13. This is suggested because of the nationwide push to help opioid users while other drug users are still treated as criminals. Safe sites are good if that's all that's going to be done just because white people are on board with this, since it looks like they are the ones addicted and dying the most from opioids. How about stopping the flow of opiods, if that's not too much to ask? There should be simultaneous relief for other drug users and those in jail for other drugs.

  14. cheaper than prisons by a long shot….and can get access to help quitting then…and make sure no needles on the streets. yeah its time to treat not criminalize. we need to evolve to something humane. the drug war failed. only made things worse. city also needs a jobs program like wpa…

  15. Make it SAFER for EVERYONE and make a Place where Sick People can Find help without damaging others…. LEGALIZE IT ALL*! (available, better, safer, cheaper addictive drugs.)

  16. If we have studies that confirm how harm reduction can benefit those affected, we should definitely embrace those models. Portugal has radically cut drug use by legalizing all drug use & treating addiction as the medical & social issue it is. The only reason for criminalization of drugs is profit for one or another invested party. No doubt, big pharma will make yet more billions on "treatments & alternatives". Enough, already!

  17. I was an addict in Baltimore for 10 years and having a safe consumption site would have been a huge blessing. It would have also kept the street and neighborhoods safer.

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