Exxon to Congress: Lift Cyprus Arms Embargo, There’s Gas Nearby – Everything Law and Order Blog

TRNN’s Steve Horn and The Intercept’s Lee Fang say a bill to lift the arms embargo on Cyprus and promote offshore gas in the region received lobbying support from ExxonMobil, and the pro-Israel and pro-Greece lobbies.

This interview is about a collaborative investigation between The Intercept and The Real News Network. You can read it here: https://therealnews.com/columns/exxonmobil-congress-arms-mediterranean-offshore-natural-gas

It highlights a prior investigation published in December by The Real News into subsidies granted to European Union countries to promote gas projects: https://therealnews.com/columns/democrats-invoke-russiagate-to-advance-bill-lobbied-for-by-big-oil

Also see TRNN’s prior coverage of the climate impacts of offshore drilling in the Mediterranean Sea and the response of activists in the EU and Israel: https://therealnews.com/stories/climate-environment-mediterranean-natural-gas-pipelines

Producer: Steve Horn
Director/Video Editor: Cameron Granadino
Audio Engineer: Will Arenas
Visual Producer: Andrew Corkery
Cameron Granadino
Chase Producer: Genevieve Montinar

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By phillyfinest369


23 thoughts on “Exxon to Congress: Lift Cyprus Arms Embargo, There’s Gas Nearby”
  1. Why does the map say "Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus" ???? This is a piece of land invaded and occupied by Turkey, simply. It is not a state nor a "republic".

  2. How the greeks dare to ask to the rest of the world to respect them????!!!!
    First they are white, secondly they are not muslim…

  3. With out gas there would be no glass…heat treating of metals…cement…bricks…ceramics…refrigerants…many needed chemicals…on and on

  4. Hey white man! While your greedy asses run around the planet to steal natural resources form other countries you are suffering from the Lowest fertility rates on the planet. Give it a little time everything that you stole from others will be forcefully taken from you. It's call karma the universal law on this planet that know one escape from. Low fertility rates mean you wont have white boys to protect the precious resources that you stole from other.. Now it's just a waiting game…😀 ⏰

  5. Now i understand why Turkey is acting this way, they're about to get outmaneuvered if they don't stand strong lol

  6. The Cyprus banking system is a huge hub of Russian money laundering, also Wilbur Ross has deep ties to Cyprus.

  7. Funny how corrupt the government is, but these same people want to give the government power over your housing, employment, healthcare, and every other aspect of your life as though those areas won’t be corrupted just the same.


  8. The context is the Turkish so-called ‘trnc’ stole my family’s homes and all possessions at gun point, took them hostage, made them prisoners of war, and tortured and killed thousands of Cypriots.

  9. Wow. This is what I'm talking about. Damn corporations are using our military life mafia bosses to get more money. How does that benefit lives in America?

  10. Please do not put ‘the Turkish Republic of northern Cyprus’ on your map. That is not a country. It’s stolen occupied land and condemned by the United nations as an act of war crimes.

  11. Thanks for shedding light on how geography and economy are defined (and always have been) along the lines of political economy, and never on the sovereignty of nation states. Global sovereignty is clearly subordinate to global business interests. I must argue that Congress and all state apparatus, that need to be, are not failing at all. They are doing exactly what they are intended to do. All hope for ordinary citizens to influence this system died in the 1980s (if hope was ever in the system).

    Under Trump and the latest incarnation of US fascism, uncovering the "secret" machinations of government(s) through research does nothing to show what change might look like or if, in fact, it is possible. Expecting the current system to be the repository for hope is delusional. We know who the winners are, and who and what, are the losers. Change will take nothing less than full-on rebellion and massive insurrection. Is anyone or any group in a position to do this? Let's discuss the assertion of that reality.

  12. This is an aggravating story, but thanks for it. I come to your channel more and more, because you have exclusive stuff even the lefty pundits don't cover.

  13. Natural gas being "cleaner" or releasing less CO2 is a fallacy. We have these factual sciences called physics and chemistry that don't care what spin exxon puts on the narrative. Lee Fang and Steve Horn are great journalists and I applaud their reporting on such important issues. Every new fossil fuel discovery that is exploited brings humanity closer to near term extinction. We have to stop this or we all die due to famine, migration wars and exponential temperature rise. The greed of a few does not overrule the continuance of life on this planet. We have 10 years left to drastically reduce the burning of fossil fuels on this planet. The future of your children and their children depends on us taking decisive action now to re-power the world with renewable clean forms of energy.

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