NFL’s Racism Runs Deep, All the Way to the Super Bowl – Everything Law and Order Blog

For example: Teams with racist names; only three Black coaches when 70% of players are Black; players like Kaepernick are sidelined for life; billionaire owners who support Trump; and players who are treated like meat to be bought and sold.

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By phillyfinest369


35 thoughts on “NFL’s Racism Runs Deep, All the Way to the Super Bowl”
  1. lmao WTF ????????????? NFL is majority African ///////////////////////////// are people blind or just need to do some virtue signaling besides the FACTS

  2. Let's have 1/3 of players be white, 1/3 be black, 1/3 be brown, and the rest be whatever. I say they are racist against white players and brown players and against short player. They joker just is a guilty white guy trying to be a to the media so he can't get more dough.

  3. America is so racist that Black players are getting payed MILLIONS to play football. Doesn’t it make sense that you would hire the better coach. If a black person wants to be an owner, then they should buy it. Stop acting like black people are so hated in America.

  4. All black people need to leave the racist NFL we need to start our own league .. when will black people finally wake up and leave the plantation for good when?

  5. Bankrupt the NFl and bring them to their knees! It can be done with just 10-15% of boycotting. The NFL was like an addiction for many and that chain has been snapped. The revenue loss will be huge. If these clowns get out there in the NFL like they did Thursday night between KC and New Orleans and locked arms and knelt during the national anthem the people in the stand that were allowed in booed in KC.

    Now they players and many on certain teams want the Black National Anthem played right after the Star Spangled Banner….the NFL and Goddell has to kiss up and hope people will accept it as if they do not hen the players will not play opting out allegedly due to Covid and that would be a disaster.

    It will become the players against the people of the US spending money on tickets and merchandise and they will lose that one. The people have the money not the NFL and money is power.

    The NFL is a 501C Corporation meaning they pay NO income taxes. Congress gave them that!!!!

  6. This is fine but why has not the NFL and these so called aware players not do one darn thing about the thousands killed in Chicago, LA, etc overt he decades? But is it Black on Black and therefore not political?

  7. I am not interested in this information. Even if there is if truth to it, it is not for me to figure out.
    My venture is not exclusive to this program. I just don't want to get involved in politics of any major national programs. I don't have an opinion either way.

  8. Look what happened to Mike Singletary, he put that 49's team together and when they seen what he was about to do, they came up with some BS to fire him, and dismantled everything he put together

  9. The problem is NOT racism, the root core of it is that none of the black players who are millionaires will organize to START THEIR OWN LEAGUE !!!!!!! Start your own league, make your own rules, make your own money. Anything less than that (on one knee) is BEGGING.

  10. Damn yo must have not seen the punters/kickers. There have been black quarterbacks! This has and will remain what it is hell I could give less than a damn about football when in every city I’ve been to the black community is known as the bad part of town. A country that condones this is bad. A nation and its decency and wealth is depicted by how well its poor live. Football is a game real life is even worse. Stop blaming President Trump for what has been established before he was born. Last I heard there are more blacks with jobs under this administration than ever before. Football is one of the smallest employers ever compare the worldwide racism in real football, and you will see that American football is far better towards blacks worldwide percentage wish. All people should be valued in every aspect of life. The person who has the cure for cancer and lupus is an under educated person and there skin tone has no value at all. American football only caters to the bellicose nature in man. I would rather that high school football be transformed into home building and food production of which our strong young men should be learning instead of ,
    Making Spaulding Nike and rebock under armor CEO’s rich beyond rich. Focus higher and we will all be better for it.

  11. In some scenarios[like this one], "Blacks" perpetuate & promote said racism. In this day & age, "Blacks" have more than enough resources to consolidate their efforts and start their own leagues, institutions, & award shows. This non-extinguishable need to impose acceptance for validation is ridiculous. "Oscars So White" is another ridiculous movement. Of course its "so white", its for white people. Obviously 70%NFL & 75%NBA players being "Black" means the culture has DECIDED to keep these keagues relevant and concurrently out of their scope of power.🤷🏾‍♂️💯


  13. The NFL still has exposure for a lawsuit until Kaepernick reaches whatever age at which Tom Brady retires. That arbitration was a settlement for lost wages, and it didn’t absolve the NFL of liability for its retaliation and collusion.

    That’s why the NFL wants Brady to retire but can’t and won’t say it. He’s lengthening Kaepernick’s window to sue.

    Under continuing violations doctrine, each new instance of the same violation resets the statute of limitations clock. Every time a lesser-talented QB signs with a team becomes a new instance of collusion against Kaepernick.

    That’s why the NFL held that sham workout and tried to get Kaepernick to sign an agreement releasing the NFL from any and all liability from not having signed him before 2019.

    It’s also why Kaepernick was smart enough to show up in Atlanta and give scouts his own workout. He couldn’t capitulate to the NFL, and his lawyers told him exactly that.

    Good on them!

    The NFL might as well had held up a sign saying, “Sue us now!”

    But Kaepernick is as happy as a pig in mud right now, because he is well-paid by Nike, and he knows that he’s going to be in for a huge payday from the NFL one day.

    And the NFL would love to get into a street-fight with Nike or kick them to the curb, but Nike is too powerful!

  14. That’s true! Blacks can only ascend to coaching positions if they play, and even playing gives a player only a very slim shot at coaching.

  15. There are a few senators who believe the NFL should be stripped of its antitrust exemption, precisely because of this issue. That would kill the league.

  16. Then you notice when black coaches do get hired the players lay down on the coaches that cause them to be fired and that organizations doesn't have to hire them anymore meaning they can say they hired them and we gave them a chance and they not what we want anymore!!!

  17. What NFL is doing white balling Kap, not opening doors for black smart players & coaches is clearly racial, the commercial they put on about black murders by police was even more disgusting using that family, nfl did not considering what they did b4 that. 1 Day they went for police brutality then the next day they say they against dat. They don’t understand that putting Kap back in his rightful position would be the only way to truly enforce that they are against unequality and police misconducts. Instead they kicking they own can loosing so much fans and money.

  18. Now for the facts… unless you actually go to the game, you will never know who is kneeling, because they never televise the national anthem or the players acting out in protest, which by the way is a violation of the contract they willing signed in order to make multi millions per year. I hate corrupt people, you do not willingly sign a contract then violate it crying racism. Just go get a real job assholes and stop expecting everything to be handed to you.

  19. The biggest racist is this guy spreading hate… and my team (Dolphins) have both a black GM and a black HC. As for Kaepernick, please, that buffoon was under contract, tore the contract up, then demanded a new one with a $17 million per year raise over the old contract. Well, 49ers said no, as did any other team. It was at this point, that Kaepernick started his race crap, when all along it was a greed by a shitty player issue, as Kaepernick's stats put him at the 2nd worse QB in the league. He sucks, but he could have a contract at any time he accepts a contract commensurate with his abilities as a backup QB.

  20. I don't see why Redskins name is even up here….The name isn't racist….And if you think so then go look up Red Mesa Native American school…Arizona Navajo ….And this isn't the only example ..either…..I myself is also Native..

  21. I wish the Chargers front office would go rogue and hire Kaepernick. They are not popular in LA. Putting a 'controversial' QB would put them at the spotlight. Free press. They need the PR. And people would love it.
    PS: UFC is another sport full of problematic owners. Athletes are way underpaid. And the first big events were at trump hotels, so no wonder Dana White made the opening speech at a republican party event last election.

  22. I love y’all, this show me that this is a beautiful world 🌎 when we come together (all nationalities) 💋 🙌🏾🏆

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