Sanders’ Path to Victory Relies on Turning Out New Voters – Everything Law and Order Blog

Progressive Caucus co-chair Rep. Mark Pocan argues Sanders is electable because he won states like Wisconsin in the 2016 primary.

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By phillyfinest369


21 thoughts on “Sanders’ Path to Victory Relies on Turning Out New Voters”
  1. Sanders is too little too late. He is the candidate we needed 30 years ago. He capitulates every time his back is against the wall. He's running for a corporate captured party. He is not a socialist he is a FDR center-left capitalist.

  2. When people talk about candidates "in the center" we have to ask where the "center" is. In actuality, what is referred to as the "center" is pretty far to the right.

  3. They never have said anything yet to change my mind from voting for trump . Not even close plus it would take more the just one thing plus trump is a mover and a shaker. There’s no such thing as FREE 🇺🇸🇺🇸

  4. The reason young voters didn't come out in 2016 is because both candidates were sociopaths / narcissists, that's apparently what the boomers want.

    Sanders CRUSHES everyone in the under 40 category and loses completely in the 55+ category. That's your generational divide in the US. See the boomers think the 1980-2020 leadership was good…and they don't want to leave their fantasy projections…

  5. I agree with this guy 100%.. Now we just need a lot of the other people to realize the facts he is talking about.. Sanders is the only one that will beat Trump because he is the only one that going to help the people the most and the people know this.. It is the media that is scaring people for no reason about Sanders… Sanders is not some dame communist bull crap..

  6. On my way out the door right now to register and vote in NH. Guess that makes me one of the non voters Bernie Sanders got to turnout today.

  7. #Bernie really really means it. ‘I think Bernie Sanders is a decent honest man’.
    That’s not me, that’s Noam Chomsky. 😳 I’ve never heard Chomsky say that about a Politician. I do want someone (a lawyer?) to petition the United Nations 🇺🇳 to organize a delegation, to oversee the primaries, and the general, are free and fair. It’s kind of urgent—the whole world knows it. Also, if we don’t, we probably won’t have a United Nations-at least not in the New York. #Bernie❤️✊🏾🌎✌🏾💯

  8. You are free TV – on u-tube. "CIA Pete" dancing puppet for the powers that shouldn't be. Deepest deep state backers. A must not miss vid!

  9. #Bernie Sanders is vital, he is a Democratic Socialist. Furthermore, the world is on Fire, and #Fascism? #SaveDemocracy.
    I personally believe that these comments are from cynical, unhappy people who are hysterical and bitter. Weird how nobody wealthy was calling #Bernie a communist in 2016. 🧐
    If you’ve ever lived in Europe…you understand. #Bernie wants to complete the #NewDeal, which Harry Truman could not due to plessy v. furgeson: Separate but Equal. Racism killed that.Still-you need to support the Senator, who wants YOU to have MORE money, look at taxes from those exalted 1950’s…and State Schools were tuition free or nominal, too. Your TAXES built them. In any event I lived in Sweden as an Exchange Student as a kid, and Golly, they had a house on the sea, and a second house in the Mediterranean, for Summer Holidays. Gorgeous and hardly killed by taxes.🌎

  10. He has been on Gov payroll all his life. Can anyone say TERMLIMTS ! Owns…. THREE LUXURY HOMES. How many do you have.

  11. Here's the dirty little secret that's not so secret, the Democratic Party gave us Trump, they know it and they're going to do it again, the DNC is lock step with Trumps agenda, they have donors to pay back, there is money to be made and they will not let go of it, they're all criminals.

  12. No path to victory for Bernie Sanders. Sorry but let's live in reality. I do NOT hate Bernie Sanders, but he is too old, poor health and Americans will always reject the communist or socialist policies that are being floated around. Read your history book it sounds like a good idea, but the end result is totalitarianism, full gov't control over everything in your life. No thanks

  13. Buttigieg is moderate for a candidate – but the entire country is far to the left of our representatives on issues of getting money out of politics, on a living wage, on action on climate change, on background checks for guns, on tuition free college and on health care for everyone. Bernie 2020!

  14. There is nothing democratic about American politics where BOTH parties ignore the will of the voters and only serve money. Without a 3rd party or more NOTHING will change!!!

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