Trump Impeachment: A Misguided Move? – Everything Law and Order Blog

The Democrats claim their articles of impeachment against Trump are a solid case. The Nation and Grayzone contributor Aaron Maté argues that they are actually quite weak, and only serve corporate Democrats’ interest in feeding Russiagate paranoia.

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By phillyfinest369


34 thoughts on “Trump Impeachment: A Misguided Move?”
  1. "What I think Democrats should have done is put this to a censure vote…"

    Remember how much Rs whined about the rules? A censure vote would have been an even more reliable case for evidence of their claims because unlike impeachment, censure has no basis in the Constitution or in the rules of the Senate and House of Representatives. There are also no legal consequences that come with a reprimand or censure, impeachment has to be taken up by the senate per the constitution.

    "and I think that would have even put some pressure on Republicans in Congress"

    This is so stupid, because an impeachment forces the issue to come up in the senate, with 300 bills sitting on the table for Mitch, he definitely would have ignored a censure. It so massively ignorant to think any republicans would be pressured by Democrats. There are only a few way to put pressure on them one comes from fear of Trump because he defeated them and their voters voted for him more than they did for anyone in congress (except Mitt), the democrats did not defeat them thus they are in congress and not the democrats. The second way would be to use the law, and thus impeachment. We see it's not the same level of pressure, but the Rs can't ignore it.

    "one that I don’t think they’ve met"

    Haha more fluff to round out his statement. The thing about making obvious opinion-only statements like this is, if you actually had justification for this opinion that had merit, you could just talk about that justification itself and the opinion would be implied. The reason he's taking this route is just to simply preach to an already unwitting and uneducated audience seeking out youtube videos on impeachment instead of engaging with the actual text of the articles themselves.

    "leading to a Senate trial that will lead to Trump’s acquittal"

    And we end this out with an illogical version of a begging the question fallacy. What he is doing here is assuming the Senate will acquit, because he wants to avoid asking the important questions like, if the senate votes to acquit, isn't that immoral? Or aren't the members already proving their constitutional oaths to be impartial jurors are being violated by their own actions and statements? Or isn't Mitch and other Senate republicans colluding with the president on the trial a violation of the law?

    "So in terms of whether Democrats have made a strong case here, no."

    Lol yes the strawman he made here is very weak, but the Democrats case is strong and has very little to do with that is being presented.

    "And do I think that this is worth the political consequences? Certainly not"

    Fluff, no elaboration or concrete argument here. And total ignorance to be sure.

  2. This video is like a student who wrote a book report about a book he didn't read anything but the cliff notes for. I think even adult "news reporters" sometimes have things due, don't read or educated themselves about them, but have to write or produce something in order to meet their editors deadlines, thus we are left with ignorance like this being produced.

    Pretty much every part of this is unproven and heavily opinionated nonsense and attempts to circumvent that facts across the board. Including most notably in his only factual, and central argument about security that is actually laid out in the actual articles of impeachment completely differently from how the reporter "presumes". By focusing on rhetorical strawmans citing that case of national security as the main point of the articles rather than one minor concluding point, he manages to ignore the actual charges and evidence of abuse of power on the whole.

    He starts with some fluff, he can't discuss the subject since he didn't read, so instead we're getting some general talking points.

    "Instead of opposing Trump on his actual policies and forming an alternative"

    Literally 300+ bills in the senate with all kind of alternatives. First tip off that this "news" statement is going to intentionally ignore reality. I guess that is if you're not already immediately tipped off by the fact that this "news" reporter has no platform left but youtube to spread his uneducated opinions.

    "voters who were duped into believing that Trump was an anti-establishment candidate"

    It's also wildly stupid. Trump is an anti establishment candidate, none of the republicans wanted him to win the nomination but they were so out of touch with their base they all lost easily in GOp primaries. He won and now the republicans who were destroyed by him wont allow themselves go against him out of fear they will lose too because they are still out of touch. Trump although a wild and frequently far-right policymaker due to his near complete incompetence and extreme lack of work ethic is still much further left on many issues than every other Republican candidate who would have sat in his place. A few proofs of that idea are his positions on gay marriage, skepticism for military intervention, and medical marijuana. He has galvanized those former liberal only policies inside of the mainstream republican party. For any other 2016 candidates elected in his place we could not have expected the same.

    "Presumably they mean by withholding this military funding to Ukraine. And a few things here. First of all, they should have to explain what they mean by that because that’s a very serious allegation"

    If he had taken 10 minutes to read the 9 page articles of impeachment he wouldn't have to ask such dumb questions. They do explain very clearly what they mean: "Using the powers of his high office, President Trump solicited the interference of a foreign government, Ukraine, in the 2020 United States Presidential election. He did so through a scheme or course of conduct that included soliciting the Government of Ukraine to publicly announce investigations that would benefit his reelection, harm the election prospects of a political opponent, and influence the 2020 United States Presidential election to his advantage. President Trump also sought to pressure the Government of Ukraine to take these steps by conditioning official United States Government acts of significant value to Ukraine on its public announcement of the investigations. President Trump engaged in this scheme or course of conduct for corrupt purposes in pursuit of personal political benefit. In so doing, President Trump used the powers of the Presidency in a manner that compromised the national security of the United States and undermined the integrity of the United States democratic process. He thus ignored and injured the interests of the Nation."

    Later this "news" reporter showing his gross incompetence on the subject, actually calls the withholding of funds "brief" – "briefly putting on hold some military funding to Ukraine". In reality we know that Trump was not only withholding funds indefinitely, but withholding a white house meeting as part of this political pressure campaign. In this paragraph our reporter who didn't read the book is missing those critical details and in turn also missing the point that the powers he was using are in themselves not corrupt, the purpose for why he was using the powers are a central reason why the powers are being abused. We see clearly when we actually take time to read the impeachment articles that the allusion to national security was based on how the election was being compromised by foreign interference schemes, not simply the security money to Ukraine itself.

    "Do they seriously mean that briefly putting on hold some military funding to Ukraine is a threat to U.S. National security?"

    Hahah just a lost child who didn't read for his book report, this is where the teacher starts to write F on the paper because he's starting to summarize his ignorance in single questions that prove he didn't read and has no opinion of merit.

    "We heard at the impeachment hearings held by the House Judiciary Committee from witnesses who said that we’re fighting Russia, that we’re arming Ukraine so that they can fight the Russians so that we don’t have to fight them here. But does anybody seriously believe that?"

    Hahahah Holy fuck the guy doesn't even know what the Annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation is. What a complete embarrassment, not only did he not read the book for this report, but he didn't pass the last grade in school either.

    "And if Democrats are trying to make that argument, it’s farcical."

    HAHAHAHA If they are trying, he has no idea whats going on, he asking us the audience questions about if we know why this is a national security threat because he doesn't. The entire next paragraph piggybacks on this ignorance and provides nothing of value since the answer to this question are Demorats " trying to make that argument" is an easy obviously NO.

    "they’re basically accusing President Obama when he refused throughout his entire Presidency during the time he was asked to do it, to refuse to send the military assistance, they’re essentially accusing him of endangering U.S. national security, which is a joke."

    I LOVE it that he calls his own straw man argument a joke here. Because YES it is a joke, entirely concocted by this troglodyte of a reporter. Enjoy youtube my friend it's where you belong LMFAO

    This last paragraph is just beautifully stupid:

    "I think that Trump bringing up Joe Biden with a foreign leader and asking for an investigation, I think that was inappropriate. I think that was unethical. I think you could even call it an abuse of office."

    LOL yeah kinda like … ya know, they did call it, and impeached him based on it. Fucking HILARIOUS!!!!

  3. It may be coming from establishment, but why so dismissive of the case? Look who hasn't testified yet. All the indications are there, the people on the Ukrainian side have all the reason in the world to deny pressure/quid pro quo, and the missing links are very likely to be found in the testimonies of those who ignored congressional supinas (Bolton, Pompeo, etc). A fair senate trial would bring this to light. Apart from that, what about the 8x repeated request to investigate not Burisma but specifically Biden, and to validate the alt right conspiracy of Ukraine hacking DNC servers? Both of those are also real threats to national security.

  4. The Russia gate hoax and the current Ukraine gate spectacle were hatched to divert attention from the crimes of the DNC and Obama administration members respectively. Because of this unrelenting crusade to unseat Trump since before he was even sworn into office, he will be reelected if the Democrats nominate an establishment candidate for president. The sad truth is that they prefer that outcome to having a true progressive in the White House.

  5. Seriously the Republicans have put party above country and our constitution. The perception is that the word "though" is a direct implication for a bribe. Donald Trump is a criminal, Mitch McConnell is a criminal and so are the other lackeys behind him. They've all taken Russian money secretly and they're all just as dirty has Donald Trump. Donald Trump needs to go to jail his spots are never going to change. Donald Trump is a criminal through and through! You Republicans need to get your heads out of your asses. If it had been Hillary Clinton in office you Republicans would have started impeachment hearings before she even became president. By the way the Republican party did start investigating Hillary Clinton before we even had an election and you harassed her over Benghazi where are the Republicans refused to give more Security Financing for that Embassy. You harassed Obama for 8 years —harassment leaving our country in shatters trying to get things done. Republicans need to snap out of it crime is a crime. Donald Trump needs to be impeached, putting stockades and left on the front of the White House lawn to be publicly humiliated the same way he has humiliated children, adults, blacks, Mexicans, , impoverished countries, supported rapists, pedophiles, and Russian money-laundering for 25 or more years, shall I continue?

  6. corporatist Dems are responsible for Trump, now they want to impeach him as a distraction from the progressive movement. An absolutely disgusting group of individuals

  7. I don't understand why people refuse to focus on Trump who is the president instead of putting Obama on the stand. Stop deflecting.
    I love The Real News but frankly this made for disappointing listening. Why keep looking for excuses for Trump! I don't think this guy did justice to the argument. He is biased towards Trump.

  8. Is Aaron Mate back with the Real News Network? Dude, I'm going to have to resubscribe. Aaron Mate is one of the best journalists working today.

  9. Great to see Aaron back on the Real News … I've become more and more of a fan of this channel and it's nice to see an allied effort with true journalists. Yes Russiagate was an overall nadir for American journalism, but letting Aaron restate his case here was very positive imo. Respect for RN. Well done all around.

  10. Misguided, I don't know. Maybe machiavelian, but definitely a move in the skullduggery to ultimately block the road to the WH from Bernie, at all costs.

  11. These people have normalized lying and cheating and stealing. It’s kinda funny we even play along with them like it’s actually real!

  12. Russia is a threat to Ukraine, a US ally and to Europe, which is a member of NATO. Russia has militarily invaded the territory of another country, something that has not occurred since the end of WWII, setting a dangerous precedent. If nobody reacts to this, the Baltic states could follow. Russia has already attacked Finland in the past. Withholding aid voted by Congress could have been permanent past a September deadline. In any case, aid being withheld allows the Russians to believe that US support for Ukraine has weakened, strengthening the Russian position in upcoming peace negotiations. We in Europe, do not trust Trump as an ally. He is weakening us, weakening NATO and weakening the US-Europe alliance which counterbalances Chinese-Russian power in Europe and Africa. All this has geopolitical implications far beyond what the average Trump voter could even begin to conceive of. Peace is a delicate balance of power. And Trump, with his ignorance and carelessness is running roughshod all over it.

  13. Fine interview, about a lot of bs. I never thought this impeachment would get anywhere, but won't get into the details. Just always thought it was only more bs politics. As Aaron says, sure, there're good reasons to impeach Trump. I never doubted that, just as I haven't about preceding US Presidents, but couldn't and still won't believe it'll happen. It's all run like a sick political farce.

  14. The Dems are doing exactly what Trump wanted them to do. Watch what happens when this gets to the Senate. It is not going to be good for the Dems and with the whole nation watching.

  15. More Mate! What has happened to Paul Jay? The quality of reporting has gone down. Very sad. Thanks for Greg Wilpert for this good piece. If one wants to save TRNN, then one must rethink the current situation. The overall quality has gone down.

  16. Aaron Mate obviously just listened to Russian talking points to form his opinion, or he is working for them directly. There are a number of glaring omissions to his his statements, including the fact the the Dems DID provide first hand witnesses to Trump's crimes, and his intent was to influence the election just like he did in 2016 and cover it up. Trump and his henchmen went on live TV and said as much, so it is not like they have to look hard for evidence. Trump is lucky they left off his obvious attempts at witness intimidation and bribery of the GOP, as that was another clear felony he committed. Anyone who believes the right wing biased nonsense in this video was probably dumb enough to vote for Trump in the first place.

  17. He could have been impeached for much more miserable behavior and law breaking. This is a distraction from the 2020 election to sabotage coverage of non-corporate candidates. Then these jokers on both sides get to feign fighting for their constituents. Bullcrud! A waste and a shame.

  18. Lots of misinformation from Mate, but the real issue is why did he not address the other Article of Impeachment?
    Obstruction is plain as day, undeniable, and grounds for impeachment.

    If Trump thinks he is so innocent, then he should not have engaged in Obstruction. He should have had full confidence that he would be vindicated. He would let the witnesses testify and he would let the evidence prove his innocence.

    Instead, he violated the Constitution by obstructing the oversight powers of a co-equal branch of the US government.

  19. Aaron Maté always speaks to an audience of one: himself. He is not a serious thinker. I ceased taking him seriously a long time ago.

  20. I'm a liberal Democrat. We are laughing at our party leaders. Though that's probably mean as they are insane and we should not laugh at mentally-handicapped people.

  21. Great to see Aaron Mate again. Aaron analysis is always point on. He helped debunk the RussiaGate investigation. He is right that the Democrats are going down a rabbit hole with this Impeachment, and it will only give Trump his 2nd Term. Democratic Party and its corruption is the reason we have Trump.

  22. The Real News was so much better when Aaron Mate was still on. Excellent points he made about all the policies the Dems have supported. Ever since his departure this channel has been spreading Russia, Russia, Russia hysteria without any pushback. For once a good video on this topic and the reason why I liked this channel originally.

  23. Aaron, you know dang well, Trump and his Goons was holding up those Funds, and the only way they released them is because of the Transcript! So please, I like you, but be honest, Trump did use those Funds to Bribe Ukraine to come out to say negative things regarding Biden and his son!

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