The War on Terror Cost $6.4 Trillion and 800,000 Lives – Everything Law and Order Blog

A new study on the cost of U.S. wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and Pakistan presents a harrowing picture of the cost exacted in lives and taxpayer dollars.

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By phillyfinest369


44 thoughts on “The War on Terror Cost $6.4 Trillion and 800,000 Lives”
  1. If the war to create terror, was in respond to 9/11 attacks, why was another set of fact/lies had to be presented, to the Undecided Nations in NYC, to get the ball rolling? Did America and its al-lies went after the right culprit(s)? Why go out into the woods at great expenses hunting wolves down, if you know the dogs in the neighborhood that were roaming the streets the night before were just as vicious as the wolves, and as lethal enough, to carry out the same attack on the herd of sheep? Will the sheep be safer after a thousands years and the wolf population would end in extinction? An earthworm knows the answer.

  2. Gideon Polya is an Australian researcher who I believe arrived at that same figure (800,000) of Global War on Terrorism deaths.

  3. Insane! No money for public housing, transportation, infrastructure, to cancel student loan debt, for Medicare for All, but unlimited money for unlimited wars! The Washington Consensus is real, supported by most Democrats & Republicans! Time for a change! We need our own People's Party!

  4. so going to war with a country that had nothing to do with 9/11 and wasn't a threat to the u.s. and that everyone knew had no wmd's and with no plan except to just bomb the fuck out of iraq was a bad idea? huh.

  5. This is so outrageous it's beyond mere words.

    At a time when 45% of the domestic population is below or near the poverty line, at a time when the majority of working people have difficulty scrounging up $500 for an emergency car repair or dental bill, at a time when half the population is spending the majority of their income in rent and housing, at a time when tens of millions of working folks will go to their graves with massive debt our ruling class is frittering away public resources on wars for the Pentagon, military empire builders and sociopathic Zionists.

    This is stunning madness that defies description.

  6. The US will be bled dry and broke in the long run!!! Bin Laden wanted this, plus he wanted the US to show it´s true face. Well, we have seen it!!!! Prepare to go on paying in lives and Dollars! Everybody was laughing at the stupid arabs losing all the conventional wars!!! Nobody is fucking laughing now, trust me!!! I guess they found the way to hit your weak spot!!!!!!

  7. There is no war on terror in my humble opinion, but reduction of populations in every country, and why the so called American government is doing exactly whatever the Georgia guide stones declare as the agenda for population control. The real terrorists are governments that follow this agenda! I wish more people were aware of this instead of being led by the nose to be distracted by bread and circuses!

  8. I think what needs to be examined is, 'Where did the $6.4 trillion go?', in order to understand what it was really all about. The other side of the question is, 'Where did the money come from?'.

  9. Well done Greg! Much respect for putting this topic out there. Even more respect for bringing up the topic of veterans, and Mercenaries. Mercenaries is the clever way the government hides the true number of US combatants fighting in the illegal Wars, overseas.

  10. It was not a War on Terror.
    They were wars that increased the Terrorist problem in the World. w
    No Terrorists in Iraq until the USA arrived.

  11. It is a diminshment of truth to say "two recent studies seem to give substance to Dr. King's statement that America is the greatest purveyor of violence." Ongoing Maafa racism has long since convicted the USA as an epitome of what a criminal country is. After perfecting this in North America, the USA branched out and usurped and surpassed all other nations, including France, whose crimes are massive. None of this lessens the crimes of many other nations. How many lives lost due to Maafa Racism. What has been the cost. You can be certain the number exceeds septillions in money and trillions in lives.

  12. According to a lots of Americans and the corporate media the US is delivering freedom and democracy and human rights to these poor countries instead of deaths and destruction.

  13. With that much money one million tons of cargo could had been put in Low Earth Orbit. Where is your John Kennedy or Richard Nixon, America?

  14. There is TERRORISM going on here…It starts with the Executive Branch, stretches over to the Judicial branch, and runs along strands in Congress…We need to clean THIS shit up 1st!!!

  15. over 1,500 architects and engineers were of the opinion that three towers in 9/11 were brought down by thermite explosion and was an inside job. There are also many who claim ISIS and Alqueda and all other terrorist groups have been US and UE trained and funded. Who can know exact truth of this?

  16. America would be debt free, if it wasn't for the cost of wars and the military spending budget.

  17. What is the cost to the environment? These war machines use fossil fuels like nothing else. How many animals are dead because of these wars? How has the ground become contaminated? The water?

  18. China Spend trillions of dollars "overspending" building its infrastructure (U.S. mainstream media goes nuts accusing china of overspending ).
    U.S. wasted 6.4 Trillions dollars in wars that will never be payed back and the only thing that you hear in mainstream media is crickets.
    Is looks like that U.S. media cares more about China than their own country.

  19. 800,000 lives has to be a very serious undercount. It was estimated to be 1 million or more in Iraq by sometime between 2005 and 2008, and definitely not later than that. That's only for Iraq, and only the Iraqis, so excluding foreign troops. This might include foreign journalists, but not humanitarian activists or workers from abroad, for there were surely none of the latter in Iraq during this war. I definitely doubt that there would've been anyway. The count for foreign journalists killed during the war and in this war might be relatively high for journalists, but it's of course nothing compared to the toll for Iraqis. The guest would definitely need to provide PROOF, concrete proof, for her awfully low count. Imo, the experts who said 1mn or more strike me as more credible.

  20. The borrowing, of $, by/for the military is pertinent to include, for even if the principal borrowed wasn't paid from US taxpayers' $$, when $ is borrowed in this way, it still officially needs to be reimbursed and that includes interest. Well, when the govt is going to pay that interest, whose $ are going to be used? Surely taxpayers will be made to pay this. The current accounting can't take this into account, presently, unless it's known when the full amount, the amount borrowed and the interest, will be paid, so the interest rate would definitely need to be fixed for the full duration of the loan. But if that info. isn't presently available, then the accounting for this will need to be added to the full cost of the WoT for the USA, after the loan is fully reimbursed.

  21. All this, whilst our govt robs us of our hard-earned tax dollars which we really need to keep in our pockets for family survival. Our faltering overtaxed wages are forced to fund MIC profits and their paychecks, destruction/neglect of many a country's infrastructure (including our own), pilfering of natural resources, with death to innocent civilians and soldiers. Geez, what kind of a screwed up society is this that we allow this greedy abuse and pillage to continue to our demise?

  22. USA has to borrow money to fun the war. Then they paid interest to the money they borrow.. the money come from the federal reserve, they just print all the money they need and lend it to the govt. then they just sit there and get the interest from the us tax payer… of course, they want the war to continue… have you not notice that when ever you see George Bush, he just smile happily thinking of how stupid the American is. The working class and their future generation will have to pay the war borrowing and the interest.

  23. It isn't Zionism per se, nor just a war for oil. It is theft of the natural resources of these countries. Libya in particular is extremely rich in oil, iron, rare earth mineral, gold, and the greatest water source in Africa. The objective is destroy government, set up fiefdoms by warlords, then bribe the warlords to let you pump oil, dig gold, mine minerals, sell water. Its all about the Benjamins, baby. And if you can kill off a large proportion of the populace, so much the better. That's the Kissinger Doctrine in action.

  24. Why is Libya not included in this study? Much more infrastructure loss in Libya, no? Just bombing the water supply was huge.

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