Why Do Black People Always Have to Forgive? – Everything Law and Order Blog

As Botham Jean’s brother makes headlines for “forgiving” Amber Guyger, Real News hosts Jacqueline Luqman and Lisa Snowden-McCray discuss what Christian forgiveness in the face of oppression means.

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By phillyfinest369


31 thoughts on “Why Do Black People Always Have to Forgive?”
  1. Jesus never taught victims had to forgive any one mammyw want to protect there BM R@p|$t family members thats🚬🕴️ why they are never proecuted smh

  2. You guys don't have to forgive shitt I don't either okay but I ain't against blacks and I'm not against nobody but the ones that s*** on me I'm against

  3. As a retired federal law enforcement officer I have never let me repeat this statement just in case there's a malfunction on YouTube. I have never seen anything even close to this what I'm viewing. The judge in tears wiping her nose hugging a convicted murderer handing a convicted murderer a Bible I can't even speak on this anymore. As for the victim's brother I can't even speak on this anymore. I can't believe what I'm even seeing today 😱🤔☹️ to be handing out forgiveness and hugging a convicted criminal murderer that killed your brother it's unreal, pathetic, ridiculous, absurd. Have you ever seen a judge in your life or know of anybody else's life crying over a convicted murderer? With these signs of emotions I'm surprised the judge didn't hand out 10 years probation! Unbelievable I mean unbelievable but yet true and sad. Forgive 10 years later but not on the day of the sentencing 🤔

  4. It's pretty slick how you push racism on this channel. Pushing your leftist agenda from the Halls of power. Exploiting the very blacks you claim to be helping. The sickening part is that a lot of ignorant fools will believe you because of the thoughts they've grown up around.

  5. I just saw an old black friend from middle school. We hugged and enjoyed niceties for a few. It felt great to see him! As I walked away I heard him telling the female black teller…."that was one of my best friends back in school…" It made me cry tears of joy. Only a couple… I am a tough guy. The point is; he ain't forgiving nothing. He is not a weak individual whom needs any help. He's a garbage man. He's a personal trainer. He's a father. A real man. A friend. You people pushing yelling out how bad you've got it, well…. you're showing everyone how you choose to think, do, or not do… you're not the majority of whom get skills, look for work and want to get better and inspire other's. You're the minority whom wants what other's have to be given to you for free. It's ludicrous and you're not going to ruin our country. Get a job! Get a hobby beyond telling other's who to be. Freaks.

  6. Forgiveness is a gift, NOT A REQUIREMENT. To demand a gift from any marginalized individual or group is racist at worst, capitalist in any event. On the other hand, to assume that the world demands a gift from you is paranoid. The ability to forgive is a gift of grace, mostly to the forgiver. Justice demands strength and unity, not vengeance. True empowerment may imply forgiveness, but it must ALWAYS embody justice.

    And while I'm spouting aphorisms (and before you cancel me), remember that humor will get you through times of no humor better than no humor will get you through times of humor. The famous Texas songwriter Butch Hancock said that 🙂

  7. Not if she was black she probably would have got life smh rascism is here and well activate the white police keep killing unarmed black men and getting away Scott free and more than half of them get ties white cops got ties to the kkk

  8. We must put an end to the injustices done unto our people, bless is the man that walk not in the counsel of the ungodly nor stand in the way of sinners nor sit in the seat of the scornful but his delight is in the Law of YAHWEH and in his law do he meditate day and night. HALLELUYAHWEH for evermore King of the Twelve Tribes of Yisrael.

  9. Technically, the bailiff was checking her hair for razors and not combing her hair. The judge should’ve shown greater sense than to hug a convicted defendant of such a high visibility murder trial.

  10. A lot of us are stupid that's why we always have to forgive!! Forgiving didn't mean we're supposed to forgive our oppressors. It meant that we're to forgive each other as black people. The Bible is supposed to be for and about us black people. There is a lot of truth in the Bible and there is also a lot of lies infiltrated in the Bible. The Bible has been translated and retranslated over the years and as a result, things were added, taken out and completely omitted. The way the Bible is written, it is designed to keep the black man under the foot of the white man and keep him docile, dense, and under control by the white man.

  11. Theses forgiveness Idiots know exactly what they're doing..
    They're looking for some extra special attention, knowing by doing this will cause some backlash in the black community…
    So to forgive your enemy but not forgive your brother, mother, father., sister, etc, is plain just being antagonistic… A need for attention and pampering…
    Pay these fools no fricking mind!!!

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