Israelis Lose Interest in Politics and Upcoming Election – Everything Law and Order Blog

Shir Hever talks about the slow election cycle in Israel, the second in the same year, in which the parties make minimal effort to campaign. Opinion polls predict the same result as the election last April, meaning that no clear winner can be identified.

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By phillyfinest369


36 thoughts on “Israelis Lose Interest in Politics and Upcoming Election”
  1. Can’t blame them. Government’s are showing the desire for Wars over Peace and security of their People.

  2. America is a state of Israel and signs off on Israels crimes against the world and the Palestinians,look no further than who surrounds the congress,President and corporations they are zionists.It sounds like your younger generation are waking up to the crimes of their political , military and corporations.

  3. Ask the other side the same question …. it's their answer I want to hear. Not someone who can walk down the street without fear from the government … yeah walk around the streets….. something this ass hole can do

  4. Ov vi hav nazolist nazi 🎓d
    End zanist ✡🎓s
    Bot yu ar woting on wolfstrit
    Stokmarker hum is 2 bist
    Ider vej the vill bi no
    Baks or digetol or big corprsjons in
    futtjer en porpol bobilon
    Ar kolapsing en oll forms off
    Bisnes is opselit almost
    So ar holy vode en macdonals
    En monsoto

  5. Netanyahu changes the rules for what fits best for him no matter who gets screwed over or killed because of his criminal activities

  6. This is God’s promised land? It’s a shit show… you couldn’t pay me to visit there. If it was an empty barren land of sea, sand and mountains… It might be interesting but the very thing that’s wrong with this place, are the people. A poison stain on the land. History will look back on this time and on this place and judge it very harshly. So it should.

  7. are the comments to this article mostly nutjobs because this is Real News Network, or because it's about israel? I'll take a look.

  8. The apartheid the Zionists have built stems from their grumblings and insecurities regarding the legitimacy of the Israeli state. The apartheid apparatus in turn disintegrates whatever notions of democracy and legitimacy they may have had. Whatever moral claims to statehood the Zionists once enjoyed are now vapors flowing from the dead Palestinian children they have murdered. Like Hitler before them, they march the dreadful march toward The Final Solution. This is why Israeli citizens dread politics, they know that's what they want, but dread the inevitable comparison with the very evil they rest their claims on.

  9. I look forward to see at least 90% turnout to determine its future. If low turnout, it would be ???? .

  10. Am really interested in this security book … Will check it out thanks for sharing 💜

  11. Yes I don't understand how can a criminal run for elections??

    I am confident that the humanitarian Jews worldwide will dissociate themselves from Israel and that would be the end of the military state

  12. If you want to see insanity at work.. watch the Zionist British parliament discuss Brexit. It's a complete nuthouse.

  13. Ancient Hebrews are one of the ancestors of Palestinians. DNA studies have shown Palestinians have a closer relationship to ancient Israelis than today’s modern Israelis do. “Another team, lead by Almut Nebel at the Hebrew University, Jerusalem, took a closer look in 2001. They found that Jewish lineages essentially bracket Muslim Kurds, but they were also very closely related to Palestinians.

  14. People all over the world know their leaders are evil and do lie to them, take bribes, kill others to get ahead ……FED UP WITH THE LIARS

  15. Mm Elections in the israeli regime: Difficult choice, between the terrorist N1, one of the crazy intellectual authors of the Zionist Terrorism and recognized liar, of Polish origin. Or the Terrorist N2, one of the material authors of Zionist Terrorism and immoral soldier, of Hungarian and Romanian origin. Its basically the same shit, for the same shit regime.

  16. It would be Great if Bernie and Warren and others in the DEMOCRATIC PARTY go there to Boost the OPPOSING Party from BiBi .. Just to Pay Back for the Time when BiBi came to the Senate and Gave that stupid speech that the Republicans wanted !!

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