Greta: Capitalism Is Destroying The Planet – Everything Law and Order Blog

“People are suffering. People are dying. Entire ecosystems are collapsing. We are in the beginning of a mass extinction and all you can talk about is the money, and fairytales of eternal economic growth. How dare you?”

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By phillyfinest369


42 thoughts on “Greta: Capitalism Is Destroying The Planet”
  1. Greta out here pretending to be some sort of resistance fighter while it is actually illegal and part of "hate speech" if you dare criticize her

  2. Top scientists are saying human extinction by 2100. Money is bad. America is bad. Jews are bad. Israel is bad. Money is greed, and greed sucks.

  3. I'd also love to know how China feels about her? Considering most of us in the 'west' are highly dependant on China for just about everything but personal opinions.

  4. OMG will someone put her out on her own to try to make a living in the REAL world with no help from mommy and daddy? It's nice to condemn people when your warm safe and dry. Try living in a car, washing up in a service station bathroom, going behind a dumpster to take a pee. This child is a spoiled opinionated brat. Get back to us in 10 years. Oh wait…we won't have to worry because according to your doom and gloom ideas we won't be here so guess what?
    We don't have to worry about it do we?

  5. The destruction of our planet began with human consciousness. Capitalism is a product of human consciousness and all the evils associated.

  6. Socialism is worse , it wants to raise everybody's living standard. If you really care, look up anarcho primitivism.

  7. How on earth can a 16 year old know anything about climate change HEY GIRL SHUT UP AND BE A KID CLIMATE CHANGE IS APART OF EARTH'S HISTORY

  8. In the UK she is legal………..just saying… Think she needs… Bet she'd be so tight.. .. think she needs a splif and a vod or two… Or 5… A Karin in the making… You see it her first.

  9. Everyone can see everything around them worsening
    Not everyone realising what's happening

    Money is one of the culprits
    Cause its all about money

    Before it was the barter
    Which had to be the starter

    When we started owning nature
    The greed for getting richer

    Making things and systems never meant to exist
    Never needed
    and should not persist

    In this beautiful world that we are blessed
    Which we are Turning ugly because we have messed it.

  10. Oh look how sensitive capitalism is. When we upload about capitalism is bad you go crazy and go 'OH Do I SMeLl a COmMiE' and you go crazy and crap just for one vid while when YOU upload a vid about communism is bad we have strong mentallity to hold it. We dont speak up that much.

    _ __

  11. I do agree that capitalism is kinda not that good

    Because communism shares stuff together while capitalism is money only.

  12. if you look the the amazon forest there there have been deforestation, you can see that the trees are grow in straight lines like a crop. now is not the first time that man was deforesting the earth. it happend before and they to have planted trees to save the earth. its just that as the centuries goes by, people forget the past and repeat the same mistakes of the past over again. capitalism is not destroying the planet. its greed that is destroying the planet and have always been. capitalism is good for the earth if regulated properly by the goverments. if goverment demanded that for every tree that was cut down, a new one was plated at the same time, and that they are only allowed to cut small islands of deforestation, the captialists will have endless supply of tress for business and the new trees will become big enough in about 20 year time. its greed and poor goverment managment that causes deforestation and capitalistic corruption. if we were to live purly on goverment funded means of income, we will all be poor and we will have litte stuff if any and no cheap stuff and everything would come in litmited quantity. our current population can not survive without capitalism. its trade that keep us going and without capitalism big companies can not give you cheap stuff anymore and cheap food.

  13. Capitalism is not only destroying the planet but also our genetics as people fail to keep up their gene pool. Have more children and educate them to save the world not destroy it. Escape capitalism while you can. Now go and fix the world and form families and communities that you will spend time with. Don't just throw your children in school so that they may learn how to be competitive. We need a different type of government and a different type of educational system we need to spend more time with our families and within our communities.

  14. She's acting like it's all our fault because it is! There is no one else to blame!!!! And anyone who see's how fucked up it is and still refuses to to change or do anything about it is to blame for it… We are all enablers! We are!!! ALL OF US!!!!

    Capitalism is killing the world and it's killing us too! It's worse than a smoking habit because you see what you are contributing to in every way all around you but you live in denial of it and refuse to quit. And it's not just unregulated capitalism that's killing us! But it's the fundament indoctrination that money can make you happy and make all your worries go away! THE BIG FAT FUCKING LIE!!!!!

    No Billionaire ever said, " I have enough money! Give it to someone who needs it." And none of them are ever happy with what they have! It's bad enough that we have the Billionaires that we do but then we have everyone in the world who wants to be them! And that my friends is what is destroying the world… Everyone wants to be a billionaire but there's no honest way to get there! And you all ought to know it too. They robbed you and they keep robbing you and exploiting you all the time. And you decry Socialism which gave you Unions without which you'd all be homeless right now! And you curse the only ones who can help and care enough to help! Behaving like spoiled brats when told to clean their rooms! We have polluted the planet in every conceivable way and now we're even polluting the skies above us with space junk –Excessive amounts of space junk!!! And we con ourselves into believing that things will get better when nothing ever gets better until we make it better. The world is populated with shit people! Selfish, Self-centered, and self-serving shit people!!!! And all of this that we do everyday contributes to even greater problems and I bet you thought Climate change is the worst of it!!!!

    It's not!!!!! Climate change is just the harbinger! The Chaos is coming!! Because it's not just global warming or cooling but it's both. When we'll have the hottest days and the coldest nights and the seasons will be so messed up that they will come and go out of order. It will be so bad that the wildlife; the insects and the birds will misinterpret their untimely queues and nature won't be so natural anymore. We will all die because everything we need to sustain us will die just before us! And the idiot, Elon Musk, thinks were going to terraform another planet when it would prove far easier and more practical to restore the one we already have. Wake the fuck up people!!!!

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