Truck Rams Anti-ICE Protest in Rhode Island – Everything Law and Order Blog

A corrections officer allegedly struck Never Again protestors with his truck outside of the Wyatt Detention Facility in Rhode Island, hospitalizing two while other protestors were pepper sprayed by law enforcement

Update: A Captain involved in the incident was placed on leave pending an independent investigation, officials say.

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

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By phillyfinest369


25 thoughts on “Truck Rams Anti-ICE Protest in Rhode Island”
  1. Play stupid games. Win stupid prizes. Bunch of beta idiots. Move out of your parents basement and get a job. Shame. Haha smh.

  2. LOL! Everyone has the right to do what the driver did. He honked for them to move. These idiots have NO right to ILLEGALLY block our roads and it's time they face consequences for doing so.

  3. Bro….ICE is not going anywhere!!!! They are here for you and me! Leave them alone…. This is what is wrong with Today….would any of you take these people to YOUR home? Feed them? Cloth them? Take all their needs and make that your problem….Let me tell you I DNT want that…..we as America DNT have the means to help these people BC we simply DNT have the money…….

  4. Alright, Im going to just say it plainly: You dickheads made the choice to sit in a line and block a roadway/driveway. He had his turn signal on, came to a full stop, honked, and you asshats act like he was the Dodge Charger guy from Charlottesville.
    "There were minors there!"
    Well as adults you should have taught the children to stay OUT OF the road, not to SIT IN IT and act surprised when vehicles drive up to them.

  5. Get your ass out of the way!
    If he had rammed them, believe me there would have been bodies everywhere. Most of them were crying from the pepper spray.😭😢
    These people have a job to go to. Regardless of how the protesters feel about it. Move your ass then go back to protesting…..SIMPLE!!!

  6. Why do these idiots think they are more powerful than a diesel engine to try to hold the truck back?
    Hey, I'll jump in the bed to weigh the truck down!

  7. Obey the law. Simple. Block roads using the “elderly and minors” as shields, is WRONG. If you get run over, it’s your own problem for illegally blocking the entrance, then attacking the car, threatening the driver’s safety

  8. I'm sorry but he stopped, honked his horn and did all that he is supposed to do. They were blocking the way then proceeded to surround his vehicle not because he was driving forward, they started when he stopped his vehicle, including climbing into the back of the bed of his truck.

  9. Did anyone hear this week about an ICE agent who plowed into peaceful Jewish protestors? I did, and I let down my guard down and took the story at face value. I heard the story from multiple radio stations on the way to work and from what was described, it was like the next Charlottesville. I should have known better.

    Last night someone posted Newsweek's version of the story and they really hammed up the drama in their article. When I realized it was Newsweek I got suspicious (this being the same "news" site that defended Linda Sarsour diverting hurricane relief funds to politicians), so I took a look at the video. Nothing like the way it sounded on the radio or in Newsweek.

    The guy turns a corner that was likely obscured by standing protestors then slams the brakes and honks his horn right away, stopping in front of protestors sitting in the street to block the road. At this point it doesn't appear the vehicle touched anyone. The crowd immediately jumps up and starts beating on the vehicle and screeching and only then does the truck move forward at a low speed — maybe 10 feet at 3mph — but the protestors keep piling on the vehicle instead of letting him through, so he stops on his own instead of speeding up. That's it. That's the racist terrorism against peaceful Jews that Newsweek was telling everyone about.

    Despite the protestors trying to use their histrionics to make this into "Heather Heyer 2", they were so unconcerned about any potential injuries from this low speed low distance massacre that they didn't let people in to attend to their horrifically mangled compatriots, opting instead to surround and attack the now stationary truck until they were pepper sprayed to disperse. Then, of course, they wring their hands about being pepper sprayed, as if they are victimized by not being allowed to take out their rage on a guy who I suspect accidentally found himself in their midst.

    And to think, I believed the original story for a moment. Foolish to ever trust the left wing media without a closer examination.

  10. get the hell out of the way….. you are just troublemakers….. ICE isn't going anywhere…..there here for our protection….. and if you keep it up I'm sure you will wind up in jail…. enjoy

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