Migrants Are Escaping Conditions the US Helped Create – Everything Law and Order Blog

Episode 8 of Real Talk Tho: As Trump threaten immigration raids, how will Baltimore respond? (4/10)
immigration, deportations, trump, raids, ICE, baltimore, maryland, USA, refugees, asylum seekers, children, cages, el salvador, honduras, nicaragua, know your rights, training, casa, casa de maryland

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By phillyfinest369


28 thoughts on “Migrants Are Escaping Conditions the US Helped Create”
  1. The most frustrating issue that have when hearing people who claim some level of expertise in the area of the South American-to-North American refugee concerns, is that this basic contemporary and historic fact is completely ignored and not discussed!!!
    Very, very, very, very few humans 'escape' from their homelands unless their very lives are in danger!!! And the U.S. has ALWAYS been the culprit!

  2. So what? I'm not responsible for these people's plights. I did not vote for the politicians that sponsored the overthrow of their democratically-elected officials. Why aren't they taking up arms and overthrowing our recently-installed USA-sponsored puppets? Oh, that's right, they gave up their guns. Dumb move.

  3. America didn't help to create those conditions. America created those conditions. North America is the instigator, the perpetrator, the paymaster and the trainer. If you can't see this then you aren't paying attention.

  4. Those Central American nations are doomed to be failed states forever. Those people are just gonna keep pouring into the U.S..

  5. The only option is for the US military to go into El Salvador and round up all the gang members and put them in prison camps.

  6. Did anybody ever see the movie called The blob? United States is the blob, North and South America are what it's moving over. Do we remember how they got rid of the blob? Carbon dioxide you know the thing you exhale. Time to say just know to the corporations.

    is called your breath

  7. The United States is a corporate fiction. America is a land mass. Ask any tribal indigenous elder what was America called before the Europeans showed up. Don't worry, the corporate Babylon will fall and all will be restored.

  8. It's usually left wing government that try to benefit its own people and refuse to be a banana republic of US,US makes their economy scream, fund death squads,put in a stable dictator,and tell you that socialism doesn't work.

  9. Echoes of Rosa Luxemburg, '…socialism or barbarism…'
    This is the real endgame. Either the people (sane) of America rise up and snatch the levers of power from the oligarchs (private and state), or kiss any hopes of decent civilization goodbye.

  10. Majority of Americans have no idea about the fact that many of the caravan refugees and migrants are consequences and blowbacks of U.S. Regime Change Wars, Attempted Coups, CIA drug dealing/covert operations and Thuggish Economic Sanctions on Central and South America.

    – UN Report: US Foreign Policy Responsible For Half Of The World's Refugees

  11. A far cry from protecting human rights
    CIA and U.S. Army manuals detailing torture techniques translated into Spanish and utilized by the School of Americas in Georgia, aka SOA are a far cry from anything containing human rights protections. Indeed, as SOA Watch explains, “These manuals advocated torture, extortion, blackmail and the targeting of civilian populations.”

    The manuals, written in the 1950s and 1960s, “were distributed for use in countries such as El Salvador, Guatemala, Ecuador and Peru, and at the School of the Americas between 1987 and 1991.” Indeed, in-depth research and testimony from torture survivors relay more than just a depiction of torture practiced by SOA graduates in South America during dictatorship eras, such as Chile under Pinochet. Sadistic torture practiced upon detainees at Abu Ghraib is also reflective of the CIA torture manuals and torture previously carried out on detainees in South America. Since 2000 and the renaming of the SOA, other crimes linked to SOA graduates have come to light.

    Col. Byron Lima Estrada was convicted in June 2001 of murdering Guatemalan Bishop Juan Jose Gerardi following the publication of a report insisting the Guatemalan army was responsible for the murder of almost 200,000 people in the civil war that took place from 1960 to 1996.

    Two SOA graduates, Venezuelan Army Commander in Chief Efrain Vasquez and Gen. Ramirez Poveda, were involved in the failed 2002 coup against President Hugo Chávez. According to SOA Watch, Otto Reich, then-assistant secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs, was “appointed as a WHINSEC board of visitor member to ‘oversee’ democracy and human rights curriculum, as well as operations at the school.” Reich was also deeply involved in the planning of the coup against Chávez.

    In 1999, Bolivian Captain Filiman Rodriguez had been found responsible for the kidnapping and torture of Waldo Albarracin, director of the Bolivian Popular Assembly of Human Rights. In 2002, Rodriguez was accepted for a 49-week officer training course at WHINSEC.

    In May 2014, a detailed report by the Fellowship of Reconciliation and Colombia-Europe-U.S. Human Rights Observatory highlighted U.S. military assistance to Colombia between 2000 and 2010. According to the report, which studies extrajudicial killings committed by the Colombian Army Brigades, U.S. intelligence assistance to Colombia “supported units that had adopted a strategy conducive to extrajudicial killings.”

    Colombia requires its officers to undergo training at WHINSEC. The 2014 report states that out of 25 Colombian graduates from 2001 to 2003, 12 had either been charged with “a serious crime or commanded units whose members had reportedly committed multiple extrajudicial killings.”

    It should be remembered that Plan Colombia, signed by U.S. President Bill Clinton, was translated into “moral and political support” by Colombian Gen. Mario Montoya. Between 2000 and 2010, U.S. assistance was considered a factor which influenced the staggering total of 5,673 extrajudicial killings — all of which occurred with impunity, lack of judicial mechanisms, rewards for the murders and the role of national leaders such as Montoya providing a safety net for those complicit in the atrocities. http://www.soaw.org/home/

  12. But this is a foreign policy issue that should be taken up with the Secretary of State of US. Did this mean we have an obligation to accept then? Not so sure…

  13. From all the stuff that the US has done to destroy central and South America we as a country really kinda have an obligation to take in these people that are running for their lives cause all they know is violence and destruction and can't take it anymore

  14. No meaning full economy, no competent , reliable government or law enforcement, no reliable source of income , no guarante of peace. Thses are the reason why thses people are so desperate to come to the USA

  15. Thank Elliot Abrams and the neocons for this immigration mess in Latin America and Europe with their wars on communism and terror.

  16. Not a word in this video about the 40% most educated in the Americas who hoard all the land, wealth, political power and healthcare. Silence about the 40% scumbags who are the root cause for the 60% working poor, for all the gangs and most all the hunger and crime there is. Why is that? Is it not because the four speakers are of the educated and intelligent middle-class, of the 40% most educated and see no corruption in allowing those with more education to earn more income?

    Surely the least intelligent one billion humans are slowly starving to death, for only one reason, seven billion sinners refuse to feed them.

    For the purpose of planet earth is to reach the ultimate of the most evil thing, a fake morality where everyone enriches themselves upon the misery of those with less education, less wealth or less whiteness of skin.

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