US Violates Nuclear Non-Proliferation Obligations, Undermining Credibility With Iran and N. Korea – Everything Law and Order Blog

Trump administration officials deploy a basic lack of understanding and contradictory policies towards Iran and North Korea, despite dealing with a similar problem: nuclear proliferation. We discuss the issue with Phyllis Bennis and Tim Shorrock 

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By phillyfinest369


24 thoughts on “US Violates Nuclear Non-Proliferation Obligations, Undermining Credibility With Iran and N. Korea”
  1. I'm a bit disappointed Phyllis didn't contribute more in this interview. She is usually spot on and I value her much more than other fellow

  2. We have been at war with the Hawaiian regency for 128 years and we have never resolved our strange kind of illegal occupation of a sovereign neutral state. Grover Cleveland delared it to exist and there was never a peace treaty.

  3. Phyllis Bennis should be running the foreign policy establishment. Like how she corrected the record. Any contextualization to start with should include the illegal and continual historic assaults by the US on these two countries. Most dangerous is the US congresspeople and military establishment willing to war for Israel.

  4. The relationship between Iran and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is important given the presence of China's relationship with both.

  5. If Iran is unable to sell 1 million barrels of oil a day, every
    oil field in Saudi Arabia and UAE will surely go up in flames.

  6. The democrat elected government of Iran has been most successful in defeating terrorists that were created and funded by Empire USA, France, UK, Israel, Saudi Arabia, UAE and Qatar.

  7. Tim Shorrock seems to ignore the fact Trump has maintained hard death causing sanctions on DPRK while "praising" Trump for photo ops. There is not substance.

  8. Tim Shorrock seems to ignore the fact Trump has maintained hard death causing sanctions on DPRK while "praising" Trump for photo ops. There is not substance.

  9. We'll call for war against nuclear powers, we'll take it to provocative levels but we won't do crap to another country with nukes. This is why other countries need them because that mutual destruction is a powerful concept even to crazy people.

  10. I started not to comment on this video because; how do you try to assess what is unassailable. Give the moron credit for normalizing relations with North Korea when his grade school tweets destabilized relations with North Korea; kudos blunder boy. The man is forcing alliances between countries like Syria, Iran, North Korea and Venezuela; the US Dollar is being used as a weapon to create mass destruction. Now the UK has decided it doesn't have enough problems so they have seized an Iranian oil tanker. The riots in Hong Kong; I'm sure China knows who funds the NGO's that are backing the protesters. I wonder did Russia get the memo that we've been cyber-attacking their electrical grid. TRNN has interviewed people that have knowledge of Iran/US war-games; I believe they were called millennial. Seems like I've heard about those war-games and if I recall correctly they had to be rigged to get the results they wanted. Rigging is par for the course though in the last stages of Finance Capitalism and so is having a racist, psychopath tasked with trying to save it. When our fearless leader doesn't know there weren't airports during the 1776 War; Houston we have a problem. If Mr. tough guy brags about not going to fight in a war that didn't make sense and he's sending soldiers in harms way to fight in a war of his design that doesn't make sense; we've reached the point of absolute contradiction. We are in a climate emergency; our economic model could collapse at any moment from a German Bank that committed fraud on a massive scale that oh by the way our petty crook leader was involved in up to his eye-balls. Lets just keep pretending and extending what we know is inevitable; this present set of living arrangements is unsustainable.

  11. And Tulsi Gabbard is the only US presidential candidate warning about this situation and to make the risk of nuclear arms race and nuclear war one of the central issues of her campaign.

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