German Bank Closes Account of Jewish Voices for Peace Over BDS Support – Everything Law and Order Blog

Shir Hever discusses the bank’s decision to close Jewish Voice for a Just Peace in the Middle East’s bank account. This is the second time since Hitler that a Jewish account was closed, this time because of pressure from Israel to block the boycott and divestment movement.

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By phillyfinest369


42 thoughts on “German Bank Closes Account of Jewish Voices for Peace Over BDS Support”
  1. I always said that the world should not have forgiven the germans for at least 7 generation.
    The Fascism and the uberalles is in their blood and gen.

  2. Big mistake by the Bank.
    Jewish Voice for Peace is on of the few genuine Organizations which is fighting for peace between Israel and Palestine.

  3. NEW LAW
    To bring permanent peace to the Israel-Palestine Class War, every Israeli enjoying a luxury life, is hereby evicted from the Promised Land.

  4. I am black, but comely, O ye daughters of Jerusalem, as the tents of Kedar, as the curtains of Solomon Song of Solomon 1:5 KJV
    🤔Salomon was a black man.

  5. A timely report. The German constitution explicitly declares freedom of expression to be inviolable. It contains no exception in the case of Jews. Yet here we see and not for the first time a public action to silence Jews as well as to restrict their freedom of commerce, activity also guaranteed by the constitution. Dissent that challenges official state policy is being criminalised, and Jews are once again finding themselves subject to draconian measures designed to bring them under a type of uniform control. Thank you, Real News and Shir Hever, for bringing the matter to our attention.

  6. My favorite argument: The Constitution! Are you a signatory or party to this document? All this argument does is make the court feel a little uncomfortable telling you why you (or anybody for that matter) have no standing. Case closed!

  7. One thousand acts of Violent purges against dual-Israeli citizens living in New York & Florida and the San Fernando Valley deserve a hundred million dollar grant.

  8. Germans calling Jews antisemitic. For condemning Israel's crimes. My (Jewish) head explodes. I guess Germany would call me antisemitic, too. I'm almost 70. WWII is not ancient history for me. My anger is off the scale. What is wrong with Germany?

  9. I’ve been recently sharing BDS tweets and have a Palestinian profile flag, which got me 2-3 Israel’s telling me I was Anti Semitic etc, when I explained that ‘Jews for Peace’ and ‘Jews Boycotting Israeli Goods( J-BIG) were ALL Jews that also were against Israel’s oppression etc etc. Then they changed from calling me Anti Semitic’ and referred to me as a Racist instead, I managed to out argue them with irrefutable proof of Israeli abuses, and that it is an illegitimate State as it was imposed on the people ALREADY living their, which was internationally known as Palestine prior to end of WW2.

  10. So, when he brought up the bible you might have told him that anecdotes of primitive authoritarians (at best) can't be used on the "real news" network…

  11. Since when can a bank tell you what you can and cannot believe politically? Of course, the Israeli lobby is behind this bank closing the JVP account because they support Palestinian rights and the BDS movement. The question is why has the bank given in? The Israeli government is going after anyone who supports the BDS movement. Western governments that go along with the Israeli government in suppressing those who support the BDS movement are betraying their own citizens constitutional rights of free speech.

    Western governments have gone rogue. They no longer govern for the people, in fact what they are doing is not governing. They sold their countries soul and it's rights and freedoms to the neoliberal/corporate/military elite a long time ago. It is these deep state neocon elites, domestically and globally that are in charge. Our Western governments are their mouthpieces. If your are not part of and benefiting from, as most people aren't, this authoritarian, wealth expropriating group, then you are surely its victim. Your government is, constantly manipulating and lying to you, to make sure that you are not aware that you are in fact their number one victim.

    They have pulled out all the stops and are now ready to go for the the domestic and global domination that they have planned and been lusting for since the end of WW11!

  12. What the Zionist government is doing is dangerous because if they call everyone antisemitic you can't see the real antisemitic people.

  13. I don't know how BDS can be considered anti-semetic. 1) its against a country. 2) a VERY powerful country (lots of guns, bombs, powrful military, and even more powerful allies) 3) we are SUPPOSED to criticise POWER in a civilized world 4) right wing Israel is committing a cultural genocide on the palestines (completely wiping their future out, their identity and culture). BDS seems like the softest form of protest anyone can do given these circumstances.

  14. An antiisemetic person used to be someone who does not like Jews.
    Now it is someone Jews dont like. What a joke.

  15. I didn't know I belonged to any ethnicity. When I was a young woman of 19yrs I learned I was a descendant of Phinehas the Jewish High Priest to whom Almighty God promised there would always be descendants of Phinehas as High Priest to time indefinite Numbers 25:I0-13. My Elohim told me through a chosen messenger to make known what I have come to know about the birth of my Jewish Messiah. No one to date will listen to what my Elohim told me to make known to very important people.  However I was told I would find someone and am searching for a person who will assist me in proving all things.

    Almighty God has taught me from scripture how to know his relationship with Jewish people from Jacob and Jewish people from Moses whose wife was called Zipporah and was an Arabian. Also Keturah was Abraham's Arabian wife whom he married after Sarah died and their progeny were named Sheba and Dedan Genesis 25:1-3. They were prophesied to be dwelling together in security when Gog came from the remotest part of the earth to get great wealth and spoil Ezekiel 38:13-15. Gog came onto the land of Israel by the Balfour declaration in 1948 and judgment is awaiting this action.  

    Moses married Zipporah who was an Arabian daughter of Jethro being descendants of the Kenite Priest of Midian. Zipporah's brother was part of the Israel of God also if you read Numbers 10:29-33 you will see Hobab the Arabian was given land for being guide through the wilderness for 40yrs Judges 1:16. Moses sons were called Gershom and Eliezer and are the tribe of Levi. Their descendants were chieftains over the stores and things made holy to God the Almighty during the reign of King David 1st Chronicles 26:24-26.  

    This is the easy way to identify the true Jew. The true Jew who is in a covenant to dwell upon the land of Israel, whether Arabian or from the other tribes of Judah will keep God's Commandments. The Jew who loves others as self and who keeps the commandments given to Moses will be blessed for he or she is obeying the God of the Sacred covenants of Jews both Arabian Jews and Israelite Jews.  

    Even then Israel came from Chaldea being today's Syria if you read Deuteronomy 26:4;5 you will see the whole Jewish nation were commanded to ask for blessings as Syrians by Abraham and Jacob's parentage. If you look you will see that when zionists who shout about anti-Semitism want to war with Syria they are killing the covenant people because Israel are of Syrian Origen. Even if this were not true any Jew who wants to kill, steal, commit adultery, bear false witness and, or covet land and, or possessions of others is apostate and vengeance will be great upon an apostate people.

    The people claiming to be Jewish who does the will of Satan by Lying, Stealing, Bearing false witness and coveting will receive recompense according to the way he has done to others it will come upon His or Her. own head in the judgment. That day is so close. Read please Ezekiel 14:14-18 showing even if Noah, Daniel and Job were in the midst of the land they would deliver their own soul due to their righteousness but neither son nor daughter would be saved by the obedience of their fathers. According to their ways they will be judged. As for Israel today those sighing and groaning over the bloodshed in that land will be marked for survival when our Messiah comes to judge and redeem mankind.. Ezekiel 9:4; But for those calling themselves Jews who commit crime against others Ezekiel 9:9,10 foretells their way shall certainly be brought in retribut upon their own head."

  16. The criticism of negative, Israeli governmental policies, towards Palestinians, does not equal the propagation, of racist stereotypes against Jews. Period.

  17. In America, they are literally withholding emergency aid to Texas families unless they sign paper stating they will not boycott Israel. Huh?

  18. Funny how the Zionists can't scream out anti-semetic on this one! Oh wait..they are!! OMG how insane. Manipulative lying tricksters..

  19. The Jewish Voice for Peace neither Jewish or peaceful.It is a collection of antisemitic Jews and pro Arab Jew haters. It doesn't represent Jewish values or peaceful solutions to the conflict in the ME between Arabs and Jews. It supports BDS a organization that promotes economic terrorism against Israel. Ultimately it aims to undermine Israel's right to Jewish self determination in the land of its ancestors.
    So all due respect to the German government.

  20. If demanding human rights and the fair treatment of the Palestinians in Israel is anti-Semitic, well then call me anti-Semitic. But the fact is that the far right wing government of Israel and the terrible people that buy into the propaganda being spread by them and the equally destructive right wing government of the USA are perpetuating the evil that was done to the Jewish people in WW2 Nazi Germany, only now it is the horrific treatment of the Palestinians in Israel by the Jewish people. So, someone please tell me what in hell is the difference between the two!!!!!! What a sick f–king world we are currently living in!

  21. Anti-BDS in Germany is a very fascinating thing, the Anti-BDS bill was introduced into PArliament without any meaningful prior announcement just 3 days before voting on it. Interestingly it was pushed for by AFD the "Alternative for Germany" it's bas is right, far right and predominantly citizens concerned for the welfare of their country and children in the face of population growth by immigration of 10% in 6 years… (US has no immigration problem compared to that)… and there are many legit concerns arising like integration into language and culture and other things like social security (which is how it should be in US, well not exactly, it should be even more just and fair and better^^) Don't get me wrong here… there is the base and there is party leaders different thing… So for a long time since AfD had several initiatives that can not be placed into the right or even far right corner did I refuse to call them far right… until the Anti-BDS bill… WHY? hmmmm… would a party really concerned with the welfare of their own people support open fascist governments like the government of Israel in it's oppression and genocide… ??? No it wouldn't,,, … ,,, So basicly I had given them a lot of slack since in EU especially Germany there is areal immigratio crisis, mainly as result of continues US airstrikes and drone attacks in Middle East and Africa ,,,, and along comes AfD "prooving" that they are not far right by giving the fascist right wing Government of ISrael a free pass on genocide… … … …. ….. …… ……. …….. ……..
    Do you have eyes to see? penetrating layers of smoke screens and deceptions?
    Let me repeat it… by introducing and pushing this bill AfD has made it clear to stand against antisemitism on the outside while destroying free speech in Germany and supporting a fascist and genocidal government in their war efforts against the Palestinian people…
    Make your picture and take your own guess about the underlying motivation… either it is selfishness out of fear over public and judicinal image harming free speech and their own citizen for their own gain… or support of openly fascist right wing governments… or a mixture… or maybe something else and your invited to take a guess in the reply section…

    However that for me was the day I started calling them a far right party despite the fact that most actual supporters are just normal people how do not want to see Germany go bankrupt… as I indicated above there too are right wingers and the far right in support of AfD but evven together they are a outnumbered by normal people… and well than there is the payed for y industry leader ship…

    Divide and Conquer was old when the Roman Republic was young … o you see it?

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