Morsi’s Death Represents the Demise of Hope for Democracy in Egypt – Everything Law and Order Blog

Professor Seif Da’na discusses the circumstances under which former Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi collapsed and died and the Egyptian government’s fear of an uprising

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By phillyfinest369


26 thoughts on “Morsi’s Death Represents the Demise of Hope for Democracy in Egypt”
  1. .. demise of democracy??? Maybe demise of cult of killing, gang-raping, destroying all free, non-religious, non-islamist, secular, atheist, scientific, cultural, true…

  2. Criminals ruling good people standing by doing nothing are not good people anymore they are participators. Evil in so many countries, holding power when evil should be destroyed taken down and they are everywhere staggering. Almost everybody is evil because they fear death and evil holds them in bondage with fear the losers, I would rather die trying to remove the demons than live under these criminals.

  3. His coordination with Hamas is NOT a phoney accusation. Maybe the man speaking wasn't watching the Hamas and Ekhwan rallies where Mursi and his Hamas friends were saying they were "one" and were going to make a new state stretching from Maghreb to Iran. Evidence even on YouTube.

  4. Are you for real?….you want to give democracy for Muslim brotherhoods which has a long violent history all over the world ….

  5. One thing not detected and investigated and prosecuted for trial is, — who increases their salary by tens times as much wrung from Parliaments and National Assemblies when coups are carried out. Money that disguises itself as fees, representation moneys, and the artful talents of some of these miltiary and right wing leaders to feel out the weak moments where they can squeeze out more money from their class supporters and the tax payer. Millions of dollars in claim damages for the votes alleged to have been cheated during the count off are just another way of stealing the public fund, but as long as it weakens the opposition, it is considered politics. Do this in the neighborhood, the same action is theft and a crime with the punishment of imprisonment. Murder is forgiven at the high levels of governments, to kill a lot of people is public policy, to kill one person is a capitol crime.

    The other thing right wing opposition groups carry out as a strategy for a successful overthrow or take over of power from a person they do not like is to jail them by means of a tagging a false crime or find in the crime they committed an offense warranting imprisonment. This was done to Morsi and the Lulu deSilva of Brazil. It would have been done to Puidgedemont of Catalonia if he was not in exile, Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning, and many more where there are right wing authoritarian elements gearing up to take power and then through an appropriation of Public Funds the judicial system, law enforcement and the military, form the three pillars of the right wing phenomena people are calling fascism in this century. 

    The population protesting and demonstrating are really outside of the franchise even though they pay the tax to run the franchise the coup participants expropriate for themselves and allies. The old saying, showing me your friends and I will tell you who you are, applies to the right wing. When they are in power the spending of the Public Fund is non-stop and this is to keep the popualtion doing what it always does the majority of its time, working and replenishing the tax fund, keeps the masses busy and out of politics while the Public Funds spent on lavish living and military might can go on behind the scenes.

  6. Untreated diabetes in an Egyptian jail is not a recipe for a long life, particularly in a region where dispensing inhumane cruelty is par for most of the ruling establishments, to the point of being an untreatable disease and an endemic way of life.

  7. The fifth president of the Arab Republic of Egypt is dead. So many people died and continued to die after Mubarak was overthrown. What a tragedy. O want a seperation of church and state. Despite Morsi's actions any roots that could have sprouted for a more secular Egypt died with him. Maybe taking power for the Brotherhood and away from the army could have removed the power of the military from government to begin with. It would have still been a civilian government. Then from then there could have been a path forward. Things don't start perfectly. Not within a year to say the least. Now it's back to normal. 6,000 years and Egyptians from indigenous to Arab still don't get to choose their leaders.

  8. The Muslim Brotherhood is a terrorist group. This is the same group that orchestrated the Sunni uprisings in Syria, spouting of lies about democracy while allying with Al Nusra.

  9. It was criminal the way the US did not support the Arab Spring in favour of keeping the anti-democratic forces of Saudi Arabia/USA/Israel in control of the Middle East. In the case of Egypt, it is more extreme in the way the US supported the military coup with Sissi illegally taken power leaving Eygpt worse of than under the Mubarak regime.

  10. Thank you to The Real News to give a major global news story its due. While the corporate "journalists", more like government stenograhpers ignore the imprisonment or killing or anyone the US -based Empire decides doesn't fit into their plans for global domination. Marc Steiner is a great resource for the progressive news, his engagement is so much more inviting than stone-faced P. Jay.

  11. Sadly the West is playing a game of the blind. No one cares about Egypt except the Egyptians. 30 million of them walked the streets in protest of his presidency. They asked the army to intervene. The west would not remember what happened on that day, and they call it a military coup. Egypt is big enough not let its fate be decided by foreigners who either don’t understand anything about what was happening, or those who wanted the collapse of Egypt.

  12. Fast tracking to burial is questionable. May GOD avenge him, as one would do all his servants. Karma, will come around, if even not in the expected form, we will recognize it. RIP!

  13. It's a real shame that Egypt ended up back where they started with a military strongman exercising authoritarian control over the nation. Thousands of secular Egyptians are also in prison and have been subjected to horrific treatment for their desire for democracy.

  14. Egypt is the second largest recipient of U.S. aid after Israel. $79 billion between 1946- 2017, with $1.38 billion for 2018. The Republican and “Democratic “ parties have blood on their hands,but I’m sure the viewers of this channel already know that.

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